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Posts posted by Jytra

  1. Honestly I think it's the 3 Titans you have. I can't possibly imagine more than two being stable.


    I believe I read somewhere that more than 2 is redundant anyway, and that the computer won't even use the third. Though I could just be completely wrong and pulling that out of my arse.


    It is a bit overkill, but games that have proper SLI support do scale pretty well up to 3 cards, like Shadow of Mordor for example. 4 cards is where you start to see diminishing returns. That being said, using this kind of setup can be very fickle to minor problems. Before, when my system was crashing more frequently, it turned out to be faulty RAM that was crashing the GPU. Once that was replaced, everything ran smoothly.


    Also, just set to Single GPU mode for Warframe and the video driver reset without recovering during a solo Mars exterminate mission, which hadn't happened with SLI enabled. Arg...


    EDIT: so I just ran RealBench from the Asus ROG forums for a total of 30 minutes non-stop, which puts a load of 100% on the GPU and CPU...despite sounding like someone put a hairdryer in my PC, there were no problems whatsoever. Everything passes.

  2. Holy crap. You're running triple titans. Try disabling SLI on Warframe so you're only using one of them. That may be causing issues. One titan is more than enough for Warframe anyways.


    Make sure you're ONLY using vsync from the game settings OR the nvidia control panel. Preferably use the nvidia option. They don't play nicely if both are enabled in my experience. Framerate getting locked at an usually low number (24ish in your case) was a symptom I noticed with this.


    Try this too: Disable Windows Aero and see if it makes a difference.


    I'll try setting Warframe to Single GPU and testing it for a while. With Win 8.1, Aero can't be disabled.


    The monitor I have, the PG278Q, is GSync enabled and runs at 1440p@144Hz, so the extra horsepower is sorta needed to drive the higher framerate. Sadly, Warframe is seriously underutilized on the system, not due to having too much power, but due to the game having low GPU usage when things start to pick up. Gets really obnoxious to see the game hit <48 FPS during a defense map while the shared GPU usage is only 13%. On top of that, thanks to the new and improved Apex PhysX that was introduced, only one card really gets to flex any muscle because the Nvidia control panel uses it to process the particle effects (non-dedicated). 


    I've got this sneaking suspicion that what's actually happening is that the game causes an issue with the GPU driver, which in turn sends a faulty signal to the GSync module in the monitor, inadvertently locking the frame rate of the whole computer down. 



    Here are my specs:


    ASUS M32-R14 (computer)

    12gb DDR3 RNM, 1600mhz

    Nvidia GTX 520

    Intel core i5 4460S, quad core, 2.9ghz (OC-able to 3.4, but is currently at its stock 2.9)

    1TB HDD

    Windows 7 Home Premium OS, 64-bit. Windows Aero is disabled.



    And I notice none of this.


    However, I DO notice that, quite frequently, when I close the game the process remains dormant in the background. But it still eats up memory, starting at around 600mb, and slowly increasing if left unchecked. I can just kill it in the task manager and everything is ok, though.

    A friend of mine plays on a desktop with a Core2Quad and a 560 2GB, and he's never run into the issue either. Kinda bugs the crap outta the both of us that I've gotta restart every 3-4 missions and he's able to chug along just fine. 
  3. I've had EVGA's Precision program opened on my second screen to monitor memory usage. Nothing really seems out of the ordinary. Desktop VRAM use floats between 400MB and 600MB. When Warframe is running, I hardly ever see it start to exceed 2.5GB.


    The strange part about this whole thing is that I can find nothing with any monitoring tool that indicates a problem.

  4. Just wondering if anyone else has run into this issue. After update 15 came out, I started noticing that playing Warframe for long durations starts to cause some instability, not just with the game, but with my entire computer. I've tried to monitor everything, from temps to GPU/CPU loads, memory usage, and I've even run a bevy of stability tests, but nothing can replicate what happens with Warframe. 


    After about an hour or so of play, I start noticing more "hitching" with the game, where there are momentary pauses that last maybe 1-3 seconds. As these start to increase, the loading screens between levels start to experience a massive decrease, becoming incredibly choppy until the Liset or level finishes loading. Eventually, the game's framerate will "glitch" and drop itself to around 24 FPS and stay there, though it "waves" between 10 and 22.


