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Posts posted by UndyingNightmare

  1. After logging in a few times, I had noticed my color patterns on my frames were messed with. Not randomly selected colors, mind: I mean some were just reset off, so the frames look defaulted. I fashion framed my Umbra to make it like an Edgy Dark Sector boy, but I logged on twice today (once got kicked off due to modem crash here), and his colors, save his energy, were reset. 

    This also occurs with my other frames, though with random colors kept and others forced to default. To make it more annoying, it purges my favorite colors listings of the colors it mesed with. IE, if I used the darkest Black in SMOKE palette, it would remove that from my favorites as well. Along with EXIMUS reds, and OROKIN white. I hope this is just clientside, but MAN it is annoying to retouch the colors each time I log in.

  2. For the lack of better words, I have encountered a problem. When I close navigation, I get the pop up saying "Deleting Session", and after 3 seconds, it logs me out. Tried it three times so far, and it is rather frustrating to have to check for Kuva locations, and prep for it, only to get logged out and it change spots on me. 

    Also, speaking of Kuva, I rolled a Riven mod with 2.3K Kuva, and a Network error, as it claimed, said that it couldn't be completed. It claimed my account wasn't charged and resources were refunded, but I lost the Kuva was lost, and the price to reroll was increased as if it was a successful roll.

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