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Posts posted by Krymanol

  1. 9 minutes ago, tutzdes said:

    Frost bubble has 4 sec invulnerability period during which it gets hp from enemy fire, also it can be multi-stacked so you can have bubbles that can survive  half a minute under the lvl 200s' gunfire. It's is much better than your average Cata and doesn't restrict the teammates.


    yeah a lot of the debate about this frame is better than that frame is due to people simply not really knowing and understanding the mechanics of the game and how to manipulate them.  It kills me when doing sortie defense and the frost on the team doesn't even know how to properly spawn an unbreakable snow globe.  Then if you try to teach them how to do it they look at you and accuse you of being an elitist.  Nah dude, I'm not an elitist, I just know something you don't and trying to give you the knowledge so you can be more effective so we can all win easier, that's all.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Senketsu_ said:

    alot of it has to do with his redundant kit that relies way to much on one ability and a gimmick. The fact that two abilities work the exact same just on different targets makes him really annoying, his #1 and 2 could honestly be one ability that when held sends Limbo into the void, and when pressed sends an ally/enemy into the void.

    His #3 literally gives JUST him a buff while in the void when again his #1 could have also give him a buff when cast on himself. Plus the fact that you literally cant do anything while in the void really dosnt make him good as a CC or glass cannon becasue, he dosnt really have any heavy damage dealing abilities so he cant really be effective while in the void. 

    These two simple changes make him already less bland to play and also opens up two slots for new unique abilites based off his "theme"

    Because back when he was first pitched to the Design Counsel. He was described as a Plane/rift walker sorcerer. So there were quite alot of ability ideas that used the "Rift" and "Planewalker" theme and had him having very unique and diverse abilities that still had synergy. But what we got was a gimmick frame that wasnt really good for team play, and that couldnt even Solo due to the complete lack of effective offensive abilities. Just overall it feels like DE didnt even know what to do with him, and that they took his "theme" way to literally when it came to abilities.

    This explains everything I feel is wrong with limbo and if i'm not mistaken I posted these exact issues last year...or maybe I didn't post it but I was damn sure thinking about it (I tend to do that a lot, think about posting stuff but just never do LOL).

  3. Personally I see nothing wrong with carrier as is.  So what most people prefer to use carrier.  That's the fault of DE not the players.  If you want players to use different sentinels then make the other sentinels abilities as useful in what they do as vacuum does what it does.   Then stop making game mechanics that cater to having and using vacuum.


    The game is primarily two things....Killing and collecting loot to make new frames and weapons so you can kill more efficiently.   None of the other sentinels really help you in those two areas better than carrier because vacuum gets you way more loot than you can ever collect manually and he also can kill stuff in one shot when they get close or sneak up behind you.


    Since all the other useful stuff sentinels do all come from mods that any of them can equip, well carrier is not the most used simply because of vacuum.   he's the most used because all the other sentinels pretty much suck or are not as effective in what they do compared to how effective carrier is at what it does.   Automatically collecting every single loot that drops while you keep 100% of your focus on killing enemies, protecting and completing objectives is way better than what any of the other sentinels can do for you.    Carrier simply makes you a more effective player.   The person without carrier has the following issues...


    1. Hesitate when loot drops

    2. Look at loot to decide if it's worth picking up now or later

    3. Go out of your way to pick the loot up

    4. Put you out of position if you are protecting a target or objective

    5. Takes your eyes off the most important goal which is keeping track of the enemies at all times and killing them as fast as possible.

    Doing this makes you a less effective player because you have to multitask while the person using carrier can sit back and just focus on fighting or the mission objective.

    Also, with the power of frames and weapons, nobody needs a sentinel to kill stuff.   Therefore all they are good for is their unique abilities and majority of the sentinels all do the similar things (at least 3 of them CC the enemies for example).   You never need a sentinel for it's killing potential either and helios weapon (decostructor) is the best sentinel weapon in the game for killing anything in one shot and it can be equipped on any sentinel (unless that's changed and I'm not aware of it).  


    So DE shouldn't focus on making carrier less appealing to entice players to use other sentinels.   They need to focus on making the other sentinels more appealing or better overall.  Give me a reason to use Diriga, Djinn, Wyrm, Shade over carrier...and my god either make Deth Cube truly do some destructive damage or remove it from the game because Deth Cube is 100% useless as a companion right now.    So even if you removed vacuum from carrier altogether, it still wouldn't make me choose Deth Cube instead.


    EDIT: and one more thing, most of the other sentinels are counterproductive to various frames because some of their abilities do things that go against the theme of a frame.  For instance, you don't want Shade on Chroma because you want to take damage not go stealth and avoid damage altogether.    Carrier and Helios are the only two frames I think can be universally used on all frames without interfering with how the frame plays.   So yet another reason to revamp all sentinels instead of just going through with this half-assed effort to make other sentinels used.

  4. 2 hours ago, TheVigilant said:

    Yup it's is. I don't take it really serious but, it's not a small matter also.

    Getting pickups by yourself makes you look more at the environment making you more aware of your surroundings and expands your field of view, it acts at an psychological level you don't really notice it.