    The big problem is that this framerate drop doesn't end with Warframe. After exiting the game, my entire computer is stuck on that framerate, making menu transitions within Windows unbelievably slow, and in some cases, hanging the entire system. I can close every open program, but there is nothing indicating a problem from any monitoring tool in Windows. No changes in voltage, no changes in load, temps are fine (CPU doesn't exceed 55C, GPUs don't exceed 65C), and nothing reports an error. After restarting, everything goes back to normal.


    I only started noticing this bug with Update 15, and Warframe appears to be the only game that causes this system-wide problem (even something as intensive as Shadow of Mordor seems to run just fine for long periods). I've tried different Nvidia drivers, including the latest 346.07 drivers, as well as different versions of the GeForce Experience program. I've reversed any overclocking, and have tested everything at stock, and this problem still happens after an hour or so, making it very inconsistent to test what has an effect.



    i7-4930k @ 4.5 GHz

    Rampage IV Black Edition

    32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-1866

    1TB Samsung 840 Pro (Raid 0)

    EVGA Titan SC Tri-SLI (Perf Cap @ 104%/90C, +75 Core/Mem, Voltage +37)

    Asus PG278Q + Dell U2414H

    Antec HCP-1200

    Soundblaster X7

  5. The temp you're reading is probably Farenheit. Asus' probe readings sometimes get screwed up. Even so, if your cards are melting or warping under load, you really need to improve airflow around them.


    That said, it looks to me like VRAM errors. There's no easy way to check the temps for VRAM, but you might want to get a program like Kombustor and run a quick memory test to see if they might be damaged. Also run Memtest86+ on your system to see if there's any issues with your DRAM.

  6. I don't have a 9 series, but I've got a Tri-Titan setup (7 series). I had EVGA's Precision opened up to monitor the GPU usage of the three cards, and I noticed that the one that handles the PhysX in a non-dedicated mode would spike to 100% usage before completely locking up my system.


    I should also add that I'm using Gsync (vsync disabled in Warframe), and that disabling PhysX seems to work fine in preventing a lockup.

  7. I've been trying to farm a control module for close to three days now, after getting the last part to the Vauban...and I've yet to find one. Ran Hyena about 27 times, and saw nothing, though my friend who was helping me with the runs got four of them. They never dropped for me.


    Something is seriously broken with the drop rates in this game.

  8. I just started running into this issue with one of my computers. It's equipped with a i7-3770k and a Titan videocard, and up until today, the game has been running fine. Now, it's crashing every few minutes and the game is citing a UPnP error that's never appeared before.


    Okay...now this is happening to most of my friends, and we're all getting random crashes and NAT errors...what's going on.

  9. This isn't really a priority, but I was wondering what sort of VFX might be getting worked on...


    PhysX related effects like cloth dynamics for Frost and Trinity, Fluids for the Void and other maps, procedural destruction, and maybe some added persistent turbulence effects for certain abilities (since most of them use the PhysX Apex for the initial move, but tend to fade after it's spent)? Kinda hoping for World on Fire creating generated turbulence pouring off Ember during it's duration, or Vauban's Vortex sucking up the water from the pools in the Tower, etc...


    Also, maybe some pimping of the DX11 features, like Bokeh DoF (for a cinematic effect), object-based motion blur, and tessellation?


    Been playing a lot of Hawken and Metro:LL...kinda got spoiled :)

  10. One element you need to also consider is the expandability of a clan/guild. If a clan of 5 can create a complete dojo in a shorter period of time and using less resources than a larger clan, then what's preventing the leaders of a potentially large clan from inviting the minimum amount of people needed to construct the Dojo for the lowest resource cost, then rapidly expand it with more members?


    There was a post somewhere that provided a very good method of balance, which introduced production time as the scaling method. If a large clan wants to build quickly, then they can "overcontribute" resources into the construction to speed up construction time.


    As an example, say that a clan has between 7-10 members. These members maybe play 2-3 hours at a time, mostly after work or on the weekends. In it's current state, the clan would be unable to construct a cross connector for a few months due to the cost of materials and the current drop rates of Void Keys and Forma. Even though the time it takes to construct something is 12 hours, these players would basically be regulated to joining a large clan if they wanted access to the new weapons and features of this patch.


