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Posts posted by darkino

  1. "Intel shows a growing conflict that will begin on Gradivus in Mars. Expect it to spread. The Grineer are planning an operation against the Corpus lead by Sargas Ruk. Alad V of the Corpus has discovered a cache of Tenno in cryosleep and intends on exploiting them for his secret weapons project. The Grineer are outraged at this contract violation. They are using this as an excuse to invade Corpus space, enslave the local population, and grow their power."


    This states :

    1.Corpus have Tenno in cryosleep which is a violation of a contract.

    2.Grineer use this as an excuse to invade Mars region.


    This never , specifically, states that the cryopods are in Mars region .


    This can tell one thing : side with Grineer for actually no gain ( since there is no clear information on the location of the cryopods).


    Now, looking from a different point of view : (quote from  warframe.com )


    "Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other."


    This clears a very big misunderstanding :


    More specific, Tenno feel no moral obligation towards the civilians from Mars, only towards their fellow kin.


    To state it in a more story like way :


    "... save millions of our foe`s kin at the price of our own..... us , who are so very few.... "


    And our great guide , Lotus, truly knows this , yet she asks us to pick a side.


    So, at the end of the day , the actual dilemma is : what are we fighting for ?

    (quote from Triple X ) " ... politics, who`s politics???... Not ours."



    The information,("intelligence") regarding this event is very shallow.

    No commander ( referring to Lotus here since she is in the position of a sort of commander ) with half a brain would ask them to chose a side, it would crush both in the chaos. Or even better : I would redirect infested Orokin Derelict ships and crush land them on contested planets, let the Infested , Grineer and Corpus fight each other to death and clean up what remains at the end :P.


    As to answer to your question  : Lotus .

    She actually has the nerve to ask us to side with those that mistreat our kin ? or with tyrants ?

    She betrayed . She is clearly on the pay roll of both .

    Kill her .


    While I was tempted to go with Corpus for the cool looking gun, in game I will no longer play the event. Story wise is complete crap. Not even the most idiotic politicians and military with half of brain would act like this.

  2. Choose Loyalty, and side with the Grineer to destroy Corpus forces and free your kin. Choose Sacrifice, siding with Corpus to halt the Grineer conquest and enslavement of colonies.

    Both sides have reached out to the Lotus with reward offers for each contested location as well as rewards for the conflict as a whole.



    this is so ....... WRONG ( so that I don`t say stupid/idiotic).


    why ?  tenno dont take sides, tenno kill all.


    The event is a great idea - some changes in the faction balance/ conflict and all, but the way tenno have to fight is .......


    It could of been exploited even better .


    Here is an example :


    Lotus sais :


    "Grinners invaded planet "X". Take advantage of the confussion and release our fellow tenno while keeping the Grinner forces at bay to allow Corpus troops to deploy."

    (1000 enemies - Grineer even -  "Exterminate"  clause / condition for mission success from start for the entire duration of mission)




    Bloody version :


    "Eliminate all corpus on the outpost . Better dead then slaves".




    Mission faze 1 :



    Lotus :

    "A tenno agent is searching the outpost for the cryopod, rezist untill further notice ( Survival type mission 5 minutes)".




    Lotus :

    "Gather all intelligence files on this outpost so that we can compile the data and find the location of the cryopod (SPY type mission)"


    Mission faze 2 :


    Lotus :

    "We have the location of the cryopod, here is a data unit ( or whatever is called ) we need to open it. Go to the cryopod and defend while we hack the lock by fending off Grinner and Corpus forces" (Mobile Defence type mission or 5 Waves defence type mission).


    Mission faze 3 :


    Lotus :

    "It seems that the Corpus scientists have already opened the cryopod and have relocated the tenno. Find the base supervisor and capture him for interogation" (Capture type mission)


    Once the target is capture it could be added another 5 minutes survival as an excuse for interogation , untill you have the data.


    Mission faze 4 :


    Lotus :


    "We have the location of the tenno. go rescue him" (Rescue type mission).


    And with the hostage we extract.

    Mission end(if you have the 1000 kills, if not, protect the hostage while killing).


    Or any sort of mission type combination that would make a story.


    This way tenno push back the Grineer invasion and rescue the sleeping beauties from Corpus.


    Rewards could of been handed as stolen technology from the battlefield, since both sides tested experimental weaponds in this conflict.


    And yes , the rewards are divided between the choosen faction.They could makes us pick also at the end of the event.

  3. Besides the swap of Recoil to Accuracy , did anyone actually questioned himself as to why :


    there was +165 Recoil and now there is only -55Accuracy ?


    More precise , the absolute numeric value ( from 165 to 55 ) ?


    This is a very important factor also.


    Maybe someone from the staff would be kind to give an answer here.(not that I actually expect, since it can be related to "secret" game mechanics and can not be disclosed ) .

  4. WHAT IS 20% of 100?


    ITS 80


    NOT 21.4!!!


    my dera now has 21.4 accuracy when i install heavy caliber on it, my heavy caliber subtracts 20% accuracy from the total 100 accruacy, so how on earth does it lower the accuracy to 21.4? 



    I am questioning that also .

    ACRID has 100 ( what exactly ? "%", points ???) accuracy .

    I have "Magnum Force" that gives -24% accuracy , however in the Arsenal window after I install it, lists the ACRID with 3.7 accuracy.


    Maybe 100 is 100% which is an actual value of  what ??????

    well calculating that 3.7 is 76%(-24 from mod)  then the ACRID actually has a 4.8 accuracy.

    Or is the information from the Arsenal window wrong/bugged ?

    Anyone has any idea ?

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