    With time your reaction times will increase and you will not die by a random over leveled enemy that you did't saw by going only forward. I've seen this a lot, by new players and veterans.

    Well, I would like to discuss how the brain works and how gaming reflects it all night but, I have a lot work to do.

    Have a good discussion.

    What you say is assumption, not fact because it is not how things work for every human being.  Everyone is different with different brain chemistry and we all don't see the same things at the same rate with the same efficiency even if we all executed playing the game in the exact same manner.    

    So what you say could actually work the opposite for some people.  That brief moment your eyes are on the loot on the ground and deciding if you should pick it up or not, is precious time that isn't focused on what the enemy is doing or about to do.  

    For example, if we are next to each other and an enemy dies, you look down at the loot but carrier picks it up for me and my eyes never come off the enemies but yours does.  When we both go to shoot the next enemy I've already got him lined up and have my shot off.   But you on the other hand have to look up, reacquire the target, judge distance, position and such, line up the shot then fire and I've done all that while you were looking down at the loot and running over to pick it up.   So in that situation who actually has the advantage and is more efficient and has the better reaction time?  Certainly not you looking down at the loot.

    Again, doing it your way may help you focus and improve your reaction times, but don't automatically assume that all players will benefit the same. 


    Overall, for all the people in this thread debating companion usefulness and crying about nerfs and wanting universal vacuum etc., how about this....just use the damn companion "YOU" enjoy using.   There is a reason why there are multiple options.  If you feel that vacuum is necessary then use carrier.  If you feel you don't need carrier than use whatever you like.   But both people stop debating stuff that needs no debate.   WE have options for a reason. So use them and stop trying to suggest  changes to DE that will force things you like onto every player.


  5. I think that what DE is doing is trying to make sure that players need to think more, strategize more, make better choices and actively play the game instead of just press a button and win.   So they are nerfing all the frames and abiltiies that allow you to just press a button, sit back and watch everything die.

    However, There are easier and better ways to go about controlling abilties and frames that are too powerful and nerfing them is or should be the very last resort.   Unfortunately DE hasn't tried any of the following yet before they jump on the nerf or rebalance bandwagon...


    1.  Introduce abilitiy cooldowns as that is one of the most effective ways to control how much a player can dominate with strong abilities.   Honestly the only reason anything in any game is considered OP is because either you can use it too much or you get an advantage that is beyond what others can have.   In warframe, the first one is the main issue, not the second.  Everyone has some ability that is OP and all of the ones that are considered universally OP are only that because there is truly no limit to using abilities in this game.   We have energy pools but it does nothing to help balance.  Having abilities go on cooldowns or use cooldowns in some unique interactive way would be a much more effective way to balance abilities in this game.  Because the way end game is made, we truly need the power of these abilities and not nerfed versions of them that make it tedious to maintain or use them.  


    2. Energy cost for powers is poorly implemented in this game and it's the other half of the reason why OP powers are actually OP in the first place.   For example...

    • 500+ energy pools
    • energy orbs dropping everywhere normally and increased through ability usage
    • mods that let us reduce energy cost by 75%
    • At the same time, mods and auras that allow us to regen energy faster than the cost of using most abilities.
    • various ways through game play to instantly regen, restore full or near full energy (death orbs, trinity with 1 second full energy restores, limbo with regen so fast that you never run out no matter how much your abilties cost to use and so on).

    See when you have infinite energy at your disposal at every turn, any ability instantly becomes OP because it gives you advantages on a permanent basis that you would normally not have or shouldn't be intended to have.  Especially when the A.I. you face isn't designed well enough to account for you having access to permanent energy and ability usage.   So It's like giving players a infinite energy hack or similar to a hacker using a infinite ammo hack on a game with a no-reload option.    I mean I know it's a trend these days to develop games with built in hacks (radar pulses = wall hacks, auto-aim = aimbot, teleporting, superspeed...you name it, all games have built in hacks these days)...but when you do this, you breed a generation of players who feel entitled to have such and when you don't give it to them or you take some of that power away, it sours them on your game.   But when you actually focus on balancing things like energy cost, you don't have to nerf the things players actually find fun to use.


    3. Make enemies more formidable and smarter.  What I mean is instead of making all these immunity phases on bosses and other enemies where powers won't work, simply make enemies counter things that players do if a player does the same thing too much.  

    For example, DE has put in things like Stalker debuffing you when you use powers, teleporting you back when you run away.  This actually made stalker a bit more fun (or scary for some) to fight compared to his other version where you just nuked him in 2 seconds with just about any gun as he showed up.     If normal enemies played smarter like this new stalker and randomly counter what players do sometimes, it would make players do more than just build around OP abilities and spam one button all the time.   If enemies could randomly start reflecting Exalted blade back at you, you won't spam it at them for 2 straight hours in survival mode.     But because all enemies do is eat your damage like a punching bag, well guess what, players will spam to their hearts content because it's more effective way of killing due to the power of the ability, no cooldown restrictions, no energy limitations that are truly effective enough and no A.I. who can smartly counter it from time to time.


