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Posts posted by Vapor_Spectre

  1. I made another post about this one and was advised to put a short link to it here. The general idea of the bug is that mods aren't dropping properly.

    More specifically: On Jupiter's gas city tileset within the secret labs 4 rare mods are supposed to drop that you can't get anywhere else in the game. Well I'm only seeing Hexenon, the mods when waypointed are identifying themselves as Hexenon. I have also done a lot of runs doing well over 70 of these secret labs in a process that took a few hours before I noticed something was looking a bit sketch. More detail in the post itself and any additional information on it I am willing to give. If it turns out Hexenon just is supposed to look like a mod and I got super unlucky during my farming session as Nekros let me know so I can remember not to every buy a lottery ticket.

  2. Ok, not sure if it is just Hexenon dropping as a mod and not actually related to the secret lab's mods. Still been doing this for a while, all 3 dropped from one of the unique amalgam enemies in the secret labs. Anyone else able to confirm if hexenon drops as a mod for anyone else? If anyone sees this? Going to stop grinding personally, it's been a while of grinding and it seems like it is indeed glitched.zknAK7i.pngmLv8KPQ.pngNvfcn9m.png

  3. 25 minutes ago, Malechieh said:

    I was doing it on pluto lvl 41 infestation so no alarms at all seeing as they dont use them

    Perhaps playing in an infested mission type is the issue. You need to do an exterminate mission without triggering an alarm, I'd imagine the Infested have other methods of being a failure condition. It's a 7k value mission after all, try it on Adaro like I mentioned without triggering an alarm to see if it works.

  4. I did it as saryn on Adaro on Sedna, make sure you are doing it on a level 30 or higher mission, it counts the lowest level not the higher level number given so keep that under consideration. Also you need to make sure absolutely no alarms go off, you can be seen but no alarms must be activated. If you are still having trouble then oof, hope it gets sorted for you.

  5. A bug involving the gas city secret labs and the 4 rare mods: Odomedic, Gale Kick, Anti Grav Array and Kavat's Grace

    The primary issue I noticed after 70+ secret labs with a nekros was that literally none of the mods were dropping at all. Now I know the chances are low but they aren't that low, I'd killed enough of the amalagams to at least see one of the mods i didn't want. So I took off my Vacuum and tried again. Then I noticed a possible cause to my lack of new mods to mess around with (Screenshot below).

    A similar issue to this one happened a while back with the mods displaying as Orokin Cells, for me they were displaying as Hexenon as seen in the screenshot. Now a mod displaying as Hexenon would be a funny visual glitch that wouldn't be that big a rush to fix, a mod displaying Hexenon when it is actually supposed to be a mod I am trying to farm making it impossible to farm it? That is a serious issue that cost me a few hours of grinding for nothing.

    I checked the Warframe Market and while there are some listings nobody was actually online whenever I checked, perhaps the bug was fixed for a time and broke later? I know I have seen a few youtube videos of people using things like Odomedic. This could just be a visual glitch and somehow killing 210+ minimum of these amalgam enemies with a nekros wasn't enough (Probably killed a lot more then that).

    Any help would be appreciated, if anyone viewing this owns one of the aforementioned mods, when did you get it and roughly how many labs did it take you? To get a picture of that just see how many of the captura scenes you have. I don't have any information on the playthroughs of other people, only a few facts that seem to point to the mods dropping properly, but before they dropped as Orokin Cells making them impossible to farm for a while and now I have a screenshot of mods dropping as Hexenon.

    Edit: This post has been edited to clarify details as much as possible and conform to the guidelines for reporting bugs, my previous post is directly bellow to avoid chronological confusion.

    I have been farming the gas city secret labs for a while, over 70 labs done with 0 of the rare mods collected. I then noticed other people had similar issues MONTHS ago. I was farming as Nekros solo on these just to get it done with no luck, sure it's possible that I got super unlucky with the 0.5% chance of them supposedly dropping but no. I took Vacuum off of my sentinel and tried again to see if I could get better data.

