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Posts posted by HitokiriSorrelius

  1. il y a 22 minutes, TwoWolves a dit :

    The first three sentences smack of self-entitlement. Why? Because of the rest of it. It already is a choice. Having a cursor on the screen hasn't stopped me or slowed me down one wit, and I've been using nothing but the controller for days now, just to prove a point: 

    It still is a choice.

    Here's where the self-entitlement comes in. You actually did sign up to be DE's beta testers if you read the fine print very carefully. Every single person who plays this game has their console computer (since you like to say "console" so much, even though it's still a computer at the end of the day) sending DE telemetry on their game via the servers you are playing on, and that information, while anonymized, contains things like play time, weapons used, etc. Therefore, you have no more right to dictate to DE how to integrate any peripheral into their game as they see fit. You don't want to be bothered to rest a keyboard across your lap because you're a console gamer (as if that means anything--pretty sure just because you're a console gamer doesn't mean the rest of us have to game the way you do)? Fine. Then don't complain when DE offers the choice of using a keyboard while working out the bugs. We should feel grateful they released that option at all while allowing us to see it's progression in live time as they release patches. Seriously, your argument is akin to throwing a tantrum and saying, I don't like the new UI, I'm not playing at all because it's not what I want. All because you don't like how the new UI "feels" and want to complain about how it slows things down, which comes down to what? A few seconds extra? Not really immersion-breaking.

    And as for the broken argument, I've not noticed a single thing broken on my end, and aside from the change in how I scroll through UI menus, there's zero difference to me in my play style while using a controller so your argument is moot. What did you expect would happen as Sony tries to compete with Microsoft? That the keyboard would simply fall to the wayside and we'd all have VR suits and be playing Skyrim in 42K resolution by now? Pff. The controller as it looks now is on it's way out because game designers know it's too limited in functionality, and you can only cram so many buttons onto it before it becomes unwieldy and unusable.

    I can't help but feel you are trying to make this into a console vs pc master race argument. As I've said before in other posts, though, a console is a computer, period, it's just not a PC. And whether or not you are console gamers has nothing to do with how DE chooses to implement new peripherals. Just because you use a keyboard and mouse with a console doesn't mean you're suddenly a PC gamer, so that bit of insinuation is patently ridiculous. 

    You must not have played Mass Effect or Skyrim or Fallout 4 on the console, then, or at all, really. 

    Your PC must have been terrible. Graphics are better, more games, etc, etc. (Not going to be derailed by that specious argument)

    Your argument is moot for one simple reason.

    Sony has always intended to make the PlayStation into an entertainment system that can be used to not only play games, but stream movies, chat, email your friends and more. This is Sony's in and why they are competing with Microsoft and offering Hulu and Netflix and PlayStation Vue on the home screen. Therefore, Sony most certainly did have in mind a keyboard and mouse peripheral planned out long in advance. Consoles are not for gaming exclusively anymore. 

    You get to demand nothing from DE whether or not you paid. When you signed that contract, your "rights" to demand anything other than that they deliver to you the product (Warframe) in a playable state vanished. And there is no argument in the world you can make to say that the game is broken to the point of being unplayable.

    As someone else said earlier, do you listen to yourself when you talk? Just because Sony is including streaming options, chat, and email, doesn't mean it's turning the PS4 into a computer. And yes, I do differentiate. I have played all three of your examples, and on console, yet they didn't have the /requirement/ of using a mouse-style cursor. I could just as easily use my D-Pad for most of the options, but even with the recent hotfixes, the D-Pad functionality on console for Warframe has been terrible; it bugs out, won't let us do half of what we used to be able to do in less than half the time, and it doesn't feel as streamlined as the original UI was. Yes, feel is important to gamers. I don't need to use a keyboard on any other game I have that was 'ported from a computer to console', because they streamlined the shortcuts or added options for controller functionality to be more efficient.

     And to turn the question around, have you played Warframe on PS4 in this current state? If not, then please, go back to your PC feedback thread and stop trolling. Again, as someone else said, we're not all sitting at a desk where the keyboard and mouse are in easy reach; I have to sit about ten-fifteen feet away from where my console is hooked up to my TV, because of how my living room and bedroom are set up. I can't afford a wireless keyboard and mouse; to put a ten-foot cord across a room that not only I use and to require additional peripherals like that for a game that DID NOT REQUIRE THEM BEFORE is just nonsense. It'd be like if you were playing Skyrim or Mass Effect and suddenly it required you to use a Wiimote or something equally gimmicky, just for that one game. Worse, when you do use that peripheral, it doesn't work as well as what you were doing, and the developers say that they're just outright not going to revert it.

    All most of us are asking for is a way to go back to the streamlined and efficient experience we had. The hotfix to return shortcuts to the arsenal menu was a good start in the right direction, but most of us were happy with the way it was. Most console gamers aren't looking for a PC experience, especially because we like using a controller over K&M. If I wanted to waste another $500-$1000 on a laptop that would just be out of date within a few months, then that'd be on me. But we buy a console because they are a lasting way of gaming. I've had my PS4 since the March after they came out, so 2014. It has not crapped out on me once, and I have not had a single decrease in playability of any of the games I've had for it. Meanwhile, one of my friends has had to go through FIVE PROFESSIONAL-GRADE laptops in the same amount of time, just to keep playing all his PC games.

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  2. From a PS4 User:

    ...No. Just...No. The UI was just fine the way it was. I didn't want to have to use a mouse to do everything. I want the old UI back. Everything else I could honestly care less about; but taking away the button-centric controls of a CONTROLLER-BASED SYSTEM was not cool. If I wanted to play with a mouse and keyboard, I'd have updated my PC to play Warframe on there again. As it is, this has actually caused one of my friends to quit playing once again, after it took me months to convince him to come back on in the first place. I'm refraining from using my adult language here, but you people have just messed up what didn't need fixing. And for no good reason!

  3. Twice now, I have gone through the Assassination mission on Mercury. Twice now, I have seen Vor suddenly stop moving and become invincible after his shield drops. He doesn't lose any health, he doesn't stagger, the only thing he does is spout the rather annoying quips he has been programmed to say.

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