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Posts posted by EVxx

  1. Fixed objective marker not indicating correct location in Grineer Cave level areas.


    The missing marker definitely made the game more challenging. This weekend's boss missions ranged between survival horror (Stalker chasing me when the rest of the team just blitz ahead), getting lost, or non-stop farming; To think of it, the first two did spice things up abit.
  2. a Stalker mission would be similar to one aspect I like in Syndicate (actually one Syndicate co-op player pointed me to Warframe) - the end-mission agents are really "stalkers" in that game. One can wipe the floor with goons, but enemy agents are not joking around and they offer great sense of achievement to go up against.

    Anyone recall the EuroCorp Boston mission?

  3. I like Smith0rz' idea - basically this will not force us to accept rewards such as Pistol ammo scavenger, and it will increase the odds of getting what we really want.

    This will be consistent with the current "surprise" system: run mission and see what the reward is" (or just ask someone who did). However I would also like to see a voucher system implemented: all ? alert missions give a voucher, and catalysts / reactors cost perhaps 5 vouchers to redeem, and weapons cost 6 to 7, etc.

    Or, have a hybrid system. Don't like the reward? Take a voucher instead that can be combined with additional vouchers to redeem into something cool. The "surprise" element is still there, and if a potato drops, it would still be a jackpot (not having to redeem 5 vouchers)

  4. Thanks for the detailed disclosure - it is great to see the root cause is found and fixed. This was one of the most significant technical problem I've encountered after joining Warframe immediately after U7, and the updates on the forum has kept me up-to-date on the issue. I would rank the forum communication the highlight of this whole ordeal, and I hope DE continues to keep up with the good communication (and develop further communication mechanisms such as in-game broadcasts)

    However, I also wanted to see an emergency downtime instead of allowing players to participate AND face the risk of losing progress. But then again, we all learn our best lessons via mistakes. As a consumer, I've learned my lesson of not to use the product when it is unstable.

  5. Yes, just tap shift to dodge. Doesn't matter if you're moving or standing still. Rolling will knock them off.

    EDIT: Grineer Seekers throw them. They're bright green and tend to stay away from combat.

    Do Seekers throw those oversized spiked balls that chain-stun people? Those are super annoying - I keep my Lex just to handle these things.

  6. Hi all,

    I just maxed both Loki and Excalibur Prime, and I am currently 1/3 into rank 3

    My current guns and melee weapons are: Boltor at rank 26 and Skana Prime at rank 30. In missions with players equipped with HEK, I noticed my Boltor is significantly weaker, and it is equally inaccurate at range. Players equipped with Gram and Heat daggers make short work of enemies, and I have to use multiple charged attacks to even beat regular enemies in 25-35 missions.

    Additionally, I don't have a sentinel. What should be my upgrade priority?

    - Should I wait till I am rank 4 and get a HEK, or should I upgrade Boltor to Gorgon or switch to a Strun (not sure if it is HEK-lite).

    - Or, should I switch out of Skana Prime and get a Gram / Heat Dagger?

    - Or, maybe I should get a sentinel

    My gun mods are fairly decent - I have multishot, reload speed, damage, as well as AP.


  7. This is what i was hoping for. Now i kinda wish my slim shadey would cloak himself too.

    Is it ever at risk of getting destroyed? I am still debating between Wyrm and Shade. Does Shade allow full run-throughs of non-defense missions?

    I've seen both in action, and I don't see them do much.

  8. I think the current mission system is fine, but the match-making system is not.

    Speed-running and exploration are both valid styles, so are something in between. Additionally, you have range gunners / bow users vs melee chopfests, as well as players vary in their willingness to pursuit every single enemy they see.

    When you have random people all thrown together in a squad, it would be pretty lucky for everyone to cooperate and reach a consensus mission tempo. We are social creatures and usually everyone just stick together.... usually.

