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Posts posted by L_I_QU_I_D

  1. I wanna toss some information in for the people that seem to know absolutely zero about cloud computing, networking, latency and the like. I have been testing Nvidia's Geforce Now for about 1 year. If you happen to live moderately close to a cloud gaming server... cloud gaming is in-fact amazing. No... there is no "1-second latency"... that's just ignorant. I have a very powerful gaming laptop, new I7, DDR4, Nvidia 1070... I have found myself purposely logging into Geforce Now because not only does it run in absolute maximum graphics+1080+60FPS without breaking a sweat... my laptop is doing absolutely zero work. I have found I can basically run maximum graphics games cranked to the max while I'm sitting on my laptop, unplugged, running off the battery in power-save mode and not only sit there gaming completely unplugged for like 6 hours on battery... but I can also have 20 other things running in the background because the game is only using something like 15% CPU utilization. Now Google Stadia on the other hand (I'm not a big fan of Google) is going to mop the floor with Geforce Now. You will actually only see input latency of like 40ms... not 1 second... in games like Warframe... after playing for 60 minutes... your brain automatically re-calibrates to adjust for "perceived latency" and poof... you don't even notice it. Being able to grab the cheapest... dirtbag... 10 year old computer... or $150 chromebook and actually get a legitimately nice, fully immersive gaming experience out of it just by having a standard internet connection... pretty amazing. It's going to change the entire industry and everyone knows it. That's why every major payer out there is working on their own version... Microsoft is cooking up xCloud as we speak... would not be surprised if we see AMD and Intel toss their hats in the arena very soon. Hopefully some companies other than google will be able to get the tech dialed in. "Hey NSA, how do I bake chicken". For context, I am a 20 year career Systems and Network Engineer and Cybersecurity Analyst, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+ CySA+ 

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