    4.  While making builds, mods and auras, you should actually give them a negative effect equal to their positive effects.   Corrupt mods are a good design until DE started making primed mods which totally negate the negative effects of them.  I mean they would have been better off just taking the negative effects off corrupt mods if primed mods were to be created.   But with corrupt mods, at one time you ended up with a major nerf to one or more abilties when using them on a frame.  If you modded to counter all the negative effects of corrupt mods, you ended up with a slightly better than average set of abilties, but none of them were super powerful enough for endless missions.  To be powerful enough for tougher content, you had to focus on one, two or maybe three (if you were lucky) abilities when using corrupt mods.    In my opinion, no game should give you power without a drawback because that's how you truly balance a game.   So like when you can use a mod to reduce the energy cost of casting an ability, the actual power, duration or range of the ability should take a drastic hit equal to the positive gain and you should not be able to mod or build so that negative effect is completely erased...reduced a little maybe, but not completely negated.  


    So the mod design in this game is all built so that in the end, all builds you make end up with being able to minimize the negative effects of modding to a point where it doesn't even matter what kind of negative effect you have in the first place.   Like if my duration goes down for using a mod, I can just counter it with a primed mod.   IT's things like that which creates balance issues and why this game can't have a good end game that doesn't revolve around power creep and adjusting for it from time to time.


    Now I could go on with more ways to look at balance because the game has many flaws as far as balance goes but I don't feel the need to.  For the longest time this game was thought to be a simple game of total mass destruction...but now it feels like  they want to slow things down too much, focus on ability setup and it does make players feel like they have to rely on guns and melee a bit more than before.   I can't say that's the case for the majority of players, but I can say that for me and some others.   

    Going back to the Snow Globe, M.Prime and Blessing rebalances, I didnt realize it at the time, but today I look back and notice I started losing interest in the game a bit.   I mean when blessing got changed, I stopped playing trinity which was my favorite frame and I moved on to playing nekros, vauban, rhino, mag and nyx primarily.   So since blessing change, I probably haven't put in more than 10 hours on trinity since when of the couple thousand hours I have in this game, she probably had half of them before then.   Don't get me wrong, I wasn't relying on blessing to be OP as it was.  IT's just that I loved having my "OH Crap" button when I got in a pinch or teammates needed saving.   Now it's to much micromanagement with blessing and it takes away from me being able to have fun with gun play and support at the same time.   Now I gotta watch timers and manage health/shield bars instead of focusing on what the enemy in front of me is doing.  So while blessing may have needed to be addressed, not a single person I seen at the time was complaining about it like we all were complaining about well  of life, which I'd probably say is the least used ability in the whole game.     

    So in my opinion, there are many things DE can do to create balance in the game and not actually nerfing abilities or changing them to some new and often bad or tedious mechanic to manage which does take the fun out of playing some frames.   I mean almost every game out has some kind of cooldown or power usage restrictions to gate powerful abilties and balance is far better in such games than in games that have no such limitations.


    I'd rather have extreme powerful abiltiies that I have to pick and choose wisely when to use them rather than some nerfed versions I can still spam non-stop without any important drawbacks or restrictions.


  6. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a top 5 because there are too many variables that change how damage is done to a given enemy at any time.   Range, Melee, shields, Resistances, Armor, type of weapon and how you need to use it, whether you have the defense to expose yourself in order to use some of your higher damage abilities, the number of enemy that are surrounding you, whether it's a boss, a nullifier, a eximus or just some ordinary enemy unit, how much space you have for mods and what type of build you use due to the needs of the frame that you have to mod for to make you feel comfortable and become effective with the frame of choice....


    All of that greatly changes the actual damage output and performance of every frame and that's why I don't believe in a top 5 damage frame.   Maybe 2 years ago you could make such a list but that would have only been because of how simplistic the damage and defense were as well as being a lot less frames with a lot less modding choices.


    All I know is while someone is running around talking about how a certain 5 frames are the best DPS, there are lots of people running around with frames that are not in that persons top 5 but are doing more damage than any frame that person has in their top 5 list.



    So for this reason, I don't look at frames by damage.  I look at frames by effectiveness based on type of enemy.  That means looking at utility as much as damage because in many cases, utility is far more important than damage since many guns are badass enough to do the damage you need without the need to use powers like sonar or mprime.   


    For instance, the time it take Mprime to affect all the enemies you want it to effect, I could have killed all or half of those same enemies with a penta instead.  


    NOw if you talk about best damage output before actually hitting an enemy, well then sure you can make a top 5 list...but then that list means absolutely nothing at all.

  7. Tip for reviving;

    In Odonata - Hold the revive button as you approach your downed teammate, when you start reviving, activate repel and continue reviving.

    For Itzal, the same but Penumbra instead of Repel.

    Dunno about Elytron, I assume Thumper.

    Reviving in AW isn't that hard tbh.


    The problem isn't the actual reviving alone, it's a combo of all the things put together that makes is a PITA.   Like the one that bugs me the most is when your teammate is not on the same axis as you.  He could be below you, above you or anywhere.  The map don't help determine that and what little help it does give is overshadowed by the amount of damage enemies do while you are trying to revive.

