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Posts posted by (PSN)Gul-Dan-The-Man

  1. Fun bonus ability since some might miss Vubaun bounce pad. when ever he jumps off the ground he leaves a bounce pad when he was standing. perhaps limited to having one out at time or maybe just a short duration before disappearing.


  2.     First time using the forums but with the vubaun rework coming in the future I felt I will never have another chance to talk about my Vubaun rework idea that I've been mulling over for a while now.

    I won't go over specific numbers since people smarter than me can figure that out. I'll be listing concepts and their intended fuctions.

    Abilty 1: I would make this ability a cross between mine layer and Tesla by making into different kinds of deployables up to a small number at one time(sorta like wisp motes)

    Deployable 1: Tesla turret: same concept as tesla but instead it act s similar to a Octavia mallet. It will draw the aggro of nearby targets and any damage received will add to the damage multiplier increasing output making it more scalable.

    Deployable 2: Concussion mine: like the concussion granade this turret will stun  enemies that approach its range for a short time.

    Deployable 3:Claymore mine: this continuous trap will double as a trip wire and the shredder grenade. Any enemy that walk past will fall over and have most if not all armor removed.

    Ability 2: instead of mine layer. I would want a support ability that makes me think of other engineers in other games. My idea Would be Vubaun supply pick ups that you could cycle through and for a little bit of energy drop for allies.

    special ammo:this pick up would not only replenish some ammo but give primaries and secondaries a damage buff for a set time.

    enhanced armor: increases warframe armor for a set time.

    shield generator: increases shield regeneration for a set time.

    Ability 3: i never cared for his 3 it always felt clunky if I could change it I would make it somthing like a fortification ability something that's a mix of volt shield and gara wall.

    Bastille Wall: this is a a deployable shield that blocks damage from enemies; that on button hold  increases its horizontal length. Any friendly damage that passes through it will have a percentage of that damage put into walls buffer and when enemies pass through the wall they will receive a slash damage proc equivalent to the buffer until the wall duration runs out.

    Ability 4: I actually don't have much problem with the ability but if I could tweak a little I'd make it work almost like a nidus's 2 pull ability range wise but instead it continuously pulls in enemies when they get close for the short time its active.

    In conclusion: I feel making Vubaun a fast kill frame would betray the idea of what Vubaun is. I feel improving his ability to fortify and giving him support buffs will make him a decent anchor point in at least Defence, survival, mobile defence, excavation, ECT

    Welp that was my idea I wanted to get that off my chest before we got what were going to get soon. Hope you hated it. Thanks for reading tho.

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