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Posts posted by Kelkha

  1. *claps*


    Not bad, an assault... or ambush on a Grineer cargo ship. I like the sound of it. It would certainly add a *little* more cooperation to Archwing.


    The timer, would also be good to force players to plan ahead, and not just *LEEROY JENKINNSSS* all the way through.


    Got my upvote!

  2. First time trying underwater tileset, shot by enemy caused fire proc.


    Me being smart, tried to get into the water to put out the fire, only to find out it made it worse... Greek fire?


    After leaving the water, realized the elemental fire FX and damage were still active, endlessly, doing damage.


    Had to kill myself to remove it. Got no screencaps, but I think it should be easy to track down the bug.

  3. Like the ones 8.1 users are stuck with? Many are upgrading just because they're tired of the same old bugs.


    What bugs? The only reason Win8 is a S#&$ty OS is because it was mainly developed for tablets, and then "ported" to desktops and laptops, in the time I have been using Win8, I never had any problems with it, except for the fact that some features it has are totally wrong for desktops, and it's a lot heavier than any other OS.


    There's no gamebreaking bugs in Win8. It has problems, but I can run any game perfectly without any hassle.

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