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Posts posted by Haydenator1912

  1. 12 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    The question is do you want Lotus to attend your wedding or do you want some sort of one the character from warframe?  It is pose to be very special request and probably cost money *shrug* just dunno it does.

    I hope it doesn't cost money....don't have any to spare:(

  2. Well, thank you to those who replied. I think I may just let this get buried in all the off topic discussions....thank you guys 🙂

    On 2019-11-18 at 3:46 PM, M3tallius said:

    Eh, folks always say this, but I've been married 21 years to my high school sweetheart. It takes a lot of dedication, perspiration and fornication to make it all work, but my oldest is in the Navy now, my middle baby is off to college and the youngest is my best friend. You have to be able to take a very long view on things, put her needs over your own and if you aren't willing or able to do those things without concern for yourself or your well being then you ain't ready hoss.

    Put in the hard work and introspection required to become the man she needs, even if it ain't the man she necessarily wants at that particular moment. Despite the politically correct b.s. you see out there today, never forget that your role will always be to pilot the ship. Let her think she's driving from time to time, but she will be your engine to your wheelhouse and give you purpose, which is a far more rewarding experience than anything your dumb @$$ will ever come up with. A good woman and a purposeful life are the greatest things you can ever experience on this earth.

    Just always keep the ship moving, even if all you can do day to day is to keep bailing on what feels like a boat that's more holes than it is hull. Trust your instincts, believe in yourself and always, always keep that ship moving for her sake, if not your own.

    Best way it could be said, thank you a lot.

  3. 3 hours ago, M3tallius said:

    Eh, folks always say this, but I've been married 21 years to my high school sweetheart. It takes a lot of dedication, perspiration and fornication to make it all work, but my oldest is in the Navy now, my middle baby is off to college and the youngest is my best friend. You have to be able to take a very long view on things, put her needs over your own and if you aren't willing or able to do those things without concern for yourself or your well being then you ain't ready hoss.

    Put in the hard work and introspection required to become the man she needs, even if it ain't the man she necessarily wants at that particular moment. Despite the politically correct b.s. you see out there today, never forget that your role will always be to pilot the ship. Let her think she's driving from time to time, but she will be your engine to your wheelhouse and give you purpose, which is a far more rewarding experience than anything your dumb @$$ will ever come up with. A good woman and a purposeful life are the greatest things you can ever experience on this earth.

    Just always keep the ship moving, even if all you can do day to day is to keep bailing on what feels like a boat that's more holes than it is hull. Trust your instincts, believe in yourself and always, always keep that ship moving for her sake, if not your own.

    Best way it could be said, thank you a lot.

  4.    Hey DE who sees this! I am 19 years old and have been in a very happy relationship with my high school sweetheart for about 3 years. We plan on getting married and beginning our entire life together on March 13th, 2020 and was hoping to get your guys' blessing on it just for good luck.

       She plans on being a wedding photographer for her career and I am hoping to be a 3D Modeler and make things for games and such. We are putting everything we have into schooling for her and I will just be self taught and a stay at home husband who tends bees and takes care of the kids whenever we have them. 

        I also stream on the side because it can be amazing what communities can do together. If I play games so often, why not entertain and give smiles to others who enjoy it! 

      Hopefully this reaches your computer screen and it gives you, the DE and/or audience, a big smile! 


     Hayden and Duckie

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