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Posts posted by Illegal_Squirell

  1. 1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    Actually that last line would describe this comment. You do know you just pointed out the vast difference between 105m views, with 9m Likes right? So your theory is 96m folks all coincidentally just forgot to hit Like but every single one of them was interested in getting the game. Cool.

    For someone who brought up stats for their point you didn't really do a good job. No more unnecessary replies please.

    Marvel's Infinity War got 261 millions views, and 4 millions like. Most people aren't   S M A S H I N G   the like button. The more you learn.

    The Duviri Paradox got 1.6 millions views, with 48k likes. And I heard that thing was hyped.

  2. 13 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    Yeah I can't imagine too many folks getting hyped for a game that's basically just a reskin of all the previous games. Think I'll stick to games that actually challenge you to create your own solutions instead of 98% of the missions being "go kill X person".

    The studio is fantastic at graphics, and not much else. Least of all variety. Seems they left all the creativity on the Red Dead Team. It's not even worth marking on a calendar. 

    There is not even a gameplay trailer released yet.

    And considering the trailer got 105 millions views in the past day at the official channel (Excluding views from all the reaction, and analysis videos), more than GTA 5's trailer from 12 years ago (101 millions), with 9 millions like, and according to Return Dislikes extension for YouTube, the video got 97%/3% like/dislike ratio, I think people are excited.

    Your comment is a disservice to your own intellect.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

    I kept hearing about it, and finally gave it a watch.

    Yep.  It's GTA.  That's about all I got.

    But then, I'm another one of those people who last played it back with SA.  The somewhat forced and shoehorned in life sim elements just detracted from the game too much.

    Dont worry, they haven't done much life sim ever since SA, there's like optional hanging out, but you don't have to worry about Fat, Muscle, Sex Appeals, Hunger, etc stats.

  4. 2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Tatakai no Kami said:

    Yes, clearly otherwise I wouldn't have posted.

    Well, the most it would take to complete a vault bounty is 5 mins, if you're taking your time. So at worst, you'll have to do 50 mins of grinding to get all the Matrices needed to rank up.

    50 minutes is less than 1 hour… Warframe will be here for at least another few days (probably)… another few days is at least 48 hours… 48 hours is a lot more than 1 hour… which is more than 50 minutes, got the math?

  5. Lemme get in the train too.

    -Khora: Really fun to use, lack idle skills.
    -Yareli: Unique gameplay. You also got to see out of bound maps.
    -Mirage: Ball? Thrown. Enemies? Dead.

    -Gotva Prime: Have a cool ching, and really easy for the finger.
    -Trumna: A great crowd control, cool effect too.
    -Nataruk: Reliable.

    I don't care much about the secondary and melee, I guess Laetum, and Ack & Brunt is cool.

  6. I just read about this topic from a thread from a few years ago, the replies wasn't as welcoming then. Some bozos even think it was good for security.

    🤓🖕 First of, people would choose convenient password over secure because they have to type it constantly, making guessing the password for remote access a lot easier.

    💪🤓🖖 Second, if a bad actor got a hold of my PC, then my Warframe account would be the least of my worry.

    Sorry, I just had to rant about that. Yes, D.E, please fix.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

    The top picture might be the skybox of the elevator, I'm not sure.

    The bottom picture looks like the Elevator you go to the surface in.


    Next time it happens and you want to get back to a normal area bring up chat and type /unstuck it will reset your character back into the normal map area.


    Welcome to the game and the forums. :thumbup:

    Yep, nothing important really, just bugged out game, Me and my Yareli grew familiar of that place.

    • Like 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, Alguien said:

    But, if the actual argument is the min-maxing of damage.

    Nope, my argument is faction-specific mods serve no purpose except for being annoying to swap out. Sure, we can ask them to buff other base damage mods, but it doesn't solve the issue with bane mods, does it? It'll be there taunting you to use it, and once you're trapped in its grasp, you're stuck in a cycle of going to your arsenal after every mission… but if that's the kind of gameplay you're looking for, there's no point in arguing, is there?


  9. 13 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Not every skin is going to appeal to everyone. I'm looking forward to it.

    You won't be able to please everyone, so at least please the people that already like Yareli design, especially since she is the only Warframe that is styled that way.

    Not a big fan of her cutesy styles, but considering she's the only one that's like that, DE seriously shouldn't be so eager to abandon it.

    • Like 4
  10. 5 hours ago, Alguien said:

    I get people will ignore  Serration, Heavy Caliber, Magnum Force, Vicious Spread, Point Blank, and other damage mods that already exist for being additive instead of multiplicative, but why ask for new mods when a simpler way would be for those mods to be rebalanced?

    We are talking about faction mods, aren't we? I'm just saying, having separate bane mods for each factions serve no purpose except for being annoying to swap out, unless I'm missing something.

  11. What about adding a similar mod that work for every faction I wonder? Because I don't see any reason why we need faction specific bane mods for balance purposes, it will be cheaper to upgrade because we only need one instead of three, but just make them more expensive.

    As of right now we can get the same effect if we swap them out, but they're just a hassle to swap out.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Is the idea that you figure out how to complete the optional objectives while watching Youtube and grind even faster or… what?

    I want survival to be more engaging by popping up optional objectives, players who want to do it get rewarded efficiency, those who don't can keep going as usual. And maybe have a timer for the objectives to complete, so if someone doesn't want that particular objective, they can ignore it, and get another one.

    1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    So why not just make it like the timer is reduced based on how many enemies get killed or something?

    A set of fixed objectives is fine, but I feel like the extra randomness would hit my dopamine nerve a bit harder.

    1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    I'm advocating for a way to make the gamemode more interesting, not trying to preserve some lazy-man's clicker gameplay. Survival is objectively uninteresting. 

    Exactly, as of right now they might as well tell the players to stare at the wall, at least then the players can completely ignore it until the timer run out.

    1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    You gotta actually build to sit around waiting for a timer to count down, so if someone’s going to go out of their way to figure out the best way to do that, let them watch Youtube or shoot the breeze while the grind just happens

    Even my poor man Khora can use her high strength small Strangledome to juiced up enemies in most survival missions, I'll only have to check on it every one minute, and if something were to happened, such as if I get distracted for too long, or an eximus crash the party, well what's the worst that could happened? I get downed? My poor man focus build with Last Grasp can fix that real quick. And this is coming from someone who never check on what the optimal way to afk in survival mode.

    And don't get me started on public party, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the chance to afk, but it's just not fun.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    works well as it is now. and with loot warframe you have to be 100% . . .

    I can understand the value, but survival mission isn't like a mission at all currently, start -> watch youtube -> check back occasionally.

    I mean with the tweak you can still do that, but you also have optional objectives that pops up from time to time to boost the timer.

    • Like 4
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