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Posts posted by EsperSparks

  1. Ok probably one of the few ppl not complaining about nerfs ( Give alternatives then if you dont like the nerfs guys, just saying MMM BAD ME ANGY isnt gonna do much )

    De, if able im still waiting for the ability to donate roller floofs, Prominence Wisp totem decors, and potentially figure props into the dojo.
    If atleast, the Prominent wisp totems. Bought a good few from the Gargoyl's cry event, just so i could put em into my dojo, but still unable to.

  2. I'll keep this simple ( as in i never seem to sorry )
    this issue has been affecting things from zaws and kitguns, to pets, to clans and displays, to basically anything with an editable text display.

    On xbox I run a clan called netoku Embasy- that there is a good start; Embasy
    Due to your chat filter being rather overly agressive with it's job I couldnt spell it correctly as Embassy due to A-ss ( just incase you go after me about saying the A word cough im splitting it )
    another issue is setting up displays telling info in my dojo- I leave myself notes with the tenno text displays, and i was going to make a Japanese themed area- problem is I cant spell it as japanese because Ja-p, a very old mostly forgotten slang word towards japanese I've only ever heared someone say in pearl harbor movies. I find it both funny and rediculous that i have to say ja panese so the bot doesnt go after me.

    in normal chat things like this are censored- some slight exeptions i believe exist like TITania not being censored for containing ti-t ( though saying anything with the word trap in it gets you banned for a month from talking whatsoever ingame- sorry if we're offending your anime crossdressing guyfes.

    i'd really like to see this fixed- it's overkill and a bit irritating having to work around an overly agressive censorship policy that you put into this game years ago.

    and before some dimwits say im saying all censorship needs to end- no just stop right there. Just fix it so we dont have anything pointless or ... and i hate to keep using the word but it really just describes the situation- rediculous being censored

  3. EDIT: for some reason I signed into my pc account not xbox before typing this. This is still for Xbox One.
    Well I wasn't quite ready to put this together but today's the day I show off the Netoku Embasy's Dojo! ( yes it's just 1 s- censore bot stuff it's ok )

    After roughly 1 year 7 months I have slowly (mostly) Solo funded my own Dojo! 4 Floors and all but a Hema funded for our Clan Labs, Today i'll be showing off the current progress of the Netoku Embasy Dojo.
    NOTE! I won't be showing ALL of the Dojo, there's too much to go over, only highlights of each floor.

    ( Special Thanks to NutsPolar and ToastyChief for helping fund the last bits of our Clan's Labs and decor )

    • Clan name: Esper Sparks96
    • Clan tier: Ghost Clan
    • Clan platform: Xbox One
    • Your Clan role: Founder & Architect

      I'll Start from Bottom to Top

      Floor 1: The Netoku Sol Observatory, the Lounge and Camp Seedlits 


      The Observatory is themed after mars, earth, Lua and Venus with pillars decorated to their environments, along with some plant life to make the Observatory more .. relaxing


      The Lounge is an Orokin focused themed room for Players to meet and interact with one another in their downtime. here you will also find a small Xmas themed area kept up on permanent display. Despite the detail I put into this room I oddly never come here- but it is still a favorite among a few rooms I've done for the Dojo.


      Camp Seedlits an a darkly lit foresty environment players can play in- however as one of many themed rooms it's mostly as practical as a Captura Scene minus the ability to take nice shots I'm afraid. The camp includes a fully set camp area with comfy tower flesh pillows, a bench in the background and spooky blue eyed floofs for atmosphere! Please be careful when attending your tenno, we don't want them getting lost bwahahahah

      i'm currently working on plans for two conclave theme-rooms designed on a cave and an orokin cage fighting ring. The more ambitious projects came around the end of floor 2 and the beginning of 3; speaking of let's move onto floor 2!

