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Posts posted by Harbinger942

  1. ok how about


    A system to help clans downgrade to the proper tier would be great, hopefully DE will add it in the future. Downgrading after a week might not be a good idea, though, because all those clans who upgrade their clan and then start recruiting to fill the spaces might find themselves downgraded if they're in a recruitment drought and they'll have to pay to upgrade again.


    Also, if they upgrade and then they go on a long break, they'd come back to it being reverted.


    Obviously it wouldn't downgrade below the level that your clan's member count requires, but it could still lead to issues similar to the ones I just mentioned.


    In the end, if you do have to remake it, since your clan is fairly small, everyone should get together and earn the money (if they don't have it) to replicate all the blueprints before the clan is disbanded. That way at least everyone at least gets what they earned.

    point taken 1-3 months

  2. [DE] here is a question: for the people just joining via p/c or ps4 how can they get all the weapons and etc?

    The snipertron is decommissioned, vandals are only obtainable if the trade post allows weapon to be loaned, wraith's are currently in the vault, Excalibur prime and lato prime is only for founders and as gorgon boar etc can only be gotten by the daily spin.


    p.s. i would not mind loaning my excal prime and lato prime so someone can get the exp for them.

  3. [DE] here is a question: for the people just joining via p/c or ps4 how can they get all the weapons and etc?

    The snipertron is decommissioned, vandals are only obtainable if the trade post allows weapon to be loaned, wraith's are currently in the vault, Excalibur prime and lato prime is only for founders and as gorgon boar etc can only be gotten by the daily spin.


    p.s. i would not mind loaning my excal prime and lato prime so someone can get the exp for them.

  4. [DE] here is a question: for the people just joining via p/c or ps4 how can they get all the weapons and etc?

    The snipertron is decommissioned, vandals are only obtainable if the trade post allows weapon to be loaned, wraith's are currently in the vault, Excalibur prime and lato prime is only for founders and as gorgon boar etc can only be gotten by the daily spin.

  5. The biggest problem with Stalker spawning was not him spawning at inappropiate placer or times but the thing that actually spawned not being the Stalker instead. That thing cannot be the Stalker, it's nothing like the guy. More like some kind of dragon ball nemesis you cannot beat till the next episode (or next patch).

    and your screwed if the stalker shows up and your team is under leveled, undermanned, doing solo and/or your equipment is under leveled.

  6. thank you and would you kindly fix the rest of the enemy spawns because since Hot fix 11.0.1 i have not seen the fallowing enemy's from mars - pluto: regular Eviscerator's, leech drone's, sniper crewman, Nauseous crawlers and lobster crawlers. please check these enemy's spawn algorithm and thank you.

  7. you know that feeling when you kill an enemy of open that chest and the items fall into a pit, hole or fly into a opening in the ceiling and no mater what you do you can not reach them or get them out? there needs to be a way to get those items

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