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Posts posted by DanteLegion

  1. A letter of thanks, and concern.

    Dear Digital Extremes Team,

    I'd like to start with, thank you. I've been an off-and-on player for a long time, and this past year or so I really got back into Warframe. I enjoy it very much, LOVE the story you've been able to give me, and the Universe you've planted to build. Currently I sit at a happy small 958 hours played, though I remember when it first launched, and my Frame options were just budding. (Sorry to say, I learned to despise Loki, but that was my own misunderstanding. Trying to wash that bad taste out now).

    However, I am concerned and openly disappointed about something.

    I enjoy many of my games. I enjoy a challenge, pushing myself in real life, and entertainment. I appreciate that I can log in to many games, complete a set of tasks or challenges, and get a reward for my efforts. However, there are several differences between entertainment and time-sinks, a game and a job, a challenge and an undue punishment, content and RNG. For instance, I sign into GTA V, I do some tasks, I get paid, I accomplish a goal and get something I need or want in game. I play Payday 2, I play a set of missions, I get better at my in-game shots, get paid, and get new toys. Some games I play, I thoroughly enjoy for true new content. Something to explore and discover like reading a really good novel.

    Old Blood is none of these. Not even a job set of tasks, for a reward. I understand that it doesn't truly take long to get some weapon I don't want, and I'm thankful we now can-opt out of getting a lich, but I got my first one, was excited to pursue him, and then realized that I don't care. He sits on Lua, offers a funny repeated line now and then, and takes resources I'm not in dire need of. I have already explored all the content at this point. When did I realize that I don't care?

    When I looked at Nightwave.

    I looked at my tasks, the milestone rewards, and was guaranteed the reward I wanted if I worked at it. (I want me some delicious Umbral Forma).  I've pursued things I hadn't done before, participated in events I didn't care for, because I was promised a reward I want. However, if I truly find a Lich I want to go after, first they have to spawn the way I want them and/or their weapon (which I am lead to believe can be directly affected by my actions now, so cool. If I get rid of my first). Then, once I have my Lich, I need relics. Fine enough, just grind for a chance at my reward, an appropriate Relic. Then grind for Void Traces to increase the chance at my reward, a Parazon Mod. THEN grind the actual Relics and hope I get the Parazon mods I need before running out of Relic supply. Then grind murmurs to learn which mods I need on my parazon. Then face My lich and grind a sequence (only three mods to find a sequence, not as time-consuming as everything before now). 

    Before now, most of your reward system required very little stacked layers of RNG. I want a regular part? Kill a boss. Sometimes kill them a LOT. Want a prime? Probably got a bunch of Relics in my travels, grind that relic, and if you don't get what you want after the 20 Relics you have, go grind where that Relic drops, then grind it more. Two RNG stages, at most.

    The Old Blood was not much content, as most of it was reworks (LOVE my little Vampire Kitty, though). So now I've explored what was offered. However, I'd prefer to work my 9-5 job. Get paid outright for my efforts, get promotions and a sense of great accomplishments, reward myself with purchases in a suspect economy,. (Maybe buy something I want in Warframe?) If not that, then train my body, reward myself with a good physique and health through sweat and tears. Maybe buy some tools for my workshop and obtain a new skillset. Or, in my downtime, play some GTA V or Witcher. Be outright rewarded for my efforts and time.

    All in all, I look forward to the Empyrean update, the grown Operator, the content you're working so hard on to give us, and I'm thankful for that adventure. I wish my Zaw still moved me around a room like a whirlwind of death, but beggars can't be choosers. 

    If you read this, thank you once more, for taking the time to do so.



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  2. Two times it happened. Completed a Nightwave objective, would be enough to grant me my next rank. However, I didn't get my points, ergo no rank. I believe the first time was from rank 12-13, now again from 14-15.

    Both were finding sabotage caches, and at first I thought maybe I didn't pay attention to when that challenge was about to expire, therefore I didn't do it in time. However, this time I'm positive I met the requirements, and now simply wasted all the time twice, and didn't get paid my 6k. Has anyone else been experiencing this?

    Frustrating enough I have to wild goose-chase grineer caches which is a pain, even when they DO spawn properly, for a measley 3k. Let alone accomplish the tedious task only to find it was all for naught. Twice.

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