  8. the only issue with PC is most people assume to get a good gamming computer you need to pour thousands into it. usually you can build one that will run a good 90% of games on medium to high quality for a little over 6-700$ which in reality isnt much more that what people pay for consoles. and considering the adaptability of a PC its well worth it. 



    The problem with PC's is tech evolves faster than consoles and games utilize the newer tech faster than console games do.  This means that each new game that comes out forces the use of better hardware on pc users about every 2 years or less.   Consoles use the same hardware for about 5 years and so the cost is cheap for consoles.  


    So yeah you can buy a cheap pc that's close to consoles, but you'll just end up upgrading more often if you go with a cheap pc.   For PC, that will usually cost you more money in the long run.

  9. I don't think cross platform servers would be good until technology gets better or consoles become better computers.   There's a lot of other things to consider since consoles and pc's are not exactly equal on game performance, internet connection, game hosting ability, speed of accessing game data etc.  I mean when it comes to hosting games, we have PC's out there than can't host a 4 man team well, so how would throwing xbox and PS4 make it any better.

  10. People just get use to something and don't like change.  It's the human way afterall.   The fact is, if you change something it may be awkward or inconvenient at first but after a while human beings adjust and sooner or later you'll be doing it like it's second nature.


    So DE should separate the charge attack button.   Stop catering to lazy gamers who whine about not wanting to use a different button that is literally less than half an inch away from the button you already use to charge attack.   That's just lazy and being stubborn and refusing to accept change in my opinion.  


    I vote for separate charge attack buttons or DE get off their butt and make some new game code to improve charge attack functioning.  I mean it's already annoying how melee works on PC as it is.  It's really awkard having to hold the same key you use to swap guns.  So having to hit the F key to do your attacks often leads to pulling the wrong weapon or accidentally going into or out of melee mode.   Like there times when I quickly tap F to switch from primary to secondary and instead the game goes into melee mode.     It sucks and now Ivara has similar issues when trying to use Quiver.   On occassion you may accidentally switch arrows when your just trying to use the currently equipped arrow.    Tapping and Holding the same button to do multiple actions is extremely sensitive in warframe and leads to inaccuracies during combat.

  11. I think you missed the point of this thread...


    I hate when people make this comment.   Just because someone chooses to respond with a deeper analysis that's loosely related on a topic and refuses to follow the request of the original topic, doesn't mean they don't understand the topic.  What the person posted was directly related to the topic, just not following the request of the topic like the other posts.   I see nothing that was posted that even comes close to saying he didn't understand the thread.

  12. Don't worry about the specifics just yet until you get more experienced in the game.   The best thing you can do is mod for taking out heavy units for each faction because chances are the amount of damage it takes to kill them will be more  than enough to kill medium and light units even if you are using a damage type they are resistant to.  


    Later on when you start getting into the higher, more difficult missions where carrying multiple damage types may be needed, you will have gradually learned which damage combo's to bring verse each faction.

  13. I don't kill stuff to save corpus or grineer, I kill stuff because I want the affinity or possible loot drops.  Unlike some players I'm always using an unranked weapon that can use the affinity.   There's so much to level these days that I don't run max gear builds anymore.  I'm always leveling something, so there's always a need to kill everything I see.    so if my killing helps a corpus or grineer, that's not the intention at all.  I can care less about them at all.   Just give me the loot and affinity...

  14. Came here to vent. Apologies.


    I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


    Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


    Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.



    Reasons I can think of is that more enemies spawn in public missions.   The more players on a team, the more enemies there are to kill.


    This is only relevant when players want to farm something like resources or for specific mods and in some rare cases, affinity for things such as leveling a single weapon or for focus xp gains.



    Now people may say killing higher level mobs is better xp and that is true but not in all cases or situations.


    Take for instance using Ember.   Her world on fire has a limit to the number of enemies it can affect at one time.  This limit does not matter at low levels because you can one shot kill with one blast of fire, each enemy entering the radius.    But when that enemy level is say level 80, it will just get caught in the CC effect and be dancing the dance of fire for 5+ seconds before it dies...an ancient or heavy grineer unit may last 10+ seconds in WoF raidus before dying.    So when you've reached the limit of enemies you can affect with Wof, and you will at higher levels, not only does it take longer to kill that enemy, but you are both being attacked more frequently by more enemies who hit much harder than low level enemies and you are getting much slower affinity gains due to taking longer to kill.


    So evne though higher level enemies give higher affinity, the scaling of damage, armor, shields in this game makes a huge difference in affinity gain in real time.



    Also, because of the above stuff, affinity gains factor in.   Since at higher levels you can't kill stuff in one shot most of the time (unless you get lucky and hit enemies in their weak spots), it sometimes becomes more efficient to do mid to low level missions.



    So lets take a level 1 light unit that gives 50 affinity per kill.   At level 80 it will give you 114 affinity per kill.   But at level 1 you can one shot that light unit in less than 1 second.   At level 80, that unit may last 5 or more seconds before it dies...my experience has shown that some units can last 10 to 15 seconds since being a bullet and power damage sponge comes into play at such levels.



