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Posts posted by Arthurious521

  1. snipers in warframe are only designed for one purpose, single targets. so i don't know why you are going on the tangent that they can't kill multiple enemies, its not what a sniper is designed to do. yes most guns out preform it. yes, snipers by themselves wont go far in missions. but that doesn't mean its not working as intended.

    Snipers are only good for two things, tanks and bosses. and they do those jobs exceptionally well. but they only do it well with certain warframes and weapon loadouts. I would hate to see sniper rifles to be able to do the same job as a rifle. make both classes of weapons lose their utility.


    however. that being said. i will admit that it takes a fair amount of set up a sniper to do its job role as well as a normal rifle. a rifle is always a safe pick due to its versatility over a sniper. maybe the game just needs more tank enemies to give you and intensive to use snipers and scale their heath down just a tad

    I'm not saying that sniper rifles should work with insane firerates cause if that happens, well that is no longer a sniper rifle. I do like the idea of having more tanky guys in the mission zone where sniper rifles can actually do something BUT think about it, what if you got hordes of tanky enemies bunched up together lets say the coprus with nullifiers with there bubbles as cover. I might say you're kinda screwed.
  2. As we all Tennos know, we have currently 5 sniper rifles in the Warframe which are the Vectis,Lanka,Snipetron and Snipetron Vandal. All these sniper rifles boast high damage with a sacrifice of fire rate and versatility. Even sniper rifles performs well in general stealth play (when silenced), it lacks the capability to engage large groups of enemies such as the brutal Grineer or the infested. Compared with automatic weapons such as boltor prime can kill groups of enemies in a short time, ending up dishing out more damage in a period of time. Moreover,during co-op situations (when you join a random squad)your squad mates are more likely to kill more enemies with either their automatic/semiautomatic rifles,shotguns and seconds weapons than the sniper rifles do. This severely damaged the role of the sniper rifles in Warframe as some weapons can also be silenced with higher damage out or higher damage per second, making it less significant in missions.

    However,the sniper rifles are unquestionably cool and fun to use but it hurts when you use it in co-op missions when you have a higher chance of being outperformed. Do the developers need to revisit the sniper rifles and make adjustments to them?

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