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Posts posted by (PSN)oblivion_13test

  1. 23 hours ago, AegisSiege said:

    Right now, we only have 1 mission type, Kill everything. Currently Archwings are squishy, and slow compared to fighters. A rework will be very nice, as we could and/or want to use them for something else other then just flying over to a crewship.
    We don't know what Railjack mission types will look like, but having a few where Archwings play a larger role then transportation would be cool.

    With amesha you can kill fighters easily why not just make all of the existing archwings viable rather than a complete overhaul with modular archwing parts. I have noticed if the captian has a good railjack they can easily deal with all the fighters and if they know what they are doing can take out the crewships too. It's actually more fun to play archwing with less experienced captins who have less advanced ships then there is more to do. It just seems the only way to justify a full rework would to be adding new enemy types so archwing would have more to do. If you had several archwing grineer and enemy drones that archwing could attack with archgun and archmelee that might be fun.

  2. Archwings play such a small roll in the current state of railjack I am not sure a complete rework is necessary. If they added some grineer archwing enemies then it might be worth it. Do we really need new archwings to fly over to crewships and take out a few fighters here and there? Will the player be expected to farm and level new modular parts? I have already farmed and leveled 5 archwings now they want to add more why not just enhance the ones we already have. Unless they expand the roll of archwing in railjack it seems like DE and player time could be spent doing better things.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    And sometime syou have to return to the Orbiter for it to update.

    I had my guns stay at Rank 0 in the Dojo after returning from a RJ mission, but they went to their leveled up states when I went to the Orbiter.

    I checked for rewards in the orbiter and then went to my dry dock and checked. So I am saying if you leave the mission any time before the captian either goes to another mission or the dry dock you don't get intrinsics, wreckage parts, avionics, or resources. The point is after the objectives are done people should be free to do what they want they could stay and farm or leave right away with rewards.

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I was held hostage once by a guy insisting on farming every last crumb of Titanium. can't say I blame him, but when your farm is inconveniencing others, that's not good. some very light persuasion (flying around him shooting constantly, in a manner that says "I'm not gonna stop, take us to the dock please") got through in the end, but it can be an issue.

    most of the time though, people head back after one or two missions anyway because if you do more than 2, there's a chance it could glitch and you can't move anywhere in a 3rd mission, making it impossible to complete. yes, this is actually a thing, and we've been dealing with it since before Christmas. DE needs to hold off on Nightwave season 3 and get those fixes to us first, but they already confirmed the won't do that...


    The thing is unless your captain was farming Titanium on the first node of earth he was wasting time because there is far more titanium on earth than anywhere on Saturn or the Vail. The captins I have been dealing with are not even farming they just sit there and do nothing the ship does not even move and no communication for over 15 minutes before I left. With the wait time and game time it was well over and hour of wasted time.

  5. 3 minutes ago, puciate said:

    You get mission abort, meaning you want to leave session - then you receive pop-up saying all your progress will be saved. And it is saved. I know there is an ui bug showing no loot, but in my experience it works for affinity and rewards are added to my inventory.

    It works pretty much the same as Fortuna or PoE.

    Did they change this in the PC patch? I know for a fact after aborting long after the mission was over twice yesterday I received no rewards and no intrinsics.

  6. When the missions objectives are complete the mission needs to end right then and there. Not when the captain decides to go to the next mission or dojo. I checked the update notes to see if this has changed and did not see anything. So as it stands the crew is stuck at the whims of the captain. With all objectives complete and time invested the captain can now hold the crew hostage. They can sit and do nothing for as long as they desire the crew has to sit and wait or abort and lose rewards. Had this happen on two missions in a row yesterday and many missions before that. I am sure this captain troll will only get worse causing players countless hours of wasted time and lost rewards. I have a feeling this will never get changed since still after all these years a player can still not leave a survival mission with rewards. Giving players/host controll over other players rewards is never a good idea.