    Second, there is the spawn rates to think of.   The faster you kill, the faster the respawns.   Also, the more players there are the more enemies there are to kill, the faster the respawns happen and the greater the affinity gains are.



    So now with this in mind, if you can kill a level 1 in lets just say 1 second (even though technically it's faster than that) and it takes 5 seconds to kill a level 80 of that same unit, you are gaining 250 affinity for killing 5 low level enemy verse 114 affinity for killing one high level enemy.


    So in terms of affinity gains (assuming that's a goal of a player doing low level missions), killing low level enemies is often faster affinity but most importantly is the less risk.    Think in terms of survival.   If you start a level 35 survival mission, by the time you get to 20 minutes there's a chance you might fail and lose everything (assuming playing in pug of course).    If you start a lower level mission, things are a breeze until the 40 minute mark.    So there's less risk for higher reward in doing low level missions.   Along with faster affinity gains, you get more chance at resource and mod drops too.



    So in my opinion, these are reasons why high level players with good builds go to low level missions and nuke everything.   It's been this way since I started playing 3 years ago and it won't change unless DE somehow make missions level locked or something.    Like not being able to take a high conclave valued build into a low level mission.     If you are conclave level 800+, not being able to get into a level 15 mission because of that rating is the only thing that will put a stop to high level players doing low level missions.



    Now also, I'm aware that there is some ways to get better affinity, resources and such from higher level missions.   Many will say Draco is better than any low level mission but I believe it's more about the frame you use and the enemy you face.   For example, if you like using Mag, doing a grineer mission isn't the best for earning affinity as doing any corpus missions would.   since she can one shot any level corpus under the right circumstance, it also means you are less likely to see her in low level missions nuking corpus because unlike the issues above, mag can get more affinity killing high level enemies than low level enemies.



    So everything is situational and based on the frame, build and enemy you face.   There's no universal rule that says build a nuke'em frame, go to this or that mission and nuke away.


    So while it is frustrating, though less than back before the nerf of M.Prime, there is nothing we can do about it as long as missions remain open to any level player.

  15. Since there is no aggro mechanic in warframe you shouldn't think of tanks in that sense.  What dictates a tank imo in this game is the ability to take more damage then normal (with a few exceptions.)  IMO these would be rhino, Trinity, and chroma.


    Rhino being a tank/cc.

    Trinity being a support tank.

    Chroma being a support tank.


    I am a bit weary on calling trinity a tank though.  I wouldn't consider valkyr a tank.  because she takes damage to dish damage.  Tanks are not really good at dishing damage only taking it.


    Actually all tanks have a pretty good damage buff somewhere, some even do more damage than damage frames like Volt with much less effort than stacking a ton of shields to boost damage.    Roar gives rhino a ton of damage, Trinity can one shot any enemy with an EV build or quickly dispatch multiple enemies with link/blessing/self damage combo.   Chroma has both a buff from elemental ward that lets you one shot level 100 enemies with almost any weapon and he has bonus damage when enemies get in aura range or shoots him.   



    As for the OP's statements, in this game tank just means one who can survive easier and longer than another, not one who can protect teammates from harm.    You want the CC frames to protect teammates because CC's are the most OP thing, not someone who can tank since there is nothing in this game that draws aggro other than being the closest to an enemy than your teammates are.

  16. Archwing needs some improvements first and also the modding situation is pretty bad.   Like melee mods are great but mods for guns and wings are absolutely terrible and there needs a lot more mods available before you even think about sortie missions.   


    Also archwing missions are really clunky.  Like it's ridiculous how hard it is to get to and revive a player.  Overshooting them is very easy if you have a fast wing.   But before you can think about reviving, you first have to find the player, which can be difficult sometimes when a lot of enemies are surrounding you.   So yeah, I can see right now that in sortie archwing, players ending up soloing it because all the teammates have used up their 4 revives since it's much easier to die in archwing than in normal missions.

  17. What I don't get is why people are against an auction house.   The way I see it we can have the following...


    - Trade Chat

    - Maroo's Bazaar Relay for open trades

    - Dojo Trade Kiosk

    - An Auction House located on Maroo's Bazaar


    Then players can pick and choose the method they want to utilize for trading.   If you like socializing and haggling with live players, you can use trade chat, dojo kiosk or open trades in maroo's bazaar.   If you simply want to quickly search, bid or buy then get back to playing the game while the auction runs, then you can do that with an auction house.


    I can tell you right now, I'd much rather use a auction house where I can do the following...


    1. Search for the exact Item I want to buy or bid on

    2. Buyout the asking price or bid on the item



    This way I can continue to play and enjoy the game while receiving emails or alerts from ordis that you've been outbid or won an auction.   With this you can decide if continuing to bid is in your price range.   Then of course if you just want the item at all cost you can just pay the buyout price.



    So how does this compare to trade chat?



    In auction house, listing a huge buyout price is the same as trying to sell an item for more than it's actually worth in trade chat.  If you are trying to sell loki prime set for 200p in trade chat, you can still do that with a buyout price in an auction.


