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Posts posted by Valantyr

  1. I can almost guarantee they could've had a much better reception and even more sales (if you want to look at it from a money making stand point) if they just sold the cosmetics alone for $20-25ish bucks. The skins are gorgeous, but $70-90+ is a lot. I have no problem passing on cosmetics and such, thankfully, but it's such a shame really considering the 10 year milestone celebration.

    I've been playing since late 2018 with 1400+ hrs, so I don't need/want the regal aya. If I wanted platinum I would just trade or wait for 50-75% coupon.

    All-in-all, this just leaves a bad aftertaste for a game that has a special spot in my heart for all of the great experiences and lovely supportive community. Especially as someone who buys a decent amount of Tennogen, discounted plat, and some merch.

    Please don't let this be the norm going forward. You were the standard for F2P games for me and this is setting an unfortunate precedent that I can comfortably say is unwelcome by most.


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