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Posts posted by Darth_Necrus

  1. My entry for the contest:



    Faction: Infested

    Grip: Scythe/Heavy weapon


    A powerful infested weapon, the Draconius was an experiment in the Tenno Bio lab research. Something went horribly wrong and the lab was almost destroyed, but in the end the Draconius raised. This weapon has to be handeled with care Tenno, the scythe is alive, and every time you use his devastating poison attacks, it drains some of your vital energy, be careful.






  2. That is weird, indeed...


    However... Which Sentinel was that? If that was your 4th Sentinel, the purchased slots were probably Sentinel Slots, they come for the same price as weapon ones - 12 Pt per two.


    If that's not it - submit a ticket.

    I didnt know that... I even asked, but I think I asked people with the four main sentinels. I claimmed Dijinn, I suppose I'm wrong now, but there must be a message or somethig telling you that you are out of slots for that particular item, and that you need to buy slots. Well, I suppose it is still a foundry bug...  D:

  3. If your weapon inventory was full, the plat was spent to buy additional slots.

    Why there's no pop-up or information about that? I dunno.

    Maybe you are right, but it wasnt a weapon or frame,... it was a forma and a sentinel... weird right??? I hope I can get my 12 plat back...

  4. I have to adress an issue with the foundry. I claimed two items from the foundry (they were ready to "claim"), and then 12 of my platinum dissapeared. I had 230 plat, now I have 218. I could have used those for weapon slots. Please DE fix that.


    Thanks for your attention.


    FIX: People tell me you need additional slots in order to own all the sentinels, I suppose I'm wrong. But there should be a notification, a message,... something. I jsut made Dijinn for the mastery, I dont really need it. I could have waited. But still, sorry for the misinformation.

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