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Posts posted by Chol-Airth

  1. Dear Mr. Buff00n,

    I would first like to express my wonder at all the work you do. To me, music is something almost arcane. I love listening to it, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to actually start creating it. Therefore, I truly appreciate all the music you peculiar lot create. And you, having created all this amazing music, almost seems as if Octavia's Mandachord is your instrument of choice. I guess, all I want to say is, keep up the good work!

    Now, since this is a request thread, I was wondering, if you could perhaps see if anything could be done about an old favorite of mine. The track in question is coming from Heroes of Might and Magic IV, Floating Across Water by Paul Romero. Here's the link to the original version (in-game): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDXNSWJLuo

    I honestly don't know if anything can be done with this track, what with all the instruments and the length of the song and so on. However, I have heard some good renditions of the song, made on single instrument like piano (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcJM5pEqrjo) or a guitar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8toOUo4xnoA). Of course, this still leaves the question of length...

    Be that as it may, I would greatly appreciate hearing this tune in any shape or form!

    Thanks in advance!



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