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Posts posted by (NSW)SoulReaperX

  1. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Well, yeah. I interpreted it as an expression of frustration caused by Nekros and Oberon being unvaulted for so long.

    well i just mean if there quaranteed at home do they need full access to servers to implement vaulting and unvaulting stuff (keep in mind i have no idea on how this stuff works)

  2. 2 minutes ago, M3tallius said:

    I love the lighting and the windows myself. Feels far more open now! The scratches though make zero sense, but I'm pretty sure this is just the foundation for interior skins. Doesn't add up otherwise.

    maybe there were fights on board with the previous owner

  3. 14 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:


    Titania Changes:

    • Titania can now Transfer to the Operator during Razorwing.
    • Titania’s cast animations are now an upper body animation only (except Razorwing), alleviating momentum cancelling lower body animations and trimming cast time.
    • Thorns Tribute now has Damage reflected AND reduced to help our little bug feel a little less squishy.
    • Titania can spawn up to four more Razorflies if all Tributes are active, one per Tribute.
    • Razorflies can now pick up Tributes.
    • Enemies directly affected by Titania’s Lantern will now have any damage they take dealt to them when the Ability ends (a la Mind Control).


    i dont get the first part.  its not titania follows the operator around if in razorwing is it?

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