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Posts posted by JoarTjurnacke

  1. Here is my solution !

    1. C/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/warframe/tools/windows/x64/
    2. Find file "discord_game_sdk.dll"
    3. Open it with text editor
    4. Clear it completely (ctrl+a for example)
    5. Save
    6. Close
    7. Mark it read-only.



    12 minutes ago, Nesit1 said:
    1. C/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/warframe/tools/windows/x64/
    2. Find file "discord_game_sdk.dll"
    3. Open it with text editor
    4. Clear it completely (ctrl+a for example)
    5. Save
    6. Close
    7. Mark it read-only.

    Should help. It helped me for sure.


  3. 47 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I think something was wonky with my PC. I tried to update the graphic drivers when I started it today and there was an error when the PC restarted. So I had to make a system recovery, this recovery point was just prior to me shutting down the PC yesterday afternoon and now I can get back on in WF.

    So I made sure to make a new system recovery point incase it happens again.

    Might be my SSD that is dying.

    My PC was acting weird earlier today too but i think its cause i've tried so many stupid things to get Warframe to work.

    If you haven't done any hardware changes or any risky stuff on you PC i don't think you should be worried about your SSD.

    Is Warframe still working fine for you ?

  4. 15 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Ok reading through this it looks more and more like it is something on their end that will hopefully get fixed soon.

    Seems like many here have had the same experience, been able to play for a few hours, taking a break and then not being able to get the game to start up.

    Yup.. I dont know how many got affected by this.

    I really hope they fix this today, i haven't been playing Warframe for that long so i dont know how well the devs handle these issues.

    I'm gonna try install on my laptop just to get some dailys done and make my foundry do some work atleast :)

    i'll report how it works on my laptop later

  5. I also get the stutters sometimes, but believe it or not its my mousepad.. it happens when i play shooters cause i move the mouse faster then usual. When it gets unbearable i just remove the mousepad and use the desk and have no problems.

    And i got sensitivity issues only when operating stuff like the mounted guns ingame, have no solution for that tho.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

    fresh/new player and this is your first time running warframe or have you ran it before and suddenly now things wont work?

    Also whats the spec of your winblows version/pc type/gfx card/the usual needed info.

    i started last week been playing flawless. Last time i played was before work 12 hours ago.

    Windows10/GeForce 780/i5 3.50ghz/ 64bit / 16gb ram

  7. 1 minute ago, KillerEmo016 said:

    Yes, its a Notebook, i have pretty much the same programs in both computers.

    I unistalled Synapse in hopes but it was in vain.

    Ill try to compare everything in both machines w/o unistalling too much stuff and report back



    Alright, good luck 🙂 i've been sitting here for 3.5 hours trying stuff now and i feel like the problem is not on our end..

  8. 10 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

    i had steam throw a wobbly not long ago, it started redownloading the entire game for no reason, i quit that download because i checked and all the files were where they should be, i restarted the launcher, it suddenly remembered it was installed properly and it redownloaded the files it just started to replace, but after that the game would crash when pressing play, in my case to fix such an issue i just went to the warframe folder in steam (steamapps\common\Warframe) and just deleted Warframe.exe, Warframe.x64.exe, re-ran the launcher and had it verify files, those 2 files i deleted got replaced by fresh ones and the game started as usual without a crash when i clicked play.

    Of note, i checked file sizes etc before deleting the exe files and the fresh files were seemingly the same size/etc as the originals before i deleted them, so not sure what happened exactly.

    Thanks for the tip, tried it but no success 😞

  9. 7 minutes ago, KillerEmo016 said:

    Same here, but i got 2 computers and this happened on my desktop computer only, the other does enter the game and nothing seems different.

    I was playing, closed game and went AFK 10 min, came back and win10 was totally frozen, did a hard reset, then the problem started.

    Every other game is working fine, did all the optimization thing... i even reinstalled the game twice in different drives, but it didn't work.


    Only Razer thing i have is Synapse, i doubt it has something to do with the problem tho.


    I really wonder whats wrong, it seems like we are a few that got this issue this evening.. It's not a router problem i guess since its working on your second comupter, is you secondary W10 ?

  10. 35 minutes ago, Pontuale said:

    Having the same problem.Really do not know how i can fix this.

    This is what i've tried without any progress.

    Verified, optimized, uninstalled logitech game software and steelseries engine, reinstalled game, disabled firewall, updated drivers, disabled discord overlay, tried all the different options in launcher.

    So i wrote a ticket to support and hopefully they'll come up with something soon. Too bad its their last day at work before weekend tomorrow.



  11. Same here. Verified, optimized, uninstalled logitech game software and steelseries engine, reinstalled game, disabled firewall, updated drivers, disabled discord overlay, tried all the different options in launcher, i also tried deleting Warframe.exe, Warframe.x64.exe in steamapps\common\Warframand verified , optimized files again still not working.

    Removed as many background programs as possible too.


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