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Posts posted by (PSN)Greeleypeople23

  1. I always hear that we get things nerf like catchmoon and tombfinger because it takes away the fun from other players. That almakes no sense if DE still allow Saryn to exist the way she does. Stop nerfing stuff. Just make the enemies AI a lot more smarter and make an incentive to want to do endurance runs to push those weapons for god sake. Tbh I dont even care about nerfing Saryn but I think it's stupid that is said as a reason when saryn literally nukes more than any other frame and does good because she uses one of the most op elemental in the game and does it damage per second. Cant *@##$ about things being broken when that frame exist the way it does. I cam see if the weapon or something was overly just way to broken but nope. Just like changing condition overload. We all know that it was lie saying it wasnt working as intended for the simple fact it's been how it was for literal years and they knew about this for years and never changed it. S#&$ is stupid. If you gonna nerf stuff like that then nerf everything across the board. Saryn literally takes the fun out of this game from other players and if you disagree you are probably saryn main.

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  2. The fact I read some say that after 20 waves gara gets weak? I'm sure that's what Immortal meant. Um not sure if ya know but gara and saryn are both infinitely scaling frames. Saryn is easy. She isnt special. There are plenty of nuke frames. And more often then not. I see more and more nuke mirages recently(the community is catching on) and most of the time thet outkill saryns. The meta saryn build is good for nuking for fast leveling and focus farming and being a meme. That's really it. Just like Maim equinox. Both do the same thing and both are equally boring and for long endurance run. They are the most trash. Also no this doesnt apply to Gara just so ya know. Gara also has infinite scaling damage and can give her self 90% damage reduction. So shes a whole tank and have high dps which she can give all that to cryo pods and teammates. Literally anything with a health bar she can throw it on. And just so you know again i out killed many saryns using gara way past wave 20 on hydron. And I'm not saying shes best but there is a difference in skill and knowledge of this game. Plus hydron is like literally the worst way to test builds to see what's best. You do endurance run with your build in Mot to properly test if that build can handle or not. Push the build to see what's good and what's not good. That's how you properly test builds and not only that the frame. Hello?

    It's cute though that this build still goes around like the community hasn't be aware of it for like forever. Different mods but still same meta build that every saryn used before. Also maining that saryn build will easily make someone a bad player and become bad at this game quick. Bad habits man.

  3. Okay his one is trash and the idea to make it command isnt a bad one. But pointless. But dear god dont ever change his two. In desperate times, you use it to give yourself and team breathing room and it armor strips enemies. What isnt good about that at all? Making them slow would be pretty dumb. Take this situation that you are fighting enemies that can one shot you at this point. Your shadows go down for you to recast because without shield of shadows your weak asf. Before you could recast you cast 2. Well ya slowed the enemies but sometimes they still shoot ya anyways because there are so many enemies shooting at you at once. Before your animation for your 4th comes back you will be dead. Why not make them run away where they arent shooting you? And armor strip them so they be squishy for easy kill. Anyways back to the first ability of why it be useless is because well your shadows already defend you. Why would you not use shield of shadows unless your just being a meme or dont have access to it. If you have it then great because that should be on your main build as well as despoil. He literally gets 90% damage reduction which I wouldn't understand why you wouldn't want that? They attack and defend and CC enemies by being there be they take aggro. Adaptation and shield of shadows combined is 2 90% damage reduction stacked on top of each other. You become unstoppable.

  4. Bruh. What are you talking about? Nekros is broken. He doesnt need a rework. He's a scaling tank and self sufficient. Hes just as busted as Khora. Except khora deals millions of damage. That's the only thing really different from them

  5. Ahem. So I thought about this for quite some time. So let's get to the point.

    Equinox is my main frame I play. But she needs some slight changes. Nothing major though. We ain't reworking this whole frame.  Just some tweaks.

    So first. Her fourth ability on mend(night side) it has infinite scaling and can give overshields while active and getting kills in your aura. The overshields is great. The healing isnt very beneficial though. For infinite scaling healing is good but very pointless. There is so much health that is wasted. There isnt a need for a 24.5k mend to give. Most frames use a 4th of that. I would say Inaros could benefit from such a thing but well he heals himself and heals everyone a lot more effectively and efficiently. My idea to change this healing ability is to replace that massive healing pool with something that works a bit different. Maybe her mend healing can work kinda like wisp health more except without the health buff itself. Perhaps restoring health and how much scale it up for all that store healing to be dished out you give us health regen based on how much equinox stores within her mend. The higher the scale then the more powerful the health regen is. Strength should not affect this as it is infinite in scaling so it can balance it out. The duration of this regen buff will be based off the duration you have and duration mods can obviously increase this value. Or perhaps you can add this change with her augment energy transfer. It still gives 100% cross over of her fourth from either side but her mend will have that change.

    Now for her passive, I dont think it needs to change but it does need a buff. There isnt a reason for her to have basically an unranked equilibrium. Her passive should work a bit better than a max equilibrium. This will also increase equinox survival for her to do things shes best at which is everything that is required in this game as of now. Also additionally, I think equilibrium should be a exilus mod. It just kinds make a lot sense.

    Despite me hating Saryn(honestly it's really just the wanna be elitist players that think because they do damage per second with CORRSIVE damage that think they are a god amongst men)but I heard of a nerf for her. I dont really think that's necessary. She's fine where she is. Despite me wanting watch most Saryn mains die she's fine. She shines in end game content and yes I know most of the losers in this community has never stay at least 2 hours in a survival let alone 4 hours. There are still a lot of players that do enjoy using her for the armor strip for that stuff. Its really good. It's not your fault or anyone's fault that the frame is easy to use like this. Players will be toxic(the irony) and abuse her nuking ability but that's okay. Players can decide to be ditch little miss toxic queen there. But if you must nerf her then nerf into the ground where she just as useful as Nyx. Do justice. 

    Now changes for Kuva liches not breaking my spine after I fail. I approve of change but I also disapprove of change. Maybe somebody didnt like getting there back snapped into pieces because they dont like being defeated. Well I do like being killed. Its refreshing as hell. You have no idea. The challenge is absolutely amazing. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the fact that the lichs can literally kick our asses. Being overpowered is great but it does get boring. More things to literally kill us and an incentives to do endurance runs means less casuals, More optimized builds, less people use redirection on frames that shouldn't have it, more "gitting gud", less one shotting and more consecutive shooting, and best of all a challenge that makes players feel like they are progressing and acquiring skills which I refer as "the sweat" I think making it a change to either break our back or laughing in our face wouldve been a bit better.  The lichs already have personalities of there own which is cool but a chance of either getting you back broken or them laughing at you if you fail a parazon check would teach players to think more carefully about there order of requiem mods they use or else you either get your back broken along with your dignity or get roasted by your lich and have your self esteem turned to ash. Though I must admit. Without the animation of breaking my back I do go through a lot faster but eh. Things that I enjoy and that is healthy for not only me but the community is challenge because that's means more room for growth and progression to not only achieve the reward but to achieve the "sweat" skill. 

    Also dont nerf trinity. Please.

    Okay so unpopular opinion through this whole thing. I think in kuva missions. I believe we should be require to equip peculiar mods to join on the kuva missions to obtain the glorious kuva and also by doing so perhaps it increases the amount of kuva gained by a bit. But not only that, if a player shall die during a kuva mission and have to receive themselves then they lose all kuva for they are not worth of obtaining the kuva and if they have a lich active. There lich gets even stronger and upon defeating lich they can gain all the kuva they lost back + a little extra.

    That's all I have for now. I shall be back. Keep working hard ya guys 🙂 overall consider the equinox thing. Pleaseee.

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