    Yet, we all know some like to speed run on an open online session (allowing others to join), while others try to salvage anything that is not bolted down. Not to mention there are boss farming groups that just blitz boss missions, and people with 6 maxed warframes + supercharged HEK running missions on Mars

    We just need a better match-making system, and people need to communicate.

  9. There are quite a few PVP games out there - I play Plansetside 2 when I feel like PVP. Additionally, I would recommend BF3 (BF4 is coming) with it being the benchmark of the whole genre. F2P PVP has Planetside 2 and more importantly, Hawken, which has received alot of coverage recently after going into open beta:

    http://www.youtube.c...hXfD92PQ5ug��<< AngryJoe of the AngryJoeShow playing Hawken - we need to get him to do a segment on Warframe.

    My point being: a generic PVP experience in Warframe is no different than going to Denny's and ask for a filet mignon cooked rare. Sure they can cook up some decent meat and make it taste nice, but it is a waste of time and money with the wrong franchise. In this case, I am advocating on behalf of both players and DE, that PVP in Warframe is a risk area - it can lead to player disappointment ("OMG BF3 is way better than this" or "I would like that feature in Hawken implemented here too", because who wants to have a PVP experience that is forgettable?), or the development team side-tracked from more important features - i.e. the ver 7 Mod 2.0 that made the game extremely unique

  10. I'll say, try the Boltor, it will take some time to get used to its slower bullets, but the fact it allways score's its promised damage is too good to pass.

    use a fire rate mod, damage mod and an AP mod with it, and you'l kill everything, fast.

    Would AP mod help Boltor since it already ignores armor? Or does it increase the damage it deals since the base damage is considered "AP".


  11. Hi all,

    I have a rank 30 Burston at the moment (it is actually not too bad after maxed its ranks and stuffed it with all sorts of mods).

    I've seen players using Boltor with great effectiveness; this is especially evident vs Ancients, and the fire rate is fast enough to kill hoards of enemy.

    Now that I passed my first rank test, I am debating between Boltor vs one of the shotguns - I am thinking Strum (some players used it with great effectiveness). What would you recommned?

    Also, what is the overcharge ability? Is it using one of the reactors to boost the weapon's mod capacity?


  12. Preconditions unknown (wasn't paying attention)

    Our squad reach the prison cells and each one of us went to a different cell to unlock. I noticed that by the time I reached the door lock, my teammate had already released the prisoner (I was still able to interact with the door lock).

    Result: I was stuck in the "interacing with the lock pad" animation and will require abort mission.

  13. Edit - sorry for the weird font earlier

    Hi all,

    I really like the Warframes' art design. In a way the warframes remind me of geared up Evangelions - we know Tennos are biological and 'may' look very much human, but the ambiguity leaves much to the imagination (how many eyes, if any at all?) - the inhuman nature of our avatars help players immense in the game world and help make the impossible possible.

    Because of that, I find it odd that in Defense missions, the Tenno in cryostasis look very much human. This is just an observation and I am not trying to push for changes. I just want to state that that it is much better to keep Tennos as ambiguous "biological warriors" rather than like modern-day human (in Evangelion - the creatures are nameless and mostly faceless bio-engineered weapons created to fulfill greater purposes).

    Would this concept go against the Tenno lore?

  14. Puncture, you may not have found any Mods that add it, allows your weapons to shout through X meters of stuff. This can be bodies, walls, doors, anything.

    The starting value for most Puncture mods is 0.1 meters or 10 centimeters. This is enough to pass a Corpus crew helmet or a very thin shield (Grineer shield guy).

    Yes! 10cm! Brasten does better math than I... I was saying 1cm earlier... that is like seeing 0.01 on a mod...

    10cm - that is like shooting through a wall.

  15. Please, explain what this "+puncture" is.

    It allows your projectile weapon to shoot through cover. The number on the mod is the depth of penetration (I think it starts out at 0.1 meter)

    10% of a meter is like 1cm. I am not sure how precise the game is in modeling penetration, but if it is realistic, then 1cm is more than enough to punch through those weird looking helms wore by crewman.

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