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Posts posted by Mephrael

  1. I've only just noticed this while running an invasion on Palus/Pluto. Every single destructible Grineer container appeared to be facing the same direction. 


    I can't recall seeing if this was common to all the runs I've made tonight, or if it was just in the invasion missions, but it does feel a bit weird walking in to a room with three or so containers that are all facing the wall.


    Not a majorly important bug, but an unusual occurrence since the new update all the same.

  2. Chroma is actually a really good choice for an all-purpose (-spy) frame. Configure for Cold spec if you want an insane armour boost on Elemental Ward, or Heat spec for a smallish health boost that can often keep you alive long enough to get distance on a large tangle of mobs. 

    I've rarely needed to self-damage, as I'll pop Elemental Ward and Vex, and then just wade into the middle of the enemy. During most Sortie missions, you'll take enough hits to push both the armour and damage bonus from Vex to pretty insane levels, and then even the most average weapon becomes OP.

    For real amusement, grab a staff/polearm/greatsword, drop in bloodlust and berserker if you can get them, and then just go mental on a big pack of mobs. Between a skyrocketing crit bonus, attack speed and the damage boost from Vex, you'll clear rooms in no time.

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  3. 2 hours ago, LoneStruck said:

    anyone else notice this? the game overall seems very dark after the update
    and when ever i attack my screen slowly goes dark as if i'm slowly closing my eyes then i have to stop attacking for a second for it to go to normal brightness
    wadda heck man? any fix?

    I've seen this behaviour too, and I think it has to do with the emissive/energy changes in the latest update combined with the Adaptive Exposure setting in your Display options. It more or less seems like the game is simulating flash blindness due to weapon strike effects in your field of view.


    FYI, I tried turning Adaptive Exposure off, and it seemed to break all the other colour settings, because nothing looked right in-game anymore. I've kinda accepted that I go slowly blind while hacking at everything around me when I go full melee.

  4. Hi All,

    I've run the Balor Fomorian mission twice now and gotten no completion reward or damage output update. 

    It spends the Disruptor from my inventory each time, but throughout destroying the core components, the Lotus keeps telling me someone needs to activate a Disruptor. At the end of the mission, my reported damage output is zero.


    Not sure if this is happening to anyone else or if it's just me.

  5. latest?cb=20171016171720   


    Name: Terry

    Age: 3240 (Sol standard)

    Likes: Pina Coladas

    Long walks on the Plains


    Hi! My name is Terry, and I'm looking for my other half, to help me with the end of the world. I'm full of energy, and have lots of natural magnetism, and am only a spritely few thousand years old. I'm not really a morning person, but I can go all night if you know what I mean.

    I got back, from outer space, and planned to destroy every living thing that existed in this place.

    I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those damn kids..


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