    In auction house, that same item can be bid on between players and is similar to players sending the seller tells with their offers.  The only difference is the seller doesn't have to be online to interact with the offers.    Since the seller can create their minimum bid pricing, you ensure that you won't sell your item for some value you wouldn't ever accept had you been haggling with players while in trade chat.  



    When it comes to DE and platinum selling, I don't see a negative impact on it at all because the only difference the auction house is doing is automating the trade process.   The same items will be sold in an auction house for the same prices they sell in trade chat because sellers have or should have the option to customize their auction and buyout price.   


    So for example, if in trade chat you want 200p for your item and someone offers 100p when you want no less than 150p, then you say no and keep haggling or try to sell to another player.   In an auction house you can list your buyout at 200p and place the auction starting at 150p and with a reasonable auction duration, you can give yourself time to see if the bids are coming in.   If they are, you wait.  If they are not, you can decide to pull the item or lower your overall asking price.


    At the end of the day, the platinum DE sells shouldn't be drastically affected because in both systems the same platinum is still needed but in the auction house system it automates things.    Actually you can argue that with an auction house you may even increase platinum sales for DE because with such a system it would be easier to sell and buy stuff faster because you don't have to wait for sellers or buyers to be online.


    For instance, I work 8pm to 6am.    When I have time to play the game during the week, most of the time there are not many players online to trade with.   Maroo's Bazaar is nearly empty, Trade chat crawls like a snail (can sometimes be a post every 10+ minutes for example) and I can't even think about selling anything myself.   The only time I can buy or sell at a decent rate where I won't have to babysit trade channel for 2 hours is peek gaming hours on weekends.    But the problem then is that there is so much traffic, it's hard to keep up with the chat.   When I scroll to slow the chat down, by the time I see a request, someone else has bought, sold or haggled a better price and I'm back to searching for another 30 minutes or longer.


    So you don't think it helps to be able to have your stuff up for sale when you are offline.  It would open up more traffic for selling and buying because you would no longer exclude a huge part of the community who can't be online at the same time as you, but would buy from you or sell to you if only that had an opportunity connect with you.   I can't buy from or sell to you when I play at 11am and you play at 9pm.   Therefore because the game population is very low, I have no need to buy platinum for the purpose of using in trades.   I only buy platinum to buy personal stuff for myself.


    Now the only thing that an auction house would hurt in my opinion is players ability to ask and get inflated prices for items.   So like if there are 10 people who have the same item for sale but only one of you are online at the same time that I am every day, then if I really want that item, I have no choice but to pay your inflated asking price.    Auction house would eliminate that because then everyone would have access to all players selling that item and we could pick the cheaper price to pay.    However, this still won't reduce the platinum sales for DE or reduce the earning potential for sellers because as in any competitive market, you adjust prices based on competition, supply and demand.   So it only means that the true rare stuff will remain at high prices and players can't sell a 20p item for 100p anymore.    So if you are serious about making platinum, such a player would just go and get a "real" rare item to sell and then they can sell it for 200p or more if they want.



    So in my opinion, an auction house brings more good than bad.   If I had to pick only one reason to add it at all, it would be the fact that it opens up trading between every single warframe player in the game, not just limit trading to those who are online at the same time every day.



    EDIT:  one other thing I forgot to say is that people against an auction system because of an easier ability to undercut pricing is just ridiculous because right now I can sit in trade chat and see you ask 50p for an item and I have that same item and quickly ask 20p for it.   Guess who gets the sale?    Then it can go even further.   If I have multiples of that item, I can keep undercutting you for as long as I have items of that type available.     Then of course, i also have probably over 500 void keys and 80% of my frames pimped out and able to solo grind any void mission fast and easy.   So In a months time I can have a supply of everything  in multiples in which I can keep under cutting every person trying to sell something from the void.


    Point is, not implementing something for fear of something like under cutting prices which you absolutely cannont stop from happening with any trade system that is publicly viewed and can be instantly reacted to, is just a poor excuse to use for not wanting an auction system.

  18. i do not enjoy buying primes, i can justify if i get a baro exclusive mod, like primed ravage or continuity or point blank. but buying just takes the entire fun out of game.what i think is DE should release a drop rate percentage online, so we at least can guess how much rare a item is or need to farm, not to mention, there is no single price for any items, per say. people trying to make beggars out of war-frame users, with the prices they post . sigh..guess its  back to farming(  -__-)------->  


    I completely understand.   I wouldn't say anyone enjoys buying primes though.   I just tossed the idea to do so because some people might be so frustrated trying to loot that one elusive item that they may be ok with buying just that one part. 


    For example, It's been 4 months and counting and I still haven't looted Trinity Prime helmet.   That's a long time (nearly 200 void keys, that's a guess, could be more or less) and on a couple of occasions I considered buying the helmet.   But I never do because I think and realize that I've looted everything I have over 3 years so why start buying parts now.    In fact, the only time I've bought anything from players in this game was fleeting expertise.  That was 2 years ago and to this day I still haven't been able to loot one myself, so I guess that was a good option to buy the mod.


