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Posts posted by Amblepins

  1. Name: Telemetry Officer


    Behaviour: The Telemetry Officer is identical in appearance to Corpus Crewmen except for a subtly different helmet indicating rank to other Corpus, which serve also as identifiers to observant Tenno. The officer's highly specialised training in visual communications allows her to create and maintain a number of holographic projections of Corpus Crewmen and security proxies: the more skilled (higher-level) the Officer, the more holograms she can manage simultaneously. These holograms are indistinguishable in appearance and behaviour in all but one aspect - they can inflict no actual harm [although perhaps they could still trigger the 'damage indicators'?].


    Thus Officers are deployed as part of medium-sized \ large security details where their holograms are most effective at drawing fire away from actual crew, misleading any Tenno as to the number of Corpus present and hiding the Officer herself. Real weapons fire from other sources will help disguise the holograms further.


    Although seemingly low-threat, Tenno on Survival\Defense missions or under heavy fire may waste vital time engaging fake targets.


    Attacks: Telemetry Officers will be mobile and evasive and generally only fire upon hostiles once in good cover. They are equipped with a Cestra pistol [or any weapon used by other Crewman variants] and have a chance to deal electrical damage if melee attacked (akin to the Orokin 'Retribution' mod). If an Officer is killed, all holograms being sustained by it will dissipate soon after.


    Environment Restrictions: None, although they could be restricted to Corpus spacecraft only. They are officers, after all.

  2. In my book, for maximum defense effectiveness, Chaos is king. Chaos will simultaneously cut down on the number of enemies you're facing, and almost guarantee they are too busy killing eachother to bother about attacking the artifact. And because they're distracted, it makes it safer for you to go on a rampage without worrying about cover.


    Hence, duration (and range as well) is your friends power-wise.


    Unless you're talking Infested defense in which case Absorb with added duration or power is all you need :)


  3. Name: Synapse


    Behaviour: Present only in the very late stages of infestation, the Synapse is a serious threat in both form and function. Although physically a very tough entity, it prefers to keep a modest distance and support nearby infested specimens. This support comes in the form of any combination of a variety of enhancements - movement or attack speed, increased armor etc - as Synapses are strong mental focal points for the other specimens.


    As dire as this could be in isolation, the biggest threat to Tenno in the field comes from the Synapse's defensive mechanism. Should a Synapse perceive a threat to its own safety, it will assume a defensive position and ready a single thick barb (coated in a technocyte-cell depressant) which it thrusts at any enemy that comes into close range.


    After the barb has been expended, the Synapse reverts to standard posture and must rely on melee attacks.


    Attacks: The Synapse's bludgeoning melee attacks are slow and weak, though they are likely to stagger any Warframe hit through sheer momentum. The barb attack used from its defensive stance, by virtue of the depressant, will cause any Warframe punctured by it to lose the use of their powers for about 10 seconds or so.


    Environment Restrictions: Anywhere an infestation could be claimed to be particularly severe.

  4. Amongst all these questions about epic changes and outrageously exciting conjecture, I have a question on a small and, to my knowledge, little-mentioned detail.


    Have you characters considered having Corpus and Orokin ciphers in appropriate places? Instead of the rather perplexing presence of Grineer systems absolutely everywhere, even when hacking on Corpus ships and Orokin towers? And\Or the possibility of making a failed hack actually have negative consequences, which would give cell members who are good at hacking some actual value in some missions?


    I'm probably alone on this, but I'm curious if you ever had any ideas along these lines?


    Also: Seriously, thanks for all the work you guys have done so far, it's a great game and getting better!

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