  7. I love this game but in my opinion it has never been anywhere near one of the best combat games. I would compare it to putting on full body armor and grabbing a rocket launcher to go out in the backyard and kill ants. You need to beat something powerful in order to feel powerful. Solo tri caps are the only thing close to a challenge in this game. The way the difficulity in the game works is one second you are at full health/sheilds/armor the next you are flat on your back wondering what hit you not much combat in that. Don't get me wrong at this point with so many resources to grind the last thing the game needs is challenging combat although at some point it would be nice to have some new enemies in a new area that truly put your skills to the test. It would be nice to have enemies that have good AI and can move like warframes in an area you could put parkour skills to use with a different damage model where actual combat could take place. I also think there was a huge opportunity missed with the k drive it could have been fun to at least melee from it. There could have had enemies on hovercrafts chasing you around doing battle, new exciting game modes, death races PVE or even PVP. But look at the bright side we got floofs.


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  8. For me it's the most fun thing in the game since eidolon hunting and it's perhaps a bit more accessible than eidolons. At the end of the day space ninjas need some things to do in space and once fixed we have a good foundation for things to come. 

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  9. I just scrapped a reactor picked up in the vail with a 15 yes 15 avionics capicaty the fricken base model has 30 why are these even in the drop table. Out of all the issues with railjack this has to be the number one problem. I would also like to know what would players reccommend the bare minimum avionocs capicaty of a reactor be to use your ship in the vail? The highest I have now is a 54 and yes I've had two vidar drops both were absolute garbage.

  10. I can understand why a company should not monetize PVP giving people who are willing to spend an advantage going head to head against other players is really not a good idea. For co op and PVE who cares. The only people "winning" playing video games are pro gamers and content creators/streamers that can get paid IRL for playing. For us mere mortals it is just a fun way to entertain ourselves. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Kyronz said:

    should have stocked up on the pay to play item that ignores resources while it was for sale.    It's existence on the market was indefensible so that was an easy removal to see coming,  bet DE profited very well while they could keep it on the market.

                                                       So it's indefensible that DE make a profit? God forbid some one pay anything to play warframe to help support and grow the game after all I am sure DE employes work for free. I would argue that a persons time is just as important if not more important than their money. I bought the rush repair drones and am really glad I did because I don't want to spend my time farming materials for hours on end. I honestly wish they would keep the rapair drones on the market and they would monetize more of the game, grow the company hire more staff. I won't judge anyone for how they want to play warframe but the people who want to play free and criticize people that don't mind spending money on the game need to understand no money no game. Now when is that 100 avionics vidar reactor hitting the market?

  12. The grind might be getting overwhelming even for vets. I can't see how any new player once they understand the farming mountain they must climb does not uninstall the game and never look back. At this point I am having fun playing the railjack missions so I will continue but I know full well if I want the ideal railjack setup and all intrinsics leveled its going to be very unfun getting there. There is a severe balance issue of grind vs fun in this game it needs to be addressed and should be the top priority.

  13.                             The Amesha and cyngas are fine how they are. People including myself die all the time using the Amesha so it is not always immune to enemy attacks. You need at least one viable archwing or the whole team is stuck on the ship pissing off the captian by "wasting" side gun ammo. Two on the ship and two running archwing is the perfect setup. It's important to remember the missions need to be fun for the whole team not just the ship captain. 

  14. Best to use Ivara she can pickpocket condrocs so that doubles your chance of getting a drop. When I encounter a group of three I rarely don't get at least one drop. Plus in prowl mode you are invisible so you don't scare them off and they are easy to kill. The most consistent spawn of three I have found is out by ER-PHRYAH'S VIGIL. Head down to the sandy area toward the windmill in the sea. Sometimes they are in the light colored sand leading to the beach or close to the tent if not head South along the beach you will see some large rocks near the water just north of where the red shark is beached they are most often there if not look up on the hill near the barrier. I usually go out there right away then back to the Cetus entrance and give a quick look for the ones that spawn around there those ones seem to spawn less often and I have got drops from them using Ivara. Then back into Cetus for a reset rinse and repeat.


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