    I took a screenshot, Not sure how to upload it since i need to insert image from URL but when I figure it out I'll add the image here. But you can test for yourself, the mod I marked on the screenshot showed that it wasn't even a mod, it was hexenon. Wasn't the old glitch the mods being an Orokin Cell? DE just give us the damn mods, I really want to mess around with them but clearly there is some issues still unresolved with the Secret Lab mods.

    Edit: ScreenshotqMiAsrj.jpg

  6. I know it isn't entirely even related anymore but since this seems to have expanded to a whole Lore based threat. "Hey Kiddo" is what the man in the wall says occasionally donning your own visage in your orbiter. It is also what your operator's father said to you during one of your flashbacks regaining your operator powers in the War Within. Makes me wonder if the connection between those of the 10-0 and the man in the walls is stronger then we think?

    Otherwise, I also did some more digging on Maroo as you mentioned and came to have a few theories on the matter. The Orokin never truly die (Unless they are killed by a good old tenno) but can choose forms to take control over. We see this in the mountain depicted in the War Within (Yea replayed the quest a few times to truly understand how it worked). It seems that the Orokin were quite fond of their mind over their body, since they were able to change forms so easily as hinted at with the grineer queens being remnants of Orokin that weren't killed (Still need to look into how the Tenno even in their big attack failed at killing a few of the cockroach-like Orokin). There is a chance that not all of the Golden Lords were lacking in humility, it was clear that the first Lotus was Orokin but replaced by a Sentient, both were benevolent (Until Natah left us in The Sacrifice). So it isn't impossible to think that Orokin can't be good people. Just few and far between.

    Another reason she could be an Orokin is that besides her vast knowledge of Orokin ships and derelicts she seems to be quite content sending us Tenno out and giving as you mentioned a free conversion of the Ayatan into Endo. Ignoring other methods of gaining the sculptures for a moment she stands to gain nothing from it unless the Endo is just a currency and she is buying and stockpiling sculptures clearly valuable even to the Orokin judging my how well secured they are. But I suspect the treasures themselves hold more then she is letting on. If left alone the sculptures will act as perpetual motion machines given all sockets are filled. Perhaps they are some form of Orokin battery? It would give her more incentive to get ahold of them to do... something? I still don't have a clue on that because we have little information to go on.

    So I would assume Maroo is one of these few good Orokin or at least was planned to be at a future point in time but was scrapped. The main reason I say that storyline was scrapped is that not only has it not gone anywhere besides a few small hints it seems like she has been stuck in the role of just looking for Ayatan treasures. It would be nice if she played a bigger role but it doesn't seem like she will nor is it being hinted that she may play a bigger role in the story. Orokin or not she is likely just going to remain a background character that will occasionally give you a hint at Ayatan treasure.

    Though I am still gathering notes on other things, I will keep this thread posted if I make another breakthrough.

  7. Thread necromancy only really matters if you don't have anything of value to add. That seems pretty important, though I wonder how many other frames share such importance. Sure Octavia has a lot of roots in the Orokin world but I wonder about some of the others. Perhaps with how much DE pushed Excalibur as the face of warframe there is more to him as well? Or is it just Octavia? I will do some more digging into that line of discussion myself later but seeing that Octavia not only has such a strong connection to the old war but the end of the Orokin perhaps other frames can shed some more light on the Orokin as well?

  8. I got the opticor vandal. I was disappointed because I was told the Opticor was a BFG, a gun that could one shot a boss. So seeing damage numbers lower then my Lenz I was put off at first. Thinking nothing of it I decided to put it to bed for a while. Then I read up on the OG Opricor, the boss killer. I found a video that had an amazing build (Linked here ) so I was interested at how much damage the gun could get away with.

    According to the video, the base stats of the weapon (Ignoring all status chance for a second)  added up to:

    7,254.6 + 853.5 + 426.7 + 21,763.7 = 30298.5 without a crit. Obviously, the build showed a crit chance of 50% making the damage 269,656.65 due to the crit multiplier being 8.9.

