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Posts posted by Rizoa

  1. "Shotguns as a special case means we have buffed the Status Chance of all Shotguns by x3 or greater"

    You forgot the Astilla. There's no reason it shouldn't get the same buff as pellet based shotguns. If anything, with the change to its explosion, it should be in the "or greater" category since it's going to rely on those multiprocs to do damage.

    Don't leave slug based shottys in the dust.

  2. Also, as a limbo main, It's a meme. People usually hate when I roll up as limbo, and then thank me when we're done with whatever mission we're doing.

    If you play limbo right, he can bring out the best in your team.

    Or you can be boring and cata/stasis, and play border patrol.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Emperrier said:

    What's wrong with Limbo is that DE took a frame with a reputation as a meme, and reworked it into something cool and unique. But then some insufferable aspects of the fanbase continued to push the same meme, which led DE to pare Limbo's cooler aspects down, trying to appease them. Which didn't work, because it's a meme. So Limbo still has the vocal hatred from a certain segment of the players, and also he's boring and weak.

    What cooler aspects did they pare down after they fixed him?

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