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Posts posted by Scorpion6112

  1. When Wisp is hip-firing with the Ignis Wraith (haven't tested other primaries) there does not appear to be any flame emitted from the weapon, nor does it seem to be using the "firing" animation. Shoulder (ADS) firing still works as usual, just not hip. Also, I have been unable to connect to the chat server at all today. My platform is PC.

  2. I am also unable to connect to a squad on Orb Vallis. I've tried going directly there from my orbiter, and also going to Fortuna first. It will start connecting me to a squad, or squad members to me, but it never completes. Makes it kinda hard to seal thermal fissures. There are some cases where it even fails to spawn any enemies or crates, and sometimes not even servofish.

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