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Posts posted by Sycokinetic

  1. Did you read the Weapon spotlight? If not, I'd appreciate if you did and let me know what you think.

    Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't notice the link.


    And kudos for answering me before I asked. Without having fleshed out an example of such a "refined version of the mod system," it appears that such a system would actually be unable to answer my own question. It'd be too similar to your own to justify keeping weapon modifications in the form of mods as opposed to your attachments, particularly considering your attachments align so much more intuitively with needed weapon-specific items.


    My only comment left is that, when bringing in systems similar to other games (such as skill trees and weapon attachments), one must take care not to create just another shooter. Of course, such systems are common because they actually work; but it is important to make sure the new system sands out from from the rest. I worry that a mistake in implementation could result in Warframe's metagame becoming typical. That being said, typical is superior to broken; so I most definitely say yours is the correct one to follow. Even with the risk of a standard metagame, the acrobatic gameplay alone will offset that drastically. Thank you very much for your work. :)

  2. But your idea will end up as how the mods systems ends up. Sure, it does give a lot customization and choices to the players. But it will reach the state where everyone uses the same combo for melee, same cores for guns. There are only so much things in warframe. EG Slash DMG, Impact DMG and Puncture DMG, Elemental DMG. Soon enough, they will have to come up with dual stats core/barrel/whatever you suggested. Soon everyone who uses this 1 melee weapon will have the same skills/combos just because its op. Like how the mod systems works now. Soon everyone is gonna grind for their parts for guns too. Not much difference with the current mod systems at all.

    This is characteristic of just about every system and game, only, some systems are less problematic than others. There is an undeniable problem with warframe's current system: you cannot succeed without a specific set of mods. Every weapon is dependent on this set, as is every warframe. The intention is to create a system that recognizes the inevitability of nuke builds but allows for viable use of the other, more "fun" builds.


    Now... I will contend that I struggle to see a notable difference between weapon attachments and mods. Note that this is unique to firearms; the changes to warframes and melee are obvious and excellent in my opinion. However, I don't see how these weapon attachments differ other than aesthetically. Yes, you suggest getting blueprints for them; but that only adds time spent building them. It appears to me that the improvements from your attachments could be implemented via a refined version of the mod system that is unique to Warframe. 

  3. Warframe Nick: Sycokinetic

    Steam Userpage: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044038534/

    Age: 19


    What are your goals in Warframe? Honestly, I just enjoy the game. I don't have any "goals" in particular apart from just leveling gear, shooting things, and having F2P fun.


    How serious are you about Warframe? Uhhhhmmm, serious enough to be competent? As I said, I'm just enjoying myself. Incidentally I did end up staying up all night right before writing this. >.>;


    Do you have a headset/microphone? I have good headphones, and a rather crappy mic built into my laptop. It works, but it's not fancy.


    Why do you want to join Warfurs? A combination of having a furry group to dork around with, having more equipment available, and because my bf gave me a link to this thread.


    Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? Yes, YagoXiten got me here. :3

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