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Posts posted by HANGMAN_37

  1. While this update did (slightly) reduce the murmur grind by sharing gains from lich kills, murmur farming is still the most boring content i've ever played in Warframe. Less of it is definitely an improvement, but its still unrewarding and tedious. Mindlessly killing thralls is really not fun. I dont think this system can be salvaged just by tweaking numbers. It might become tolerable, but its never going to be good (maybe youll prove me wrong and im happy to eat my words if so).

    If I were to suggest an alternative: You can attack your lich at any time, via a special exterminate node. The can otherwise invade in any other mission, similar to existing assassins, just more frequently. You get a full murmur every time you defeat your lich.

    To kill them you need the correct requiem which is comprised of all 8 mods. The only thing that matters is the order. Murmurs grant hints as to the order ("Fass is next to Jahu." "Khra, Netra, and Vome are not next to each other." "Xata is before Khra." "The finale word is Fass." "Netra and Vome are the same distance from the oposite edges, such as 2nd place and 6th.") only dressed up in flowery language ("Netra and Vome mirror each other." > "Netra and Vome share equal faith to different causes"). Otherwise, you keep the same system of trial and error for testing the sequence. Get the right sequence and the lich is dead.

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  2. While i have a myriad of problems with the lich system, I think the biggest problem facing the system is ending up with a low quality active lich. There is no value whatsoever in a 27% magnetic quartakk lich with no ephemera, and ending up with one as your active lich kills all motivation for me to play. At least in my experience, noone wants to trade for a lich like described, due to its poor stats, and it contributes nothing as an "ally". So knowing i'm going to need to spend 2-3 hours to get rid of it, just to try again with no reasonable belief that the next one will be better, which completely kills my motivation to play. To boil the issue down simply:

    1. It takes too long to get rid of a lich with a bad roll, and they provide no meaningful reward (no, adding kuva doesn't help. You can get that elsewhere for much less effort)
    2. Converted liches aren't worth anything, except to sell, and even then they aren't exactly in demand unless they have a good roll and/or an ephemera. (This may change with Empyrean but that doesnt matter at the moment).

    I would suggest adding the ability to sacrifice ONE of our converted liches to instantly remove our currently active lich (or kill, or destroy, or placate, whatever. So long as they are gone permanently). This would provide no rewards (no return on stolen items, no weapons, no ephemera). This adds utility to converted liches, and allows people to skip some of the grind without completely trivializing the system.

    I think this is relatively balanced, since you would need to convert one lich per lich removed. I would caution against doing any less than a complete removal (such as just having it grant murmurs regardless of quantity), since reducing something bad doesnt turn it into something good. And i dont know what you could add that could make me interested in a 27% magnetic quartakk, or my 3rd low rolled brakk, or my 4th mediocre Kohm. Making that ordeal take less time doesn't make me want to engage with that system, it just makes it slightly less of a chore.

  3. So i was watching DE_Steve's stream last Sunday afternoon on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/de_steve where i observed with great interest the space combat prototype  he has been working on (video from February 19th at approximately 2:19:30).  I really like the idea, and would love to see it implemented. 

    I particularly like the idea of piloting our landing craft, as the variety of landing craft available right now are effectively cosmetic loading screens due to the underwhelming nature of the air support system, so giving them direct use with different stats and possibly equipment would be a welcome improvement. I suggest using the player's capital ship to engage other enemy cruisers and to provide support, the landing craft to intercept smaller enemy craft (bombers, boarding vessels etc.) and to deploy the Player in an Archwing to attempt boarding action (as discussed to disable enemy subsystems, steal resources or intel, or potentially rescue or capture VIPs).

    Rather than being free-flight, the Archwing would fly down a set corridor towards a selected point of entry, with player input being used to accelerate, decelerate, dodge projectiles and obstacles (potentially scanning lasers or sensor beams during stealth), and potentially engaging enemies or shooting down incoming projectiles. This was inspired by this section of the Archwing trailer:

    I have no idea if this is technically feasible, but I thought i would share my two cents on the subject.

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