    Now, this is significantly more than my Lenz build so I was seeing why it was called the thing that could one shot a boss. But I wondered, what if you could do.... more....

    The smeeta kavat is you are lucky can give you 200% critical chance... now, a headshot with a maxed out harrow could also give 200% crit chance. Now the 200% from the smeeta kavat is base and the harrow 200% is additive... So that means the critical chance of the opticor is 450% with an 8.9 crit multiplier. With something like vigilante armaments that means you have a chance to have a 6x crit with an 8.9 crit multiplier. Correct me if my maths are wrong but that means... a lot of damage.

    with a harrow, vigilante armaments and a smeeta kavat. Saying you are lucky that is 450% crit chance due to smeeta and harrow both being additive rather than multiplicative. so a 5x crit but a 6x crit with a 8.9 crit multiplier... Wouldn't that mean you do around 15,057,787,644.181858 damage per headshot? Or has DE already thought about that madness? Because that is an ungodly amount of damage.

    If my maths are wrong let me know, but if not I can't wait until I rank up once more and can research the Opticor because DAMN that is a lot of damage. Sure you would have to have the stars align but come on. The damage would be just enough to help me do the E-Prime, been stuck on that for a while and nobody in recruitment chat will help.

  9. The Planes of Eidolon. It was an amazing time to be alive when we walked the lands controlled by the Sentient remenants at night and grineer forces trying to control earth during the day. Then we encountered the Corpus on Venus, a cold land of that told the tale of Solaris U. But judging by the pattern then next we are going to get an open world for the Infested or the Orokin next. However, given the order you encounter them I'm suspecting the Infested would be next on the list.

    Now, first of all, where will this be? If we follow the star chart that has been laid out for us it seems that the sandy wastelands of mercury will be next. "But DandereAkali, aren't they a sort of underground / on the grineer space ship tile sets?" Shut up my self deprecating voice in my head, I was getting to that. The worlds we play on clearly have some level of "Because the Orokin Blah Blah Blah you can do this Super cool thing now" so if anything I say is impossible use the excuse "Orokin blah blah blah". That or I may have overlooked something, I haven't had my good old English cup of tea yet so my morning isn't going well.

    The Setting Sugestion:

    Now, excuse my french but the infested are parasitic lifeforms that seem to spread through toxic spores. Once these spores have gotten into a creature's systems or probably just made contact with the creature's skin then the lifeform mutates into a horrifying abomination that has a great decrease in intelligence for... some gain?... but they are then titled The Infested. due to the incurable infection now taking hold. That is why I think they would be perfect for two environments. Either underwater or as mentioned above a desert. But since not even I could stomach an underwater level even if it would be cool to see all the giant infested underwater creatures, the fact that Arcwing's movement underwater is so bad I'd rather just go into operator mode and try to swim, let's assume we are getting the desert.

    Now, how I would set it up is a semi-desert and semi-underground cave systems. After all, it is the closest planet to the sun, there could possibly be damage to be taken at certain times of the day from being outside when the sun is blasting down on your head. Even if you don't actually take any damage it would still be an interesting idea seeing large deserts contrasted with underground cave systems and expanding mineshafts.

    The biggest thing I'd like to get down are the people living here. You know, the town of quest givers and shops for us to trade with. They would be a mining town harvesting the planet for resources, not sure how you would fish with temperatures that high, maybe you fish in lava or something? Boiling water stemming from somewhere because of Orokin things? I don't know but I'm assuming there will be new fishing and mining stuff to collect and trade for standing. The mining town would have a young looking kid as a quest giver. He took leadership when his parents went missing due to a mine collapsing (3 guesses what you will be investigating and it won't just be new ways to kill infested?). He even as a young kid still has his father's people managing skill and his mother's credit management skills, he is trying to put them both to good use and has managed to keep the town going, that was until the Infested arrived and began to make the usually harmless and neutral creatures violent and hostile. He sent out a beacon for help and the Lotus picked it up.

