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Posts posted by reconheavy

  1. Hope I win this contest (this is the first one i've done too, so don't expect Flawless Description)



    Infested Name: Dead Eyes




    Behavior: The Dead Eyes tend to travel in packs of 4-8. (Eximus have 3-7 Chargers beside them) They tend to act the same as a Charger, but in certain times, it will turn invisible, making it harder to attack. Dead Eyes can travel on top of celings, walls, etc.



    Attacks: Dead Eyes Can go invisible for at least 10 seconds (eximus can cloak to 20 seconds), forcing you to use your melee weapon against them. The can also shoot Fire and Electric Blobs (like Latchers summoned by the Seeker Grinner unit) that explode with a 100% status chance. (On rare occasions, it will proc a Radiation Blob with 30% of shooting)




    Enviromental Restrictions: Cannot spawn on outside missions like the Grineer Setelment on Phobos, the Grinner Forest on Earth, and the Grinner Shipyards on Numa, Saturn, and Ceres missions (They can spawn in Corpus Outpost unfortunately) 


    This will be the first idea on a contest. I hope mine get in :D

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