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Posts posted by Necro_Bradford

  1. Don't know if I should put this in Mission tabs or here. I've been trying to have access to the Quills to try to get a better amp for my operator and for increasing standing on them however whenever I try to get into the place the game immediately freezes and crashes hard. I didn't have this issue when the Plains was first introduced to Warframe, but now it's making Cetus a place for me to avoid due to the random crashing I will have and not be having access to the Quills. When it crashed and filling in the details, I got this code: WAR-1899725. I really hope this gets fixed.

  2. Ok so this never happened before and I wish i could have screen shot it or recorded it, but if i did, it wouldn't look like a bug so here what happened and don't have any recording software:

    Me and 3 randoms joined into Akkad for affinity farming. I was a Mag with Tigris Prime and Carrier prime. One was an Ember/Prime (i don't know which) and another was Chroma but i forgot the third and what they were using as weapons. First 5 waves were nothing wrong and was working fine so the next 5 waves were going. At Wave 8 is where no Infested started to come into the main area. We waited for awhile and Ember had World on Fire on so i thought that was it, however we realize that wasn't the case as when we when into the maze of Infested flesh to collect some loot there was none. After going in some more i found some enemies and though they were stuck to get out so all 4 of us cleared them out of the way and almost ran back till we noticed the other enemies were also stuck. Every single spawn point for the Infested were full of Infested and were just waiting there. The started attacking once we were sighted by them but overall they just stood still waiting. We cleared out all of them and hope the next wave will start them running. It dint. For the next two waves till 10 we had to go to every spawn point killing them all since they weren't moving. All of us extracted at 10. I haven't got back into another game of Akkad yet to see if its still the case so I will leave this bug report in to see if anyone else had this problem and hopefully one managed to get a video or a screenshot of them stand at spawn point.

  3. I've seen it most in lag but that is not the case. I've had a friend record me while we go into the match and she can see my side firing correctly but my warframe move up vertically up. Here is the video: 


  4. I'm not sure if anyone have this problem but the Tonkor keeps exploding right in front of me whenever I fire at enemies. It will even explode when I try to fire it in the open with nothing obstructing the grenade's path. I wish I can give more detail or even a video, but I don't have any way to take out any pictures from steam and the bug seems to happen randomly since on occasion it will work right till the bug comes back and start again. Note that it happens in any mission, against any enemy, on every planet node, tileset, etc.

  5. You basically change the IP address from a private IP to a public IP. I had it too and i didnt know what to do until i found out you must make the change. It is in your advanced setting. its also called i think UPaP or UPsP somewhere along the lines there.

  6. Well that too but the concept is the same though. No use having game fixes if the updates can't be downloaded. For me i see the updates loading when i start but how can it not be implemented or say is wasnt downloaded when it clearly did.

  7. Yea. I love this game and everything was fine for me during the Update 7 even when i got data corruption. But after the Update fixes for 7 i think something got out of place that affecting some users. My friend plays this game and he is having no trouble with updating But with me every time i update something has to fail. If you want a good quality game, fix the launcher first then worry about the game. No use in having a game that cant be launched.

  8. I have the same probelm with DementedRebel. Bu the problem is why is it when some people have this problem and others dont. For me it keeps saying that the downloaded content wasn't downloaded from the servers. Even on steam i get the same error. What is the thing that makes it only affect us and not the others??

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