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Posts posted by PorcelainCow

  1. My thoughts are:

    First of all: Diwata needs a buff, at least if they don't plan on allowing certain mods on Exalted weapons in the near future finally.

    Lantern is good and its a good Quality of Life change.

    Tribute gets a nice quality of life change/update for abilities that function like this. Assuming this is also applied to Grendel's 2, because it wouldn't make any sense if it's not, as simply the new way abilities like that work.

    Tribute however still needs 2 more useful auras, or at least the ability for Entangle's slow to scale and Full Moon to apply to more things.

    Spellbind right now is purely a status blocking buff, there is no reason to use it as crowd control over what Lantern provides in my experience. Keeping the status immunity is nice of course, but it either needs to compromise affected enemies further while also keeping them steadier, or it needs a major overhaul. Personally I'd change it to be more akin to Harrow's 1, wherein Titania shoots a swarm of Razorflies forward that grab onto and hold the enemies, nesting in them, and killing such infested enemies spawns 1-3 razorflies that seek out nearby enemies and suicide bomb into them, inflicting them with bleed (but no initial damage).

  2. Due to the quick melee keybind triggering a normal attack or a regular slam attack, and the heavy attack button now triggering a heavy slam, it is no longer possible to throw glaive weapons while jumping, bullet jumping or aim gliding.

    This is the case whether primary, secondary or melee are equipped.

    The only exception is when the glaive is being dual-wielded with a pistol, in which case the quick melee button once again functions as a throw, which however suffers from the other issues (no charged throw capability) documented in other reports regarding this update.

  3. The community's dislike of it's physics-related behaviors aside, Spellbind suffers from an atrociously small radius that makes it rarely feel worth casting, especially against any enemy but clustered up Infested (against which it's disarm function then fails to matter).

    I've always felt that, comparatively, Harrow's Condemn had enormous range with very similar effects on enemies, and while I understand that it is a necessary tool for him to receive Overshields to work the rest of his kit, I think this overshield effect also balances fairly well against Spellbinds additional status immunity effect. (which is also hard to apply to squad members in motion, due to the radius)

    As Condemn, as strong as it seemed, was apparently deemed having room to grow and given a Duration buff in the latest hotfix, and Titania (and not Harrow) is currently under major review, I have to wonder why Spellbind has remained stuck at 5 meter radius? With Mods being percentage based and Range already being a not-so-great choice for Titania Spellbind just goes absolutely nowhere, and often fails to hit even the entirety of what could be considered "grouped up" enemies, making it simply not worth casting, especially on a frame that is already encouraged to spend energy while in a channeling state. All this is topped off by a signifcant casting and animation time that is also a full body animation, interrupting everything else, unless performed in Razorwing. The entire ability is simply a drag to use in every way.

  4. Whenever Titania picks up a Convergence Orb (the yellow Focus Conversion Timed Buff) while in Razorwing Form she suffers from an extended period of blurred vision, making it difficult to spot anything clearly or navigate, and which acts generally disorienting. As this is purely a buff mechanic and has no penalty associated in any other circumstance, this seems unintentional.

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