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Posts posted by cyberdog176

  1. Warframe has changed alot since it started it's open beta back in 2013. The game is faster, more frenetic and crazier than ever. With parkour 2.0 we can soar across the map and carve a path through our enemies with dizzying speed.

    But what's that? you want to throw a throwing knife with your superhuman strength? Or maybe shoot that guy with your portable rail-gun  bow (yea, that's in the lore). And it just... kinda  meanders across the room. Aha! it'll get there... eventually. I doesn't feel very satisfying. I know that zephyrs jestream augment is a thing, but people shouldn't have to grind through an entire syndicate just to get projectile weapons that are not annoyingly slow. Maybe it was fine when Warframe had a much slower pace, but the game has changed now. I think projectile speeds need to be increased across the board.

    Sincerely, a bow lover. :)

  2. 54 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

    What you say is true, however, this was the traditional way to carry the katana during a certain period of time in Japan (don't ask me which, I can't recall now). I think it was to make the samurai less likely to strike in anger (they were pretty touchy about some shady stuff back then) and whoops-kill someone? No idea. I do agree on it being terrible for unsheathing, though it does help when you want to sheathe the blade -you can just rest the back of the blade on a finger and slide the blade down, without risk of cutting your own fingers off.

    It IS true that several stances need some rework -and now that DE has a motion-capture studio, I expect them to get some pretty good stuff done.

    Ah. Thank you for that. That makes sense. Yeah. The stances really need some work.

  3. Just a thing I noticed recently. The Katanas in warframe are actually upside down when they are resting in the sheath. Not really sure how that happened.



    the blade points down so that you can do the drawing and cutting in a single motion. The way it currently is you would be hitting some poor person with the flat side. It's bothering the hell out of me. Also, It is near impossible to draw upside down. Trust me. I collect swords and just tried it. I don't know if this is intentional or not.


  4. At Higher levels, Most warframe damage dealing skills are useless. what's up with that? When I first got into Warframe (back in update 8), I remember Blade Dashing around everywhere, Having an absoloute blast. And all of a sudden, things stopped dying. And the game wasn't as fun anymore. This was before mods like Streamline, Intensify were things that everyone had. And it was fun! But when you get further into warframe, the game starts breaking in my opinon.

    Ember's Fireball (for example) should be just as viable at lvl 5 as it is at lvl 30. So I thought About it. And Games Like Diablo 2, Torchlight 2, Path of exile came to mind. Some of the abilities Scale With Weapon DPS. It's an excellent idea, And works wonderfully in those games. I don't know if it would work in warframe. If you have an overpowered weapon, you are already op. It won't matter if you use fireball or The boltor prime. But! Which is more fun?

    Many people have complained about the idea of pressing 4 to win. Maybe Ultimate abilites should have a cooldown added, and the other abilites made more powerful to make up for it? Example:Why Bother using ice wave on frost when you can just cast avalanche? There is no incentive. None whatsoever. Anyway, That's Just my 2 cents.

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