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Posts posted by Bronze_Pleb

  1. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    This is extremely stupid. Instead of fixing an inherent problem with Excalibur Umbra, let's just add another band-aid augment. Brilliant. 

    You should be asking for them to fix him, this would be a much better feedback.

    Oke, pls fix DE. On a serious note you're right this should be a fix for him and not a band-aid mod i agree.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

    Ah I figured it would be an copy of the augment while also diabling the passive kind of like Titania's mod.  Something like "Chromatic blade" and "Nomadic Blade" (lets operator be nomadic while Excalibro sits in the corner like a proper emo) 

    Exilus would be great too though.

    Oh yeah that would be neato too

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

    I don't use excalibur much, but I assume most builds use chromatic blade so maybe it can be a passive mod that emulate that augment? (just trying to save mod space here)

    That would be nice too, but then people would complain about not having the passive while using the augment, i would be fine with this however but adding it to the exilus does the seem the correct choice.

  4. Seeing how they've added new augments to remove the passives of some warframes i would love to see an augment for excalibur where we remove his specter passive, in his current state he feels tedious to play. Let me explain, every time you use your 4 and go into your operator for the utility he offers such as movement, healing, energy... he sheathes his sword and you must cast it again. Buffs like vazarin's dash don't apply to your excalibur they apply to the specter version so you the player doesn't get the benefit of it. 
    His passive has purpose no doubt, but for regular play i would definitely mod this in. And if a man can dream i would love for the mod to include handspring aswell.


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  5. 1 minute ago, Krankbert said:

    Not knowing anyone who doesn't have one, I'll take the OP's word for it. If it's not true, the appropriate response still isn't "why would you complain about that".

    I've played with multiple friends that didn't have a railjack but not for long sessions, since the revised update we decided to grind the weapons together until he reached the limit of wreckage and wouldn't let him play the content.


    3 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Is that a thing?

    OP, this is the reason you're upset about this whole scrapping thing? I couldn't figure out why the hell you wanted to do that, but if reaching the scrap limit won't let you play railjack anymore, I completely understand.

    Edit: put this post in Feedback, with more emphasis on the part when you get locked out of railjack missions.

    I'm completely new to the forums how do i "move" the post to feedback, thanks

    • Like 1

    3 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    So, let me try To understand:

    People who do not own a railjack, or for other reasons, decided to not bother with railjack, now complain about not being able to interact with elements of the game that REQUIRE you to have the very thing you refuse to have?


    Interact with the elements of the game? He cannot play the activity lol, you people amuse me really, also they advertised this btw they said we wouldn't need multiple railjacks

    • Like 2
  7. I hope it is an oversight and not intended, for the meantime we will work towards a new ship but it would be appreciated of DE if they fixed such a big barrier for newer players.

    Also the option to scrap has appeared to him when entering a railjack mission but it remained locked, it's not like we get anything good for scrapping anyway.

  8. Every time i log into warframe it's a phobos survival with the same tileset or the classic grineer uranus interception where one part of the map doesn't even get enemies. Why can't i just make any mission in the game a fissure, this game always has an issue with not letting you play the content you want. I log in " Oh i fancy some eidolon hunts" oh well to bad you just missed the cycle, "hmm that's fine maybe the arbitration is good" proceeds to get a infested survival, "sigh MAYBE there is a good fissure", you know how that goes...sometimes there isn't even an endless fissure.

    This game lacks content and incentive like crazy but when i do get the mood to play you just slap me back to another game. Make a consumable or smth that turns any mission in the game to a fissure, and change arbitrations to offer 1 of each gamemode each reset. 

    • Like 3
  9. Me and my friend did a normal sabotage but one of the consoles once hacked did not start the defence part of the mission, making it so it was unable to complete. We did not do anything weird so to speak, this happened after many runs of the mission so i doubt it affected many players.

    The video is just 40 seconds of the bug at hand, hope the info helps in some way.

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