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Posts posted by 000Fenix000

  1. On 2019-12-12 at 4:14 AM, xcrimsonlegendx said:

    I've done that over the last few months half a dozen times, doesn't change anything. Drops just don't work and I'm aware of the mute thing, it does it if you swap tabs as well. I've sat and watched entire devstreams from start to finish without getting up and not gotten drops. What's stupid is they used to work but one day it stopped and no matter what I do they don't work anymore.

    That's why I changed to mixer, who's drops actually do work for me.

    I did the same thing. I haven’t been able to get any Twitch drops from other games as well, and I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting my accounts from both ends and it hasn’t seemed to fix the issue. 

    🤨 Ohwell, I guess. I’ll try again and hopefully it works next Thursday.

  2. The only reason started playing Warframe in the first place was because when I saw some gameplay I thought, “What?! Space Ninjas?!!!” And the mobility is awesome and I am in no way suggesting they get rid of that mobility otherwise it wouldn’t be fun, like FrostedMike said.

    I have only used a very small number of warframes so my knowledge on mobility is limited. I just had a train of thought I decided to share with the Warframe community.

    I’m excited about Vauban’s new abilities and I’ll have to try out Excalibur’s slash dash flying. Thanks for the responses!

  3. After watching Grendal’s gameplay in devstream #132, it seemed like for such a big (fat) warframe he has a lot mobility. I know this would never happen but food for thought: what if there was warframe specific movement and mobility? I know bullet jumping insanely high and wall jumping like crazy if fun, but that doesn’t seem like what Atlas, Lord of Earth, would do.

    Having different mobility for every warframe would be a lot of work on DE’s part, but maybe something more like class type movement. For example Rhino, Atlas, or Grendal would have a heavy class movement. Titania and Zephyr would have higher mobility compared to Vauban who might have more of a tactical mobility (whatever that would look like).

    Another option would be to modify existing physics for all frames, such as jump height or bullet jump distance. Each frame already has differing speeds.

    Last thought, how would Grendal ever sneak up on someone? Apparently, he is just as stealthy as Ash or Loki.

  4. 22 hours ago, Hawkstormz said:

    dillute the drop tables


    22 hours ago, Talinthis said:

    to prevent the tables from having hundreds of different relics


    22 hours ago, FrackingBiscuit said:

    drops were becoming so diluted


    18 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:


    To not oversaturate the relic drop tables



    17 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    to prevent the dilution of drop tables

    Ahhhhh, I honestly never thought about. Thanks everyone, that totally makes more sense!

  5. I’m a complete rookie in Warframe so I’ll say now that I haven’t done a lot of research on Prime Vault (so please don’t roast me too much), but what exactly is the purpose of Prime Vault? Like when a Prime frame or Prime accessories gets “vaulted”? Is this DE’s way of making more money when people buy Prime Access? To me it seems like between reaching MR and farming/grinding relics just to get the component blueprints, nothing Prime in the game should or needs to be vaulted.

    I’ve spent very little money on this game on slots, skins, etc, so I guess you can call me cheap...but I’d like to be able to farm certain Prime frames without trading for plat or paying lots of money for Prime Access.

    So I have to wait for the right period of time of when something is unvaulted in order to acquire it?

  6. 3 hours ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

    Pretty much destroy your entire dojo to get that one room to get destroyed is what the current clan system requires.

    Wonderful. 😑

    Thanks for the responses. Better get to destroying rooms, then. One way or another, that elevator is done for.

  7. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but when attempting to destroy an elevator that is connected to a T-hallway that already has an elevator connected to it, it cannot be done since the elevator has "child components". If there are two elevators connected to a T-hallway on level 1 and those same two elevators are connected to another T-hallway on Level 2 in the same orientation, then how could destroying one of the elevators be a problem with "child components"? Not sure if my explanation makes any sense, but I couldn't figure out how to attach an image from URL. I don't want to destroy half my dojo for one elevator, so any help on this would be much appreciated.


  8. I wouldn’t consider this a Zenith-related bug or anything, more of just an observation. But I don’t understand how punch-through values don’t work against a Grineer Rampart. This applies to several weapons that have a high punch-through value, specifically the Zenith which has an infinite punch-through value when using it’s alt-fire. I can understand that these punch-through values may not work against a nullifier bubble or arctic eximus shield, since those are special cases of defensive abilities. But a Grineer Rampart is just a physical defensive emplacement with mounted guns. There’s no reason why a weapon with high punch-through couldn’t eliminate the Rampart’s gunner.

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