      Floor 2 ( The Research Central District): The Honored Tenno room ( I'll explain why only one in a moment )


      The Honored Tenno room is inspired by the designs of Raw Steel's Tennoheim room- with more of a natural and slightly simpler approach- not that the 400+ morphics was easy to get ahah.
      This room will be used for Future event s such as Art Contests, Hunting or Fishing Contests and Top contributors for the clan and it's resources- whether it be normal or special items from official events Like Operations. 

      As for WHY I do not have custom shots of the other halls or themed faction lab rooms- the labs are still lackluster for what I could do with the, and I was a dunderhead for not saving shots of the rooms connecting to them ( you'll have to find those for yourself I suppose )

      Floor 3: The Grand Hall Shrine, The Orokin Throne room, The Grineer Observatory & my most favorite room sofar- The Guardian's Retreat !


      https://i.imgur.com/nntvPWA.mp4 ( a looped video of the shrine in motion, just a Closer look- and forgive the unfinished trophy no one but me funded them when the event came )
      The Grand Hall Shrine is the current Spawn room for our Dojo- its colors and design were inspired by my ember's white red and gold look. Like most rooms this place was designed in a spur of random inspiration and ... a good bit of throwing props around. The topside shrine is my Symbol- in any art I do I use that as a sort of Insignia- i decided to Incorporate it in various rooms throughout the dojo. You can even see it in our clan badge ( note our badge's symbols read Netoku Embassy Alliance )
      lastly though you wont be able to see it from here we have a sub theme regarding the Corpus and Grineer somewhat fighting for space in parts of the dojo, in a sense as a non violent turf war- or If you prefer a heated battle for space between room mates.


      pVgKdiq.pnghe Orokin Throne room was meant to be a Place for hosting announcments ingame to a vast ammount of dedicated players- and with the seating it would also be a place for me to host trials for players to settle discrepencies between one another.
      I honestly only see it going as far as a royal Orokin rp room for players to mess with im afraid ^-^" 
      If any room needed the forgotten promise of NPC's ( and music player options ) this'd be one of the most necessary rooms.


      The Grineer Observatory is as it sounds, An observatory themed after the Grineer! The design somewhat was meant to mirror a tile room from the Grineer ships around I believe Saturn. Though nothing to spectacular here it's still a nice looking Navigation room players will most likely be pulled to; do to the inner workings of the game's menu systems.


      The Guardian's Retreat, one of a few rooms inspired by personally one of the best dojos ever made- the Raw steel clan Dojo 
      The Retreat is a somewhat recreation of one of their rooms with a smaller design. Players may meet here simmilarly to the Throne room to hear of special events and make announcements to the community in the center monument as well as a temple in the backmost area for players to meet and plan out missions, trials ( when they return ), kingpin opperations and more! I also made a small shrine dedicated to to the player who helped fund the thick of the resources- ToastyChief !!!!
      like a few other natural rooms, keep an eye out for critters hidden in the bush!

      Floor 4: Netoku Embasy's Theatron Cinema, 2b's Garden and the orokin Gravity Garden


      The Theatron is themed after Gmod's Official Cinema lobby and theater room.
      The theater uses 5 poster displays- sadly rather small but gives the feeling nonetheless for the upcomming movies you can watch! We also have stocked foods in the counters from Fortuna and Cetus from spices to fruits to packaged snacks! WE EVEN HAVE A SLUSHIE MAKER!!! Also though not important, we made a working restroom- never thought i'd be proud to have built a toilet in a video game. 
      The theater room is semi lackluster due to the limitations of props but I was able to capture the idea of a working theater screen, large surround speakers and a back room for operating the two theater rooms.


      2b's room was made and even now is still indev based on the somewhat Iconic room from Neir Automata. I wont lie, seeing a certain prime time for PC gave me the need to make my own version. My only complaint is we still need roughly 27 more Neurodes to fund these bloody white flowers!!!


