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Posts posted by miikiious

  1. Everything is 5p unless specified



    Akbronco bp

    ankyros bp

    Boar prime - barrel, bp, receiver

    Boltor prime - all parts, but no bp

    Braton prime - stock and bp

    Bronco prime- barrel, bp

    Burston prime - set

    Dakra - blade

    Ember prime - bp, chassis

    Fang prime - blade

    Frost prime - bp, helmet

    Glaive prime - blade and disc

    Latron prime - receiver

    Paris prime - bp, lower limb

    Reaper prime - blade, handle

    Sicarus Prime - bp, barrel



    Accelerated blast

    Barrel Difusion

    Constitution 10p

    Corrupted Charge 10p

    Critical Delay

    Energy channel

    Fired up

    Firestorm 10p

    Fleeting expertise 15p

    Hammer shot

    Hell's chamber


    Master thief




    Spare parts

    Split chmber

    Spoilt strike 10p

    Stunning speed

    Tainted shell


    Vicious spread




  2. I know it's only an collectible item now, but if you are willing to buy I would be willing to provide.

    I don't know how much I can get for it (if any at all :P) so please give me a few offers. 

    If enough of you wants to buy it I will set up an auction of sorts to make sure you get the chance to get the key.

  3. I think you missed the point others were making by thinking they wanted to start a flame war. They didn't want the four legged frame BECAUSE it doesn't fit the lore and playstyle at all. I mean can you imagine the thing wallruning? Or perhaps opening doors? Gripping datamass? Hacking? Can you imagine any other action it should do other then walking and shooting?


    Well i guess a four legged (or walking at all) Sentinel would be nice but it still wouldn't be practical for the reasons i mentioned (wallruning)

  4. Nice Idea.
    If not make this a reward for the after-live then how about making it a global reward for compliting events? Like a bonus to the normal rewards. That would make sense too because it would require a little more effort on our part then simply watching stream :D

  5. As I said in the title I didn't get new helmets blueprints from the alerts. At first it was Chorus for Banshee. The funny thing about it is that I did't simple not get the blueprint it was as if I didn't complete the mission at all! No money, no exp (my warframe was supposed to level up during the alert but after compliting it my loki was back at the lower level), no mods and I could do the alert again. The same thing happend with puls for volt and the new helmet for rhino that I helped my friend obtain. He got the rhino helmet blueprint but I didn't!

    So my question is: Am I the only one with this bug?

    And I was really looking forward to the new volt helmet with the dangly bits.

  6. There are 3 bugs with lasers but I think two of them maight have the same couse.

    1. Sometimes you can simply walk through them as if the effect they do ends faster then thier animation.

    2. You can cheat your way through them by pressing "V" and rolling.

    3. You can also do that by doing jump slide (jumping while sprinting and doing a slide in midair).

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