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Posts posted by locustofchiron

  1. 3 minutes ago, PrinceMeliodas said:

    I mean didnt the community whine 24/7 about railjack being to disconnected from the game, boring, repetitive etc? People wanted to whine about it and this is what we get. NOW YOU WHINE WHEN WE GET IT? Tf is wrong with the community? Can you never be fckn happy for once? They fckn listened to make Railjack Better and more connected. 

    The update notes go on and on about how "we wanted to make Railjack missions flow better!" when they flowed fine as is. Now there is no flow. now there's a screeching halt as the railjack content of a railjack mission is minimized in favor of doing the same stuff that's already in a regular mission. If connecting railjack missions to regular missions means removing the railjacks, then I'd rather it stay a content island.


    Even if you didn't want to build your own it was still worthwhile to grind out your intrinsics to do void proxima missions for the Pennant, the Quellor, and the Shedu, as well as access to one of the most efficient affinity farms in the game. That's all the connection it needs if you ask me.


    The update didn't make railjack any less of a content island, it took the railjack out of railjack and took away the best reward the game mode offered.

    • Like 21
  2. 2 minutes ago, Dexxik666 said:

    so basicaly ur logic: 

    company: Hey this car is amazing, it goes fast and works better than ever before!

    user: discovers that car cant move, engine is missing, wheels are falling off

    you: yea its good thing! Its your fault that its not working, company released that car just few minutes ago.

    For real mate? Realy?

    No, my logic is "Yes it's a new update but that doesn't absolve the developers of any blame for bugs on launch and poor QA"

    • Like 5
  3. The command intrinsic is a frustrating case of "so close yet so far". It's certainly a good start, but the crew members really need more functionality to really make Command a true solo/fill experience


    1. Gunners never use the Forward Artillery. This was my number 1 expectation, that I'd no longer have to run back and forth from the pilot seat to the artillery to take out crewships, but instead they stay glued in the turrets, which is fine to an extent but PLEASE let us give crew members with a high enough Gunner rating (lets say, I dunno, 4+?) an order to blast the artillery where you're aiming.


    2. Engineers don't use the forge: If you aren't going to let us prep munitions before a mission anymore, at least let us order our engineers to juice us up so we can actually use our railjack abilities


    Failing that, give the host priority on stations. I'm already sick of people stealing my pilot seat because they joined while I was in the derelict

    • Like 17
  4. Completely hate the new railjack missions.

    I can live with all the other changes, but I absolutely, positively, cannot stand the new missions structure


    If I'm choosing to play Railjack content, I want to use my Railjack! Forcing the entire group in to an away team for defense or extermination or what have you is the exact opposite of what I want to do when I make the choice to take my Railjack out of the hanger. You want an RJ Defense mission? then have us escort civilian craft! You want Exterminate missions? We already had one! It was called Gian Point!


    I was so excited for more railjack content, but with this update we have less

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