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Posts posted by (PSN)zMeMovv

  1. I’ve noticed while playing as Valkyr or Valkyr prime that she is able to use her ripline ability on her allies as well as enemies, as far as I know this doesn’t have a lot of purpose in the game other than to move your allies a couple or feet closer towards you. However I also noticed that once an ally is down and needs reviving this ability no longer works on them and they are considered an invalid target, I think that if this were changed it could become extremely helpful if Valkyr was able to move downed allies around the battlefield, for example if they needed reviving but were surrounded by waves of enemies, being able to pull them towards you would help tremendously in being able to revive them without putting yourself in harms way. I know Valkyr is already considered extremely powerful so I’m not sure if adding this into the game would make her overpowered? But I definitely think it would make her more useful in a group setting

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