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Posts posted by ShadowDragon_99

  1. I built a zaw nikana and when i was equiping it there were 3 sugatras and 2 sheaths (this in the arsenal). When u go into a mission the nikana apears fine but the moment u switch weapons the sheath disapears completely and u never see it again til the end of the mission. If u hide the meele while holstered the sheath and sugatra apear but no blade or handle.


    http://prntscr.com/qrg443 (Hidden)

  2. If you play Atlas Prime (only tested it with him), and swap to your operator and fall out of bounds while the rumblers are out you will respawn as the operator but the rumblers insta die. Then  you swap to atlas again and the rumblers are locked and cant be used for the rest of the mission. All the other abilities work just fine.

    50 sec vid of the bug: 


  3. Every time i capture the enemy commander on the 3º bounty i become unable to pick up dropded items like in on limbos passive and i was a rhino only as the operator was i able to get them but ammo and energy was imposible to get so i ran out of ammon and energy lost the bounty (was on the 3º run) and lost that bounty final reward

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