    However, let's say the costs were significantly reduced, maybe to a tenth of what they are now, but conversely, the build time was increased to five days instead of twelve hours. This clan can now start construction, and continue to gather up resources for the next section, without having to worry about amassing a large pool of items that only drop in quantities of 50-150 per run. 


    At the same time, say the members of Clan BigMcLargeHuge also start construction on their Dojo. Resource gathering is a non-issue, so beginning construction is a cakewalk. However, because five days is a long time, the "Rush Order" button becomes available, at the cost of additional resources. By paying incremental fees to reduce the time -- say, by 12-24 hours with each contribution, all the way down to zero -- Clan BigMcLargeHuge can have their entire Dojo fully operational in a fraction of the time as the casual player.


    That way, smaller clans of friends who are only playing the game at a casual pace can still build their Dojo like any other, but only time itself is the impeding factor, not how many hours you put in farming an unreasonably large pool of materials.




    I agree with some of the other points in your post, but I have a feeling that because the Dojo itself is still in Alpha, much of what you're suggesting/want are probably going to be added at some point. This patch was more or less "get it out the door because we're running late already", with refinement to come later.


    That said, there are a few things that I honestly don't see as major issues. You have to remember that this game isn't like any MMO that's out there. In fact, putting it in the same category as an MMO is a bit of a disservice to the game. The combat is small squad focused, with no physical lobby to adventure to, and in turn should have led to smaller clans rather than surrogate "servers" that are +500 people, if you get my meaning. The clan advancement and trade ideas are good, but I don't know if they're really meant for a game like this in it's current state.

  11. Im unsure as to what the connection is. A GM does not want to have something to do?


    I think the idea is that because such a large investment was placed, that individual might be blind to any flaws because nobody wants to have to acknowledge that they spent $249 on something that might be less than perfect. I've seen it happen a lot with people who spend thousands on a Samsung TV with "120 Hz" and refuse to accept that 120 Hz is nonexistent and cheaper plasmas perform better. They spent lots of money, so they can't be wrong, and everyone else just "doesn't get it".


    However, I can assure you that there are just as many M/GM purchasers who are on the side of the OP and those of the like, even if they're not posting. This patch brought a lot of good things, but really exposed a great deal of inherent flaws with the game's material and item drop system as a whole.

  12. I like this. It's the equivalent of the "rush order" that already exists in-game; if you want it faster, pay the fee. This would balance out larger clans and smaller clans, and time itself would be the only determining factor in dojo construction, not the time it takes to farm.

  13. So what happens when I download Warframe on Steam? Does it automatically create a new Warframe account for me or do I just get the login screen as usual?

    Normal login. You'll be able to use the steam overlay and screenshot system now, as it doesn't seem to work in it's current state.

    Steam not help, server is temporary down, why to use it, eating tonns of pc resorces and its like spam or ad on pc, if i wana buy game i can go in web i dnt need ads from steam.Good thing is , more ppl will come nothing else.

    King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is!

  14. Funny enough, this is a big problem with a lot of different games. For some reason, the GPU gets a line of code that says the less work that needs to be done, the more power it should use. Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Saints Row 3...almost every game I played last year and into this one has had the same problem, where heavy action would result in low GPU usage, and looking at simple things like the sky, a wall, or a map, would suddenly require full GPU speed and a 90% load.

    I think it's something that NVidia needs to address in their drivers. If you think it's bad on the 580, it's even worse on the 6xx and Titan.

  15. I was monitoring GPU usage during a few missions and noticed at times when there were large groups of enemies on the screen, my GPU core speed would drop, as would the usage, giving me a choppy framerate. I changed the power setting in the NVidia control panel from "Adaptive" to "Prefer Max Performance" and that seemed to help a great deal.

    I've noticed similar FPS drops with other games as well, most of them related to how certain GPUs try to inact some form of power throttling or lowered GPU usage, causing adverse effects. In most cases, it's some line of code on the driver end that tells the GPU "Hey, you don't need to work so hard, cut back a bit..." when the CPU goes "Hoooooooooly sh******!"

