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Posts posted by youra2

  1. Okay okay I'll actually answer.


    Gorgon: High sustained dps. Good base damage. Long wind up, but shoots pretty fast at its peak. Very slow reload. Uses normal bullets, so has no armor ignore. Low crit chance. Low crit damage. Extremely bad accuracy.


    Soma: High sustained dps. Very low base damage. Much faster wind up than Gorgon. Faster reload speed. No armor ignore. But....VERY high crit chance and VERY high crit damage. Extremely high accuracy.


    On paper they both seem viable. But Soma destroys Gorgon due to its far better accuracy and extremely high crit chance/damage. Any mods you put on Soma damage-wise end up doing even more damage than Gorgon simply because the extremely high crit chance and damage multiplies it even more.


    Frankly, all you need for Soma to be powerful early game is crit based mods and armor piercing. You wont even need elementals or Serration until later. Gorgon however...not so much. You have to fill it to the brim with mods for it to match Soma's high crit based damage.


    aight, thx


    It took me over 1000 posts...but I finally Tenno'd someone.


    Feels good.

    wat >:

  2. Just came back to warframe from pretty much a whole year break (and god, it's still in beta?!).

    Just got a simple question:

    wich of the 2 guns (gorgon - soma) is the best AND WHY?

    thanks :D

  3. Hey, I just came back after probably a year break (I started in the fery first few days of the closed beta) and I just bought Amphis blueprints.

    Now when I go to foundry I have all my stuff I need except for the blueprint? (it's marked with an X) even tho I just bought it.


  4. I see alot people talking about other swords then in the market , can anybody give me like a table or so that tells me where I can find em?

    I already looked at a thread that gave the drops , also wikia , but people say they aren't like that in the newer patches

  5. Hello , today at 23 pm (GMT +1) I bought the founder package for 16€ (cheapest one) by Mobile.

    I already had my account activated cuz I received a beta key from a friend.

    now I got no E-mail received or anything like that!!

    I did not even receive my points , only acces to forums it seems!!

    HELLOO I PAID 16€ !!!???

    for admins : ticket #911 (haha...)

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