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Posts posted by RadWords

  1. I understand the statistics, but the chance of getting 4 scans in 100+ Kavats (what I ended up recording for the day) is 0.00000155% chance of occurring (100!/[96!4!]) *. 25^(4) *.75^96

    I know that it's a relatively small sample (in another game I hit a dummy 10k times with 3 different weapons to determine the proc rates of each weapon's effect, took 2 hours per weapon), but I think that the results were extreme enough to warrant suspicion/concern.

    EDIT:  I'll try with the Codex scanner today and see if my results differ.

  2. Was doing Corrupted mod runs today (Orokin Derelict Capture), and I only got 2 DNA from scanning 40+ Kavats.  Not sure if this is a bug, but it is something that I wanted people to be aware of.

  3. Newer player (~80 days, 360 hours playtime).  I've been really enjoying the Wukong rework, Nekros, and now Nezha (tanky frames that have ways to heal themselves if I accidentally take a big hit).  I'm trying to find a frame that works better in Interception/Defense/Excavation missions while still giving me that freedom to jump in and go crazy.  I tried the Gara build (2>4>1 rotation build) and am not a fan of it.  I'm crafting Nidus right now and hoping that he will be the answer I'm looking for.

    Any other suggestions or ideas?

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