      Finally, the Gravity garden! 
      After a friend of mine gave me a tour of his winning Dojo from the last event- I decided to remake a room based on the Ordinary Tenno's Gravity defying garden but with my own personal twists to the room. While looking around you might notice books lying around- please return them to our manga loving Titania . . . she refers to them as "Corpus research"

       Now then As it stands I don't know if our clan will win whatsoever for this event but my only real concern is if the community will like what has been done here. This clan took me close to 2 years of slow grind and design and redesign- and RE-Redesign. Thanks to Nuts and Toasty we got the last 10%-ish of the resources funded for our dojo's labs and rooms + Decor. This Dojo is meant to give players the ability to explore and have fun with their friends while the Clan itself will focus on encouraging players to do more with each other than join for some free blueprints and a cheap trade room. I'm hoping I can make this community do more than most have accomplished while Im still around to be there for my friends here on warframe. 

       Tbh I dont care about the rewards- any platinum will simply go to bettering the details of our clan's looks with more interesting decor items !
      I wont ask for a bazillion likes or shares galor Tenno but if you like how the dojo has turned out to be- if you've seen wip shots from other sites or on the forums in the past two years- feel free to help us out any way you can :3

          Thank you everyone !!! 

      ( also help get DE to reply when or if we're still getting npc's and music for rooms ok ;w;
       it's been over a year and Idk if it's just been delayed or they dropped it and never said so 💔  )
      ((( also also- jut a suggestion- a large aquarium or full on nature room for fish and tagged animals- donate fish to the tank like your ship and donate tags to plug in an animal for a zoo room :3 )))

  4. you basically word for worded me
    ive done three now on xbox one with no luck- twice with ppl i friended and the last one was both a clanmate and a friend- AND IT STILL DIDNT LET ME
    on pc however seems to be working ok
    ive asked ppl if theyve had this issue and it's not 100% the same- some have and havent had this bug happen.
    hoping de can self unlock this for me cause right now with limited time to play this is getting to be irritating to have done this three times with no unlock

  5. On 2019-02-27 at 11:40 AM, Unibot said:

    Believe me you dont' want it. In its current itteration it's just a grindy and tedious tasks. We get new content in a form of grinding the old content. Here a some examples of daily tasks you got at this system launch date:
    Deploy a glyph - mkaaay....
    Complete 3 capture missions - I'm ok with that, but now what I expected.
    Complete 9 invasion missions - really DE ?
    Complete 8 bounties at POE - WTF
    Fully socket 5 ayatan sculptures - f*** this s*** I'm out.

    What I thought it will be is something like riven challanges, what it turned out to be is just another sindicate and a more grindy one. I'm sick of all this escalating grind with lack of fresh content. Grinding old content is not a new content and never will be. I'm sure 2019 will be the same as 2018 in turn of new content and melee 3.0 will be shifted to the end of year.
    I remember there was a post by DE stuff about merging with big food company and as a benefit releasing more content more frequently... well.. what happened to that thing ? Was it ever a thing or just another promise unfurfilled ?

    hey dont complain they might twitter spam you about how youre attacking them 😛
    tbh im more in warframe now for my friends de has been failing to meex expectations while the community praises their little content like theyre #*!%ing jesus the game company- de needs to have more interesting and non grindy content and we need to be able to enjoy game content and features without feeling like it's efficiency over fun- poe and fortuna- after a couple hours for either it goes from wow look at all this stuff i can do to ok what resources do i need for x item and how do i get it from x area- warframe is a chore and de needs to pull their heads out of their ass and realise it's boring repetitive and irritating- but im sure the fanboys will gank me about insulting their masters of creation . . .


