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Posts posted by maddhax0r

  1. I'm getting really tired of getting the must open ports 4950 & 4955 message. I have always been able to team and join teams with little problems but lately I have been getting that message constantly. Today I have not been able to group with anyone (no I'm not set to solo). I have opened those ports on both my network firewall and my Windows firewall. There is no AV to get in the way either. There is nothing all that special about my desktop/network either, its a pretty standard set up all around. Also any game that requires me to call AT&T and talk to their support to get working properly is not worth playing.

    Searching google provides me with a library full of posts and examples of people with the same problems all with the same, non-working solutions. I feel like if there are this many people that have trouble with this, maybe you guys should look at alternative method for creating groups in Warframe. There are literally hundreds of other MMOs out there that do grouping and don't require you to jump through hoops or configure your firewall (insecurely I might add) to allow basic game play to happen. I know you guys are making enough money off of this not to care. My only hope is that this makes its way to the pile of "WTF is up with this ports BS" stack so that at some point, someone out there will realize it needs to change. In the mean time I will go back to my routine of restarting warframe 20 times until grouping works again.......because that makes total sense.....

  2. I am looking for any tips that could help me find Jadeleaf. I have been grinding whenever possible but I seem to do endless missions and only ever find dragonlilly. The info on the event says that the places they spawn will be obvious but obvious to whom? Its damn near impossible to find this stuff. Anyway, suggestions would be more than welcome.

  3. At first I was excited about this event. I though it was an interesting twist on the typical missions. After playing it for a number of hours I have come to realize its just another grind fest for what I can only assume is the rarest form of plant life in the existence of everything. I feel like this had so much potential but all the fun has been taken away by the monotonous replaying of the same mission 30 times only to come up short. If I at least felt like I was making progress it wouldn't be so bad but the unbearably slow pace at which the collection process goes kills any sense of forward momentum and my enjoyment of playing the game along with it.

  4. Does the spawn rate on the Jade really need to be this low? I have been playing for hours, spending a lot of time just scanning for S#&$ and have found 2. Its a little ridiculous its taking this long for 1 component type.

  5. This guide is great and all but I still think the damage system is over complicated. Before I loved the fact that I could come around, run a few missions, kill a bunch of stuff and be happy. Now i feel like its f***ing rocket science every time I want to try and mod a weapon so that doesn't suck. Weapons I had that were great are now crap either due to what mods I have installed or the fact that my best weapons were all polarized multiple times and those polarities don't match up to the new way or having to arrange everything.


    Also this having to have 5 different builds depending on what your fighting is annoying as well. Most of the time people don't want to wait around while you figure out what the best build is for a particular mission (something that now takes a "dummies" book to pull off) and you end up with the wrong weapon/build for whatever it is your doing. I'm sure the system works if you put the time in but that's just it, lots of people don't want to waste or just don't have the time.


    Its starting to turn me off from the game entirely. I have spent a decent amount of money on this game and will continue to do so as long as its entertaining. Unfortunately I feel like its requiring more and more brain power to play this game when all I want to do is enjoy some mindless killing from time to time.

  6. The warlord can actually set the spawn point to any room in the dojo I believe


    This is true however it does not allow you to delete your initial spawn room. Also its buggy still. I only spawn in the room I set it to about half the time.

  7. I'm not a fan of how the Dojo works. I recently decided it would be cool to redesign my clans Dojo. I wanted to lay it out in a way that makes the most sense, somewhat compact with the reactors out of the way and have everything branch off from the spawn point, which I wanted to be my grandest clan hall (the big one).


    After I got about half way through I realized not only can the initial spawn room from the n00b Dojo not be deleted but neither can any of the clan halls unless you start with the largest one first and work your way back. The problem i have with this is:


    1) The starting room doesn't fit the design of the rest of my Dojo. I would like to just set my spawn as the largest clan hall and get rid of it all together.


    2) The way the hall system works it is very limiting in terms of design since your always required to build in that order (even after you have built them all) and you need the halls for capacity. This prevents you from being able to start off with a large clan hall and branch out from there.


    3) You can only have 1 type of each clan hall. I get that halls affect capacity but if I could have 2 of a clan hall and only get the capacity benefits once from each type that would be just fine. I can have 2 bio labs, why not clan halls?


    I feel like once you have "unlocked" a room type you should just be able to build it whenever you like. The fact that you cant and the way the capacity system works limits how a Dojo can be built. The small hall always has to be close to that strange starting area that doesn't match any other room shape available. For now I just gave up and everything is all back to random placement sticking out in every direction. (looks like the floor of my bedroom)


    I really hope there are plans for future development of this Dojo system because as it stands now it leaves much to be desired. The idea is great but its just not where it needs to be to make it an aspect of the game I want to spend time participating in. Bottom line is the more we want to play the more potential there is for you (makers of warframe) to make money off of me.

  8. Now that the order of the mods is important does anyone know of a way (or if there will be a way) to modify the polarity customization of existing weapons? I have a few rare weapons that i have spent a lot of time modding/polarizing and now the polarities don't line up properly for the new system.

  9. In your experience, what have you found to be the best overall performing main weapon (that's still obtainable). It can be a rifle or shotgun or whatever. Feel free to include how you modded it =)


    So far I'm torn between the Flux and the Ignis but I havent tried every weapon yet either.

  10. Every time I try to log in it says "Login Failed. Check your info". I have made sure my caps lock is not on and have verified the login against the warframe website which I can log in to just fine.




    Appears I was trying to log in while there was an update going on. Waited a few minutes for it to finish and restarted the launcher. The update downloaded and was I able to log in as usual.

  11. So I'm sure its no secret that host migration is still quite problematic but I just ran in to something new. After almost 30 min of survival, literally 15 feet away from extraction there was a host migration. After it took place the map when straight to "Mission Complete" and not only did not get a single drop from the whole thing but no XP either.


    So I'm like ugh OK whatevs and start up a new mission on a new planet and 45 seconds in something freaks out and my monitor goes blank. Then its so damn stuck that my computer doesn't even know the monitor is there anymore and has to be hard booted before it will restore.


    Common Warframe. Why you gotta make my man parts hurt like this!?


    EDIT: Tried again, the "Play Now" button doesn't work any more.......

  12. So recently I have been using the same weapon type for both my sentinel and my primary weapon. I very regularly run into a situation where I have put a mod on both weapons without having a duplicate and when I exit it wants to "auto resolve" the situation. Apparently this means just removing it from one of the weapons.
     I get why you cant use the same mod on multiple equipped weapons but it is very frustrating that I can do this in the first place. It is super annoying to try and keep track of the mods you have in 2 places at once. 
    Ideally when I go into my sentinels rifle for example, the mods I have already used on my primary rifle would just not show up anymore (assuming it has been equipped). That way I know whats available to me to actually install on that weapon.

  13. I have tried this mission 5 times now. Its a mobile defense where you have to protect 2 data terminals and then afterward you have to extract a cryopod from this area where it comes rolling out on a platform of sorts. Its an infestation mission and every time I have tried it, the 2 MD stations go by without any issues. Then when it comes time to defend the pod we can get through a minute or so on the count down and out of nowhere with 100% on the pod the mission just fails. Its super annoying.


    Is this a bug or are we just doing something wrong?

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