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Posts posted by Saerrin

  1. 8 hours ago, (XB1)Tornicade said:

    You want to replace challenges with missions.  last thing i want is more missions... As of now. I can do majority of nightwave while doing what i want to do......



    My bad, I forgot missions and challenges were considered different. I meant challenges still. Edited in my original post, the entire intent behind what I wrote is to not force you to do stuff you don't want to do, and instead open up more ways to play the game you want while still leaving the option to go out of your way to progress in Nightwave if you choose to do so.


    Edited original post.

  2. I hate this Nightwave bs and am not bothering to read any of the 60+ pages on this thread as I'm already on the fence about uninstalling this game as is, so here's my possibly not so unique ideas on how to improve it if the old alert system isn't coming back (either alongside Nightwave or without Nightwave):

    -Don't lock Wolf credits behind tiers. Perhaps make the challenges give a small number of credits and make fugitives give credits on capture. WoSS should also drop credits as well. Decrease the value of an individual credit for more accurate pricing if you have to, just please don't make Nightwave feel so intrusive. This means people that play less frequently can choose to grind their time on Nightwave OR other things and still get some progression to Nightwave, while those that play more frequently get rewarded for it as well. More options is a good thing in video games!

    -Remove the idea of daily/weekly challenges completely. Scrap them for a number of challenges you can do based on in-game progression that are replaced with new random challenges after completion. Add in a free number of daily rerolls, and make it so rerolls can be earned in some way or another while playing the game more or less normally. Elite challenges can still be a thing but for actual higher level players as a bonus and not a necessity for Nightwave progression. Also if you don't want people that no-life the game to get everything too easily, add a limit to how many challenges you can do in a day or week or whatever. It achieves the same effect but with less frustration. This idea can be balanced in so many different ways.

    -Make Nightwave permanent. Nightwave seasons with tiered rewards can come and go, but don't toss the credits and rewards out, that's really frustrating. Maybe add smaller random rewards while Nightwave seasons are out for those that like to do Nightwave stuff a lot. Also give a large disclaimer saying "The Umbra Forma is exclusive to Nightwave, and one will be available in (the next/a future season). If you can't get it now, don't worry!" or something. Assuming that's what's going to happen, I don't know, just a guess. Haven't paid much attention to it, too many other things to learn.

    -Make the shop rotate more frequently. It can hold less items, just have it rotate out daily or bi-daily. Or have it display every item from the beginning, nobody would complain about that. It isn't by any means necessary, however.


    I'm sure I and many others cane come up with more ideas, just please improve this system. It is sucking out all the fun I want to have from returning to the game after so many years and seeing all this new content.

    And DE, if you use my ideas and nobody else has already suggested the same, please give me credit by mentioning me. Would also love a free name change. 🙂

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