  6.  I'll keep this short Tenno,

       Relatively recently Digital Extremes mentioned about possibly adding Npc's into your dojo and the ability to place a music box in your dojo room that would play various music from the Ost.
    The npc concept was talked about around June of 2018 while the music function I believe was spoken about around late December 2017 - january 2018.
    I'll provide some alternate forums talking about both features here to some degree:

     :  Dojo music player

    I'd like to know if or when we'd be getting these features in our dojo as I see these adding wonderful life to our dojos empty ambient rooms.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Personal ideas for both though maybe not that original in concept:

    For npc's i'd like to see the ability to let them wander back and forth from a placed point A and point B location in a room that they can simply path find to- if point a or b are blocked off they can move around objects or jump on top of objects to get to their objective, then walk back. Outside that they can be given a general area they can walk around in as they avoid walls or tall objects. The last thing would have them stand still with the sub option of posing an npc using various poses off of the relay npc roster. The mini menu could function like when you edit an Articula or a glyph or image display.
    I see this feature adding more fluid life to a mostly otherwise empty dojo. ( i'd also mention a sub idea for npc's that can be given items to sell independently like an editable trader when you're away but baby steps. )

    For music I'd simply specify it to the room panel or in menus, decorate, then an option titled Somachord.
    either from menus or from the room's panel by the door, you could scroll left to right across music you have unlocked to play. only the founder, architect or user with permissions that lets him edit the room could change the music and depending on what songs they had unlocked would determine what they could play in the dojo. ( you could optionally unlock the songs as a clan however no one wants to go through another room colors scenario. ) By selecting the song you can hear it play on loop or in unlocked order or randomized just like the somachord works in your personal quarters ship. Music would ONLY effect the room it was turned on to so you could theme each room with different songs based on what you feel is best. When transitioning from room to room the music fades out and the new song plays shortly after to avoid jarring cuts.

    If you guys have any ideas for how to make this work better say so below- and help get the word to DE ok! Idk if they look at forum posts alot or even alittle but i'd really like to have this for my clan as the founder. It'd make the place feel more enjoyable to spend time in outside then general reason people go into a dojo- grabbing blueprints and doing quick trades. ( I'll avoid any rants about needing more features for our clans to make them worth staying in for more than a couple minutes. )

    Also as a random off note would love more themed rooms for the dojo like an aquarium we can put fish into or a zoo we can pay tags into to get biz to add rare animals we've caught into :3 ... maybe ill make another topic about that sometime If i think de will ever hear me out for even a few moments idk.

    • Like 1
  7. SO i made this argument a little mroe than a week ago but it relay needs to get out there so people can think and fix this logic flaw about warframe.
    lemme jut point out the mega flaw in the "lotus was always evil" shtik we're apparently going with here if she was always double crossing us- rather than killing us all when the tenno were weaker and mostly all factions were gone, she waited for the factions to rise in power and give rise to others, she waited for the infested to not only be revitalized but enhanced and she waited for the tenno to obtain weaponry and sentient effective weapons as well as for corpus to replicate and re-engineer sentient tech- i can keep going if you want she let her fathers death come for nothing and protected us from the stalker- WE COULD HAVE DIED THERE BUT SHE KEPT US ALIVE yet apparently all this time shes been using us and shes actually just a generic sentient enemy manipulating us all to make us weaker ... now then if im not missing something this leaves two possibilities:
    A. De has poorly written the lotus into being an enemy and have shown us that they are rather terrible lore writers when it comes to actual detailed villians ( it almost feels like they shoe horned the idea into concept )
    B. The decision was somewhat planned but poorly executed- the lotus was never designed to be our enemy but was rewritten into being one for us to fight due to some spur of the moment changes to the game's lore
    C. Ballas doesn't know the full side of the story and shes not our enemy- maybe mind controlled because she was "reclaimed" by her mother just as hunhow warned the lotus about in the second dream- and we might even have the choice to try to save her.

    PLEASE tell me what you think about this for me i'm seeing a huge flaw in the story that's ruining the lotus and the sentients, my favorite faction well second favorite faction in the game- next to infested they're really tied i mean for me.
    any thoughts on the discussion or ideas to help with this say below- but try to avoid any fighting I remember the toxicity of the ember deluxe change forums not only did nothing good come of it it just proved how cancerous and white knighty people can be .. if that's a word

    yada yada have a good evening everyone

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