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Posts posted by (PSN)GrandElderDragon

  1. No, not really. Helmet nice but still generally the same with different color patterns. I know more can be done. Just look at all the skins for nidus and octavia. For nidus he was completely changed with the phryke and night hunter skin. Octavia was significantly changed with the maestra skin. To get my plat the skin needs to significantly change them. Like tennogen 16. Some of those are good, but the new garuda skin just seems like a slight variation with a different color scheme. So i'm hoping for a fairie skin for Titania.

  2. I would love it if someone made a tennogen of Titania that makes her look like a faerie and not bug like like all the rest of her skins and helmets. I would do it myself but have no skill or knowledge on how to make a tennogen skin. The faerie skin i think of would be similiar like tinkerbell from peter pan or like tinkerbell body but with glowing ephemeral clothes flowing easily in the wind. The head would be humanoid in appearance with what looks like flowing hair and black eyes set in a somewhat feminine but menacing looking face.

  3. I recently made three Christmas fashion frames of Valkyr Prime, Revenant, and Nidus with the Phryke skin and thought i would share them. I would like to see other peoples Christmas frames.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T_h9gN0ah4o3z5X7aRgqTf4KXhbGemlv/view?usp=drivesdk    and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i9R3p-QApHAYPzwXBYQ18mq4_0XegtQC/view?usp=drivesdk     https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xpZiqcvc6dVCqUjuduCe1EM168lvKk48/view?usp=drivesdk   sorry adding the links is the only way i know how to share my pictures.

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