    I should also add that my FPS got quite a bit worse when I enabled the PCIe 3.0 patch for my motherboard (NVidia 6xx cards don't natively run at 3.0 speeds on X79 motherboards unless the patch is used), when the exact opposite should happen.

  16. Hey guys, just found out about this game a few days ago, and I'm really enjoing it. However, while playing, I've noticed quite a few things about the general interface that could use some major tweaking before a full official launch of the game.

    Display Support

    Currently, with Fullscreen enabled, only 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, and 16:10 aspects are selectable, but the game's engine displays just fine with aspects beyond those four in a Borderless Windowed mode. I personally game on a 21:9 aspect screen, and Warframe looks and performs perfectly on it, thanks to the game engine having a native Horizontal + method of scaling. The map interface on the other hand, is designed with 16:9 in mind, and stretches to accomidate, causing distortion on the mission dialogue. In-mission HUD elements are properly scaled and in their respective corners, but for 21:9 and Eyefinity/NVSurround support, it would be nice to have the HUD locked at a 16:9 aspect.

    System Mission Map

    Currently, this map has a few flaws that new players will certainly have trouble with, mainly involving how you interact with the missions and the map itself. When Solo is selected, "back" exits out of the map completely, making planet selection easier, and shows your Tenno and the map in front of them...but this function doesn't work when you're with your team, who appear on the other cardinal directions of the map. Instead, during a team game, you have to navigate all around the system, mission chain to mission chain, trying to remember which paths lead to what. It's a bit of an annoyance for the newer players.

    A second issue is related to mission selection. Currently, the only way to get statistics on a mission is to roll over with the mouse, and when clicked, the countdown timer begins immediately. Even worse, if you're in the mission map where the alert is, and click the "!" on the map instead of the "Alerts", you don't get any indicator of enemy level or reward. This was something I found on complete accident during my first few hours of gameplay, something which really bugged me. A lot of other games generally have a two-stage process with their mission selection: 1) Select Mission 2) Confirm Choice. Something like this would be really beneficial for team play, as well as having an option to cancel the countdown completely if the wrong mission is selected.

    Clearer Indication of Requirements

    This is somewhat of an annoyance I've been having with the game, mainly in relation to how new weapons and warframes are aquired. My main gripe is that there's no general indication for what sort of requirements an item or weapon has, often leading to bad purchase decisions and wasted credits. If I'm buying a blueprint, I'd like to know what the blueprint will require, rather than having to either A) Go to a Wiki or B) Find out the hard way. I recently picked up a Trinity blueprint, thinking that the materials needed to make it were rather generalized, only to find out after checking the Foundry (and the wiki after) that the list of materials for a new warframe were staggeringly high.

    There also needs to be a visual cue to indicate the level requirement, or "kind" or purchase options are available to you. For items that have an account level, they need to indicate it as such on their card, such as being greyed out with "Rank X Required", but still displaying their Credit/Platinum cost. Furthermore, items that need a blueprint to be constructed should also indicate as such, as many players will simply navigate to the weapons list from your customization menu, see a "platinum only" price, and be disappointed, rather than going to the Market to check the materials cost.

    XInput/Controler Support

    Pretty basic: Give us the ability to rebind buttons on the controller, and allow for some level of stock navigation through the menus using a controller. As it stands currently, there's no indication of what buttons on the controller do what, unless you come to the fourms. I do understand that some options can get mixed up in the translation, like Run and Combat Roll being on the same key, so maybe for controllers, there can be a "Dodge" button of sorts.


    This is another thing that had me a bit confused at first. Missions have a level range indicated, meaning that's what level you'll encounter when you're on the mission...but what does that actually relate to? Warframe level? Weapon level? Skill level? Something else? If I'm doing a mission with a level range of 22-30, does that mean my warframe needs to be that level, or could a full party of level 10 frames do that mission? There's no indication as to what purpose the level range has...and there is no feedback given to the player on their choice in level other than the amount of damage the enemies can soak up, and a slight XP bump.

    That's just a short list so far. I'm really liking this game, but I think for new players to stick with it, these need to be addressed in some way.

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