    But of course, there is going to have to be the big boss monster patrolling the lands, and I propose it be sentient again. HOWEVER, the Orokin designed the Infested to deal with the Sentients. That failed but what if maybe one strain of the infested was just perfect enough to corrupt it. So you have a walking sentient / infested combo monster. Not sure what the lore on that would be. Would it be a sentient with Infested powers or would the infested remove it's super armour and super fast adaptation? Then again it could just be a huge Orokin relic that was infested since we have seen that the infested can infest technology. Regardless it has to be something other than just a giant growth of infested parts. We have seen that before with the Jordas Golem and it was just ugly and badly done, then again maybe some of the wildlife to be infested could have just been really big? Like maybe there are tunnels around the map that are huge but dug out by the creature? Could be interesting I suppose, I shall make note of it.

    The Ship:

    with the release of a new infested lands. I think that a certain side room in your ship can be opened up a little more. Before you could only enter the room when you had space HIV but it seems like terrible game design to have a part of your own ship locked off to you with only one small purpose. What if, and hear me out on this because it is a little controversial. You can upgrade your warframes a little more. The warframe does use infested technology, perhaps with the resources, you gather you can add upgrades to your warframe that can push you that little bit further compared to mods. Small changes but every little does help after all. If not that then maybe just use the room to craft specific new weapon types like the hive equivalent of a kit gun that maybe your infested doctor could help make? I don't know any other suggestions for that specifically but it is a little sad to see it only used for the removal of space HIV, some other use would be a welcome thing even if none of my other suggestions are even so much as looked at. 

    The Fish:

    I says it how I sees it, 5k investment of mutagen samples minimum for a single gun. If that can't be lowered add a new way to get them, so how about add a fish that when cut up gives mutagen samples? It would make the grind different and perhaps more interesting, buying bait to get more of that fish, not having to go in and out of a mission constantly just able to relax and fish? Besides that I suppose lake and pond fish as normal, maybe even hot spring fish given how hot the planet is. 


    Final Notes:

    I think my random post on a suggestion for the next big planet is done. Though knowing DE whatever they release will look amazing, especially with how Fortuna was handled, I just wanted to pose it to the community on how they felt about my little idea. Maybe if I am lucky at least the ship idea on the door not locking you out for not having the cyst will be taken into consideration. Just seems like a waste honestly. What do you guys think?

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, (PS4)d_HopeCraft_b said:

    I found that really... weird ?

    Like.. the Red Veil speakers knew Lotus was a Sentient and they chose to keep their mouth shut ? Or did all the Syndicates get informed about what the Lotus is after she reveals it to us ? Like, Paladino knew about Margulis and the Holy Children before all other Tenno knew, and she chose to keep that hidden, like... why ?

    Maybe Rell told them? We don't know if he did or didn't have access to the information but if anyone did tell them without the Lotus wanting it to be known it would be Rell. Begs the question of if Rell knew she was Sentient but did nothing about it while he could still fight or even if he could. Can Rell in his ghostly invulnerable state fight a Sentient? Or would it just be a wet noodle fight where the two couldn't hurt eachother?... He could have just chosen not to act thinking Lotus to be some area of good he didn't need to focus on Sentient or not?

  11. On 2019-03-04 at 1:01 PM, evilChair said:

    Anyways, none of this explains how and why the Lotus was able to survive as a sentient in a void-barrel on Lua for centuries or milennia.

    She said she sacrifices her "Sentience" didn't she? Left her weakened or something, I don't remember the specifics but I believe she can't be a Sentient anymore. Though that doesn't explain how she still BETRAYS US by turning back into a sentient abomination before flying off goD DAMN IT SPACE MOM!

  12. On 2019-02-26 at 10:21 AM, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    Isn't staying invested pretty much pointless? Your reward doesnt increase, it stays at 250,000 each round, and the enemies just keep getting harder......more effort for the same gain.....not worth it. Just do one round, extract, go again. Much easier, much faster.

    Simple, Practice for eventually getting to John Prodman, I need at least 70 of his signed posters!