    But yeah, I have all normal frames and all primes except for ash prime (haven't tried to get him though), volt prime (haven't tried to get the last part for him yet) and trinity prime (only need the helmet).    I have all the prime weapons too except for those that no longer drop (like glaive prime) as I left the game before that stuff got put in vaults.  so I have parts of those primes but missing one piece for each and I still will not buy them from players.  I'll just wait until DE opens the vault for them.  


    Overall, It just feels so much better to acquire stuff on my own.   But I get so much stuff I  no longer need that I still enjoy selling stuff to players because, well they obviously need it and I don't, so might as well make some platinum and spend in on things you can't earn in the game normally.

  19. A few reason why I think grineer are favored are...


    Grineer are very very slow, so easy to hit, easy to dodge their attacks


    Corpus swarm fast, frequently and hit hard when they show up and are nearly impossible to avoid their hits to the same degree as you can avoid infested or grineer attacks.


    Corpus have many more support units that have synergy with each other to help boost the factions effectiveness.    They block your powers, they force you to take cover almost always, they drop bombs on you, they swarm you from all sides, they have ranged knockdowns, they have very high rate of fire weapons, they practically don't miss unless you are bullet jumping through the air, they sneak up on you like a blitzing linebacker and hit hard when they do so and a single unit spawns more units to help attack you from above.



    As for the infested, they are just easy....mostly melee and their ranged enemies are more annoying than deadly.    Almost all infested are one hit knockout test dummies including ancients but the one thing that do make infested less desirable than grineer is that they move very fast and spread shield bypassing toxin every damn where.    You kill a unit, it explodes in toxin, you get toxin lobbed at you, you get enemies going kamikaze and explode in toxin when hitting you or the wall, you get toxin radial damage affecting you from ancients, you also get magnetically drained of all your energy every 5 seconds so you practically run around with no energy.   


    Oh and  I think maps make a huge factor as well.   Grineer maps are player friendly.  Easy to navigate, not a lot gets in the way of navigating around, it's easy to force spawns to a choke point and easy to manipulate the spawns overall or herd enemies as you wish.   


    Corpus maps are too wide open and it makes it hard to manipulate their spawns as they seem to spawn anywhere unlike grineer.   Because of the map design and speed of corpus heavy units, corpus can easily swarm you from multiple angles with their deadliest enemies, something neither infested or grineer can do since their heavy units move rather slow or are easy to avoid or kill from long range.


    Infested maps are very claustrophobic and there is often no clear direct paths to areas, there's lots of hitches, blocked paths, oddly shaped areas that's hard to navigate and visibility tends to be bad as well when enemies spam you with AOE's, especially those mutalists.


    Grineer also have big ole heads, easy to hit and crit.  Corpus crewman are easy as well in this fashion with their big helmets but the vast majority of the rest of units do not have easy to hit weak spots.   same as the infested as most of  them don't have clear easy to hit heads or weak spots.   Like ancients have a very hard weak spot to hit.



    Lastly, there seems to just be more missions with grineer as the main enemy than infested or corpus.   Most planets are dominated by the presence of grineer, so by default we fight them more often because of that.

  20. I don't have to take weaknesses into account, Bane mods affect the total damage whether it's cold, poison or puncture. If you're talking in removing an elemental to make room for it then may I just point out that toxin damage (which we all use for Corpus) requires just one mod. You have room for this and you don't lose toxin damage's benefits.

    What on Earth are you talking about?


    Ok, maybe I wasn't clear or worded it right since I was a bit tired at the time I wrote that post.


    What I'm saying is that there are a ton of weapons in this game with different modding priorities and that you should mod based on the weapons needs and what it does best, not for raw highest damage.  You can't blindly say that X is better than Y just because maths says so on paper because paper math doesn't account for intangibles that change true damage in combat.    Each weapon and it's non-damage based stats determine which mods you are better off using more often than not.  With what you posted in that thread, it makes it seem like every weapon should use bane mod + 1, 2 or 3 elemental mods instead of all elemental mods and you are not factoring in variance in base IPS damage, crit chance, crit multiplier, reload, rate of fire, status chance etc.   All of that and how you mod for them, changes true damage output. 


    For example, there is no way I'm putting bane mod on my soma because after I mod it for critical capabilities and the minor utility I need so that ammunition is not wasted or so I don't need to hit stuff a ton of times, I have only 2 slots left for elemental mods.   Since at that point I'd have only Soma's IPS damage, 2 elemental mods is far better than 1 elemental and 1 primed bane.   


    So say that combined element turns out to be corrosive damage.  Are you gonna tell me that any single element + bane is better than toxin + electricity mods that combine and create corrosive damage, when the target you face is that armored heavy grineer?   Sure you'd do a tad bit higher unmitigated damage than me, but when I hit the grineeer, my corrosive will boost my damage far more than your element + bane would.  Plus your element + bane would never see a single damage boost and you'd hit the grineer for the same damage over time while I'll do increased damage over time.


