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Posts posted by Chaase1944

  1. On 2019-03-13 at 6:26 PM, Foroeight said:

    The thing with energy drain with exalted weapons equipped/unequipped was stated as intentional in a recent devstream. Defaulting to your primary in excavation has always been there. And I do agree that I sometimes miss other quick attacks after equipping a certain stance mod; hopefully this is addressed in future phases of Melee 3.0, whether changing the combos entirely, boosting their momentum, or something else. I personally like Swooping Falcon and although the beginning of the forward combo is nice, I sadly loose forward momentum for the rest of the combo.

    For Kubrows (and Kavats) it's kinda unfair how sentinels have separate modding pages for their body and their gun. I end up being really careful on how I plan their builds since they usually require at least 6 forma to fit everything. One idea is allowing Kubrows to use all Kubrow mods regardless of breed, but giving them 'Instinct' or 'Nature' slots where you can put that certain breed's dedicated precept mods for no capacity cost (or even get some capacity refunded?) and maybe a set bonus too similar to Umbral mods for using both precepts.

    I knew that the energy drain was planned, I’m just saying it’s easy to forget about. But yes, Kubrows need a massive rework. Their modding is pitiful, and only after 6-7 forma will they be able to survive a sortie. But I think another issue with them is the way they attack. It’s too slow, and they often miss. Kavats don’t have this issue. The Kubrow shouldn’t miss. That ruins its damage since it attacks very slow.

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  2. Also, since you can go between guns and exalted blade now, it is very easy to forget you have exalted blade “on” which drains energy whether you have it out or not now. Not a big deal, but could be an issue if you forget to turn it off. Don’t know if this is a big or if it was intended, but after picking something up, like a canister for excavation, once you drop it and try shooting again, you are defaulted to your primary. Doesn’t matter what weapon you had out before. It also defaults to the first fire mode of your primary as well. That is very very annoying. I do think that the new melee system is good, but it has issues. We also need new combos, or even “quick” combo stances for weapons. Let me explain a little bit. Take my zaw for example, a heavy blade running cleaving whirlwind. I love the stance and now I get to use my combos all the time without having to swap to my melee. That’s dope. But let’s take the Silva and aegis prime with Final Harbinger on it. I loved the quick hits with it, but alas I cannot do that anymore. I also cannot stay remotely still with it. The stance has lots of movement. Not good for fighting hordes. It’s to the point I don’t even use my Silva now. Doesn’t do me any good if I can’t hit an enemy more than once.

    But enough of the melee, Kubrows in general need a rework. We’ve gotten new mods that have helped a ton, but we still only have 10 mod slots to fit survivability, utility, and damage mods. Not very easy to have a Kubrow do all without sacrificing a ton.

  3. I do agree that a “stance” or behavior mod would be cool. Like protective or aggressive or something would be nice. And true the finishers are great but that’s only on two breeds. If all breeds had mods for it then that would help their case. But a better dodging or evading technique would be helpful. Kubrows tend to be dumb sometimes. Especially when they attack something 5 miles away.

    Another huge issue are the mods. A Kubrow with a reactor has 60 spaces for mods and 10 slots for different mods. All of our guns and frames have 8 slots, with the same space though. So with sinking like 4-6 Forma into your Kubrow, (and level it each time) they are hard to make even decent. Their survivability is very low. This makes them a real pain and grind for something that isn’t all that great.

  4. I agree that Kubrows need a massive rework. They are outclassed by everything else. Ignoring sentinels, Helminths seem to do the most damage from what I’ve tested. Kavats have much better evading skills (Kubrow has basically none) and kavats also armor strip with mods. Very useful. Kubrows tend to run right into bad situations and have worse Crit chances than kavats, deal more slash damage. However, on armored enemies this helps none, and the kavat starts to outperform due to the armor stripping abilities.

    I also think the Tenno/Kubrow interactions need to be changed. Toys or beds bought for the Kubrow would be cooler if the Kubrow would use them. Feeding Kubrows legitimate food would also be a nice addition due to the fact we can already fish. 

    It would also be very nice if Kubrows had different mindsets or commands. I would hope that they would also be more “protective” of the Tenno and stay closer, not run headlong into groups of enemies.Unless their attacking was changed. If they could hit multiple enemies or do more damage, this might not be as much of an issue.

    Crowd Control and Finisher attacks are great for some Kubrows, but most of these mods are specific to the breed. If finishers for all Kubrows or different types of attacks were made, this could help the Kubrow breeds that are mostly used for utility.

    And also with the Fortuna update coming out soon, pet Moas might make Kubrows even more obsolete.

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