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Posts posted by DeadGambit

  1. Hey guys or gals,



         I recently just thought of something quite similar to a bounty hunter. I was thinking of making a new clan specifically to loot hunt. Let me explain. So maybe your not really an active Warframe player because you have a job or don't really have time in your schedule or are just tired of farming and hunting for this specific pesky mod that doesn't want to drop.

    That where the Scavenger (name trademarked for clan purposes) come in. For whatever the amount the mod cost of the time of the trade economy in platinum, you would "hire" a member of the clan to lets say get you the Rage mod in 2 weeks and if they succeed you pay them whatever amount you promised. BAM! Everyone wins! 

  2. This possibly a continuation of my orginally post of the kubrow bug (which has now been fixed) and the effect i had on my game. So when I log on I hear the Lotus say "The collar has been attached the bond between tenno and kubrow is now cement" but the thing is that i got the collar with my original kubrow which died. The collar is now equipped on the new kubrow (Fully matured today) I recieved but i can't equip in the arsenal nor is the quest finished it loops like that every time I go back to my ship. 




    Please help DE


    Submitted   7/21/14 8:24 Pm

  3. I'm pretty sure this is a bug but my kuborw matured today 7/18/14 and i had to complete the quest (howl of the kubrow) which needed me to get the collar for her, si after mission was completed the lotus congratulated me and what not but my kubrow vanished. what was in the kubrow place you might ask? AN EGG! what happened to my kubrow?  Please Respond.

  4. I was doing the Cicero Crisis with my pals I had the vermillion antitoxin, and right aroung about 73% it said host migration and I was the host! I was disconnected I was by myself and got killed 4 times (the 4 revives) and I thought it was supposed to save the highest progress but it didn't so what the heck! 

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