  13. Due to the requirement of Kuva survival having to finally make me do this. I am posting this to try and do what isolation and trust issues has worked so very hard to make impossible.


    Wanted: A Friend

    Reason: Kuva Survival no air night wave

    Duration of the sentence: I require at the very least 60 minutes of friendship but am always willing to take on a few permanent residents on my friend's list.

    Requirements: Knows how to aim, can count to 60, willing to be a friend, actually plays warframe, willing to commit 60 minutes of their life to another for a passionate night of action in the name of Kuva.

    Reward: The satisfaction of helping someone do something on the internet... (JK I got like 1 plat and crippling debt from V-bucks, I can't afford a reward.)



    TL:DR : I am so lonely... Send help... Why warframe forcing me to get friends all of a sudden?

    Note: I do have a clan with two people in it, me and my IRL brother. It is fairly well set up and has all the basic labs. If anyone wishes to be a permanent friend then you can have access to it if you wish.

  14. In the Octavia mission when you rescue Suda from Hunhow he plays the Naga Drums, he mentions a bit about them and their backstory yet it seems his voice lines change if you play the Naga Drums back to him. Ignoring the slight lack of continuity to it Hunhow seems to play a bigger role with the Orokin then I thought.

    After going back through the mission to test my time and one day get a high score. I actually paid attention to what he was saying and began to think a little about it.

    Hunhow asks if you remember the Naga Drums which is fair since the music was a big deal, and when you beat him with it he claims to control it. But to my knowledge, the Orokin controlled it and were using it as a tool to end the threat of the Tenno. Though my knowledge is hazy at best on that.

    So let me ask this of my fellow Tenno out there. Did Hunhow work with the Orokin at one point in time? The beat of the Naga Drums was enough to allow him to take control over Suda and Ordis, perhaps eventually Simaris but something tells me Simaris would last the longest out of the three. So the Drum's power is pretty important, did he just copy the work of the Orokin or did he integrate like space mom did? Then again we have already seen the Lotus turn her back on us and turn into the monster so maybe before she had a change of heart she gave the secrets of the Drums up to Hunhow? (Still waiting to see how that one goes, if it doesn't end with her back to replace the annoying glitchy copy of her that just reminds me she betrayed us then I'm gonna be mad!). 

    Another thing I still need to look into how Octavia's Anthem plays into countering the Naga Drums. If the Naga Drums was supposed to celebrate the decommissioning of the Tenno (As I have been told I need to confirm) then was Octavia's Anthem supposed to be for the Tenno rising again to protect the system? Or am I just grabbing at straws hoping for content to fall into my lap after playing the game for a few months and already reaching the end game...?

  15. I am talking about the "High Risk" investment here. Given that with a rino and a half decent gun can clear it out fairly easily you would think a full team of Rino would stay invested for a few rounds. The first round is gaining 200,000 credits while the second round is a gain of an additional 250,000. But no, I have legitimately never had a team of people stay invested so I can build up a healthy amount of credits.


    That is not my issue. My issue is that when I want to stay invested regardless and the host leaves the game crashes without failure. Left frozen on the points screen, every single time. I want to stay invested, the Host can't let himself be carried for a free 250,000 credits and ditches and I am left with no gain because I have to close warframe and lose 50,000 credits as the game counts it as a loss for me. Sure I could just cash out on round one, every single time, gaining 200,000 credits, when I need upwards of one million to do a big platinum trade. Yeah nah, but at the same time solo you can't get nearly as far in the Index as you could with a group.


    My worst annoyance is that even with the most kills on the team someone else tends to just follow me around and pick up every point they can, making it harder on me to actually do my job, even worse when they are in a squishy frame and end just throwing away all those points. But that is more of a nitpick compared to literally having your game crash and losing 50,000 credits because of a game-breaking glitch that causes the game to freeze is the host doesn't stay invested.


    Now that I have finished venting about now not even having the credits to do the index I'm gonna have to farm with one of the slower methods of getting credits just so I can get out of this stupid hole the game glitched me into.



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