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Posts posted by Voltix

  1. So recently I got back into warframe and I noticed a lot of changes, especially with the little Archwing update. I really enjoy using my Orthos prime on all factions because it absolutely demolishes, and although I like my Frost Prime more, I am starting to use Ash a lot more with his invis and all. I used to have a decent Ash build, but because of Update 15 I am looking for a better one. Mind helping me? :3

  2. First if all, his freeze in only good in solo because in multiplayer, other players just shoot the enemies

    Second of all, his ice wave loses effectiveness after level 40 mobs.

    Third of all, his only good move is snow globe, its like the bread an butter of Frost


    Finally, avalanche loses effectiveness after level 40 mobs as well


    So in conclusion, Frost sucks at life.



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