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Posts posted by Gloo

  1. From what I can see the Necro warframe is Fine, But it could use some adjustments 


    Soul punch, 

    "A blow so powerful, it turns the enemies very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path"


    From what I can tell this ability is "OK" at best. I would like it if Once a target was hit it would Blast out in a cone rather then a strait line and the target that was hit would do a small AOE.



    "Casts fear into the hearts of nearby enemies, causing them to run away in terror."


    The only thing wrong with this ability is that it doesn't affect "EVERYONE" around you.


    For example: I go and run into a crowd of enemy's use terrify only a good 6 units are affected... out of 10 (max lvl btw)  



    "Forces fallen enemies around you to drop additional loot."


    This ability is actually quite useful, Hear me out. It can not only support your team, but you as well with much needed energy for even heath orbs. which could come in handy in a high level/wave defense mission's.


    The only thing that I would fix about it is that it works 100% of the time not half the time on high lvl enemy's nor well it need to be "recasted"  (max level) and it would only cost 10 energy or even 25 energy, 50 seems a bit to much. 


    Shadows of the dead

    "Summons shadow versions of vanquished enemies to fight alongside you for a short period of time."


    This is one of those things that need an Adjustment.


    For one A small number counter in or under the box showing the ability would be nice

    (what I mean is that It would have a number counting the number of units in the ability's library.) 


    It would be really nice to know that you have units. So you don't throw yourself into a meat grinder and find out that

    "POWER NOT READY (have a nice day)"....



    • Shadow Shield Ospreys will shield all of your shadows but not Nekros or teammates.


    Why? ^


    I mean come on they should shield you.... and Shadow Ancient Healers should heal you....

    That is only logical... 



    Give it these Fix's I mean I don't see me using this warframe in a PVP battle since the only ability that works is soul punch.




    (It only needs adjustments)

  2. Here's the idea.



    There would be an alert and on the solar system map. We can actually see the ships moving around the solar map along with the pinging alert. 


    I could go so far to say that If a alert isn't dealt with that when the ships reach their destination that there is a full out war between factions. (They can be mini events)


    Planets being taken over and things changing around the works. 

  3. Soul punch is probably the best name for a power ever.


    Life drain seems like it could be really strong if mixed with the Equilibrium mod. Significant energy and health.


    Edit: And now life drain is gone? I think I liked that better than search the dead.


    How his 3rd skill is going to work? 

    It seems more like passive than active...



    I prefer life drain better, I mean It's more like a "necromancer" type of thing.    



    search the dead is better off as a mod.

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