    So again, on paper that 1 element + bane technically is better raw damage, but in reality an elemental proc or damage type adds the kind of damage you can't always compare on paper easily.   Because Corrosive procs stacks and aren't guranteed but do happen enough to matter and factor into damage output.  See on a high status chance and/or good rate of fire weapon, those procs become more important to damage than that bane mod ever will.  On a low status chance or slow firing weapon, that bane mod might be better because then you are relying on raw damage instead of on other stuff like procs or possibly crits.



    Also, aside from the actual damage, what you have to do to get that damage out of bane is just too costly.   Just compare them...


    Primed Bane:


    - need 14 mod capacity and more than likely an extra forma to get it to 7 mod capacity cost.

    - cost a legendary core or 1.5 million credits + hundreds of fusion cores to max it

    - you don't get any procs of any kind to help you in battle.

    - you get absolutely no bonus damage against all factions, you get it only verse a single faction

    - you have to change loadouts or modding each time factions change which could happen mid mission and that bane mod becomes useless then.


    Elemental Mods:


    - Cost either 7 or 11 mod capacity and may have less of a need to forma.

    - Cost 9k to 40k credits and less than 50 fusion cores to max a dual stat or single stat element mod.

    - You get procs from elements that help either damage output, CC or both.

    - You get bonus damage against factions.

    - You can combine elemental mods to add up 2 and in rare cases, 3 combined elemental damage types.



    Also, another thing you have to consider is that elemental mod damage can't be taken at face value like Bane mods.    For example, all single elements and all combined elements come with some kind of damage bonus or reduction against various factions.    So when calculating elemental damage, it's never gonna be just 60% or 90% increase due to those damage modifiers attached to them.    



    For example if you are fighting Grineer, a heat mod will do 90% damage + 25% extra damage to flesh and all grineer are flesh.   A bane mod will only add 55% more damage.    But due to the armor of grineer, both bane and element mods will have their base damage effectiveness reduced but due to heats bonus 25% damage, it will end up doing more damage to the grineer than the bane mod.



    Then if you say you can still equip a element mod + bane and still get an element proc with higher damage bonus, it still doesn't make up for the fact that you could instead equip two different element mods and get a much more effective combined element proc + bonus damage.   


    This is because when it comes to combined elemental damage bonuses, they are all 50% or 75% increases (which is huge) as well as a proc effect that is much stronger and effective than single elemental procs.   A single viral proc, A toxin cloud proc, a radiation proc, a corrosive proc...all of these greatly exceed any single element proc because each of them adds damage that isn't accounted for by the mods or weapons themselves.    


    For instance, when you proc radiation, you are able to continue hitting enemies with your weapon damage while the enemies hit themselves too, that in essence is bonus damage not directly applied by you but does aid in your ability to kill enemies faster.   So in essence, it's like their damage is your damage since it's your proc that causes them to aid killing their own.


    A corrosive proc stacks and keeps reducing the enemy armor, thus making each shot do more and more damage.  meanwhile the 1 element + bane combo will always do the same damage every shot, never increasing but keep the same reduced damage.


    Now I could go on and on, but I think I've said enough.  I'm saying it's more complicated than the stuff you posted in the other thread.   What you posted is technically right on paper but in practice its not telling the whole truth.   In reality, bane mods are just not good enough, not better, not worth all that you have to go through to acquire, rank up and use them.


    This is the kind of stuff I was talking about when saying that you did not factor in bonus damages of elements and such.  I hope you and others understand what I'm saying a bit better now.    But of course everything is situational as well, so there are some weapons out there that may see a huge benefit from bane mods, but I don't believe the majority of the ones we value and use the most would. 




    I read the full thread yesterday and today I still don't agree fully with it because of what I just posted above.

  21. OMG, people just aren't happy until they have something to complain about.  LIke really, just play the game and do what you enjoy doing.  


    Look, if you personally have an issue with energy restores, then just don't use them.   They are an option, not forced on you.  Also your logic is flawed.   It's like saying DE should remove extra ammo pool because it allows us to reload our weapons so we can shoot more enemies.


    Also as someone above referenced, there are many ways to regain infinite energy without energy restores.    Really, if you believe and stand by what you posted about energy restores, then you also must be advocating the removal of all of...


    - Energy Vampire

    - 3 of Limbo's powers

    - Energy siphon

    - Equilibrium mod
    - Rage mod

    - Energy orbs that drop

    - Equinox's passive which converts 10% of health orb pickups into energy and vice versa

    - and whatever else I might have missed that gives energy back.


    In fact, why not just have DE remove all energy and powers from the game just so they can satisfy you because obviously you think the game is too easy since we have all these OP things in the game.


    Nah man, just go play the game and enjoy it the way you like....don't buy, craft and use restores if you don't like them, but don't try to force your opinion down my throat and infringe on my fun.


    By the way, I use Energy, Health and Ammo Restores frequently....only reason I don't use Shield restores is because they are either useless or not needed.  But yeah, I have no less than 80 of each restore on me at all times...same goes for other things that make the game easier or more convenient such as ciphers (even though I'm an expert at hacking and don't need them, they are just more convenient) or Air support charges which I use maybe 1 per month if that, but it's good to still have them.

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