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Posts posted by Fabian35

  1. vor 21 Stunden schrieb Hypertion:

    unfortunately that's not going to happen as that's part of the render system.

    Every Volt, Titania, Octavia, even some Mirages and Yarelis have this issue. its just a part of warframe.

    Well yeah, but Volt, Titania, Octavia, Mirage and Yareli don't stop when they hit a wall, and they don't need to spend energy to start moving again.

  2. I think many of my fellow Gauss mains know what I'm talking about: You run so fast that you slam into doors before they can open. It's annoying, it wastes your energy, and its unsatisfying.
    So I suggest this, either as an Augment mod or an addition to the skill:

    While using Redline all doors in the room you are currently in open themselves.

    (Maybe additionally a passive effect like a slight movement increase depending on the % of overcharge since you can't really make different ranks for this.)

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