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Posts posted by Stuifiee

    • The Lotus (in Transmissions) has been given the PBR treatment.

    Strun, Machete, Cleaver has been given the PBR treatment.

    Credit drops have been given the PBR treatment.

    Some elements of the Dojo have been given the PBR treatment.

    The Braton (and MK-1 Variant) has been given the PBR treatment.

    The Fang Prime has been given the PBR treatment.

    The... what?

  1. The game is somewhat playable in my case... actually nevermind, it isn't. The game runs at 100FPS steady, but stutters every few seconds (sometimes freezing the game for longer than 10 seconds) and the loading times are HUGE (talking about 5 minutes to load a void mission).


    This all started AFTER update 15 - prior to u15 I could play the game just fine with minimal problems. Now it's a nightmare.

  2. Would be nice since my current key bindings are terrible with the current hold to channel. I have my melee attack on my left mouse button, block on my right mouse button, and channeling on the middle mouse button. Would work fine if channeling was a toggle.

  3. If it's in the codex, it can be scanned, right? So all we have to do is find it. I don't know if there have been any reports on his whereabouts, but if there aren't any, I think it is safe to assume he plays some sort of role in the Dark Sectors.

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